Monday, December 28, 2009

What had i done?!

Training yesterday was tough.
Thn my ankle thr very pain. -.-
So had to bai ka.
After training went to watch match.
Suppose i take cab go.
Thn coach tell me he fetch me thr.

JWSS B'girls was violent yea.
Can see.
Want fight want fight lyk that.
Was scary.
After match went to jurong point with YTSS ppl to eat.
Went to a food court.
See here and there... So expensive.

So went down with meixuan to buy smth small.
After that eat finish take MRT with her.
Thn,talk about the match.
blah blah.

Will be MIA-ing these few days.
Yea... so, dont tell me update.
Didnt have any feeling to post anymore.
Anything to tell me just MSN/call/ facebk message.


Sunday, December 27, 2009


Pictures taken from IMVU. (:
I shall show YOU that guys can be dancing so HOT.
Lol. bit gay yea. -.-
Same thing, the boy up there is my character. haha. :D
SEXY mah? hahahaha. kidding kidding.
It's disgusting kay.
I have been laughing all the way when i took this.
Another funny thing happen today!
haha. Dont tell YOU. P:
Had been chatting with Gan-jiejie AKA
LOl. Telling me to update my DEADLY BLOG.
Thn drew some pictures.
Didnt took so too bad. haha.
JUNE: A broken guitar which dont look lyk one
QL: Edit hers by drawing another one
JUNE: draw some chenmehmeh thingy.
and purposely wrote it in PINK.
QL: Whr is the sheep?
JUNE: In the grass
QL: drew a hello kitty with a MEH2 :D
and a LOL o.o below.
JUNE: OMG so niceeee.
blahblah.... thn until just now gan-jiejie offline.
Force me to post. LOl
JUNE TAN JUN YI! force me to post.
She told me to write her BIG name.
Kay shall end here.
Father coming home.
Tmr's training!!! (:(: Pray that god will bless me for it!
And also!
Bless YTSS tmr in their match with JWSS. (:(:
Hope i can go and watch. ):
If i can make it in time lo. Hais.
Miss them. haha. :D
BYEESSsssssssssssssss. (;

Friday, December 25, 2009

I Hope

I Hope I Hope.
Hope alot of things! ):
But some just can't be with me.
I had no choice to keep hoping for it.

Had been staring at facebook for about 1hr.
Nothing to DO!
My god.
Want to go out breathe breathe air. ):
Parents just dont let me go out with fellow frens!
Only let me go out with my irritating Brother.
Or u can say BORED brother.

School opening! Heard from Gan-jiejie AKA June (:
that school is next mon/tue.
She thinks.
Hahahaha. :D
Was chatting with her just now on MSN.
Then she went off watching DVD.
Guess it is Hello kitty or jay chou. XD

Thn she say me today very high.
And i dont think so. Cus...
Thats just me!
Muahahaha. ^O^
Yesterday christmas so no training.
I'm starting to miss training.
Woots. (:
First time, Yea! ^o^

Currently in a mood of SIAN.
What The HELL can i do in a 4-rm hse?
Run around? People will say me mad.
Sleep? Oh no, i can't slp.
Stare in the air? My brother will say me CRAZY.
Go playground? Hey i am not a KID! Besides,it is going to rain.
Sms friends? Brother will nag... Father will nag.
And if my sms go beyond $30, my father going cancel line. ):
So, Control.......... -3-

Ah..... School open sesame please. ):
Can't wait for basketball match! ^^

Okay.... -.- Shall end it here once and for all!
OMG. -.- LOL
BYESSssssssssss (:

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Taken from (:

Today is christmas, nth special to expect.
Father didnt go for work, and i am at home
Same thing, father will take a afternoon nap.
Thn Bro and me will start playing the computer.
Hah. :D
Nth special, and it is VERY QUIET. -.-
Wanted to go out man. ):
Just now mention of going out tmr to father.
I said go out celebrate christmas with frens.
He said dont go out.
Wonder if he is serious or not. ):
I'm going to beg mother tonight agn.....
SAME THING every friday.
And the SAME answer will come out
WTH. -.-
I really really want to go out ah!
I dont want to rot at home. ):
God, if you could help me. Please soften my mum's heart. ):
Hais.... Nth to do now also. Whatever. -O-
Shall end here.
Your last word to me was 'Bye'

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Today is training!
OMG man... today first part quite tough.
1att 1defend.
Wa. :O
After today's training, there will be 2 more.
And it is the last 2.
LAST 2!!!
And the school start.
Not ready for school yet.
Books havent touched it although bought it.
Aiya everything havent prepare.
And i Dont bother about it. :D
Muahaha. :D:D:D

Today after training was the christmas exchange thingy.
Everybody got towels from Ms pek. :D Thanks ms pek!
But my name is spell without the last 'G'. ):
But it's ok! I will use it in every training and matches. :D:D:D
Thn every present got a number.
Thn was smth like a lucky draw. haha..
Suli got my present! (: luckily not any boys gotten it.
Cus it's SNOOPY!!!
Snoopy~ snoopy~
Thn i gotten coach one.
A wrist protection? o.O and a shoe bag.
Anyway shall end here cus my Irritating brother is nagging at me.
BYESSSSSSsssssssss! (:(:(:(:

Monday, December 21, 2009

What Can I Do?

So sian MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A picture from IMVU. :D
Miss it so much. ):): Becus of the computer,
i can't play it anymore. D:
OMG man. And of course the guy is my character. LOl.
LOL! (:
\m/ (:<>:D

What can i do now or later?
SO bored. Bball? (nobody)
Go out?(nobody!)
AH. Nobody... ):
Why isn't there someone beside me when i bored. ):
urm... except god. (:
Also cnt go C nowadays. Was like WTH. ):
Can't my parents just let me go C ? -.-

AH...... I miss everybody. LOl.
urm.. excuding ppl which i dono at all.
Haha. :D
HAHA. -.-
I want bball everyday. If not i'm rotting at home with the computer.
Stop here now,nth to post.
BYESSsssss. :D


Boomz man. (:
Today training was all on footwork on the morning.
Before that ran route relay.
WTH! OMG OMG. So tired lah excuse me.
And 2 seniors came. :D
Halfway of training my ankle pain. ):
Had to go and buy ankle guard!

Played 5v5 between C and B.
2 seniors help the C and 2 of the B girls. :D
Cus i cnt play. *sob.
Watch them play i feel so jealous man.
MAN! ):
And i was helping them counting the points,
was like,

Haiyo ah. Thn came bck home.
Bro sit on chair infront on computer.
I was beside him.
Thn he push me. ): Cus i was i the way. P:
My feet. My poor little toes was on the floor.
When he moved, the wheels of the chair hit my toe!!!!!
I slap him tons of times. :B
Muahahhaha.......... ^O^

Kay stop here now.
Byessssss. (:

Friday, December 18, 2009


Today Seniors from the old days....
Came back! :D WOOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOl. Played match with them.
Wow they were gd man. Especially the one is a mother alr.
1st MVP for aes girls leh. OMG. +o+
So good... Wish i were lyk them nxt few yrs. haha!
Wait long long... :\

Tonight is the most MOST important time for me.
To ask my parents to let me go out tmr!!!
Pray really really HARD that i can go tmr. I want to go!!!
LOl. (:
LOl. (:
I really want to go. D:
Is lyk 3months... ): Sad.

Today is the results for 'N' level.
Happy for those who pass! (: Sad for those who didnt pass. ):
It's okay! Do better in the future. :D Light is still shining! ^^
Shall end here now. :D
BYEBYE!!! (:

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Time

These 2 photos are bball girls team. :) SOME only.
Anyway had not post for long time.
Back here posting. :) Didnt had much time these few days.
Again... haha. :D
Had been going to trainings these few days. Tough. :l
Yesterday was tough kay. Today wake up, back pain. My god.
Pray that god heal my back :D

Today wanted go YTSS train. Then i forgot i had to buy groc.
Have to cook fried rice for tmr. Hais...
Then also very tired, so didnt go. Lol......
Maybe go there some days. :) Miss those ytss PEOPLE! :D

Like friendly match alot nowadays. Didnt know why.
Yesterday went to bpp with the team, i mean some.
Eat, thn walk walk. thn buy something.
Really had fun with them. :)
Thank you God for the fun you showered! ^O^
Yea......... ... lol.
Shall end here. :D BYEBYE! :D:D
You became prettier every single day.
Your smile is in my mind now.
I can't erase it, it's stuck there.
I dream of you every single day.
Every hour,every minute,every seconds.
Do you?
If i went oversea, i wouldn't have met you.
What i pray to god now,
is to let me know you better. Be together.
Bless you and me, my love.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Prawn crackers!

These few days not posting as i was too busy.
LOL. Busy with basketball.
Firstly happy belated birthday to myself and crystal! :D
5th Dec and 8th Dec. :)
4 More days and it is BROTHER's bday! (evelyn's)
yay! :D

Yesterday had bball training. Training was tough,
but we endure it. :)
Yesterday training played 5v5 with boys.
And i fell down. :(
Hand injured. :(
Very pain... :(:(

Today night going to watch bball match! :)
At somewhr around Eunos. x_x
Far Far FAR! LOl...
Shall end here now. :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Today friendly match.
33 : 66
Lol. go buy 4-D. :)
After that went back to school.
Slept on the bus. LOl.
Too tired.
Thn reached school, catherine,me shermaine went to canteen.
Grab a bite, thn rush off to queensway sec.
Took cab agn... and we are late! LOl....
Today help yishun town vs sengkang.
Walau,they push us one lo.
We didnt get a chance to throw free throw. Wth.
I didnt know the marks,too lazy.Also dont want to noe.
But,at least i had fun and learn experience. :D

Play with yishun town is so fun! ^O^
haha. hope i can play with them agn. :):):)
Nth to post now,shall end here.

Monday, November 30, 2009

I'm Too Busy

Too busy to post anything in blog these few days.
Today is the first training after my camp! :D:D
And i eventually was late for training. LOl.
Sleep over the time, PIG man.
After training went to queensway sec.
Catherine and me help the yishun town
as they dont have enough ppl.
LOl, Vs kranji!!!

Those memories during this year.
Birthday this COMING SAT!!!! XDXD
Dono how am i going to celebrate.
I want bbq~~~~ But my mum dont let.
I begging my mum! Pray that i will succeed! >:(
Nth much to say now
Wed have friendly match against Anderson.
WOW,thn nid to go queensway sec to help yishun town agn. :D
Wad a busy day man.. Shall end here.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Back from LTC Camp!
These 2nights didnt sleep well. D:
12am+ sleep and 6am+ wake up.
WTH man... :O
But it's okay!
I'm back at home to sleep how long i can. :D

Just had to say i had fun yea :D
Truthfully.The 1st breakfast i had there was awful. :S
Even haven't eat,The smell already very VERY SMELLY......
During the leaders' night was the most exciting. :D
Shall end here! BYEBYE! :D

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Today is Open House,
Basketball is the last station,
And for the whole day, none of the parents came.
Only 1 group,the sc bring the parents walk around.
They didn't even reached our station,all tired half way.
What the hell.................
When the 1st and last group came, we were so excited.
It's the 1st, and the last.
When they came, just played with them.
And suli sprain her ankle when showing the demo for lay-up.
It's pain, yea.... Very pain.

Jurong came at the morning today to play with us.
I didnt play as me and sarah went around the school
to paste papers.

Getting stressed and pissed now.
Camp Camp CAMP... Waste ppl's money and time. -_-
This cnt That cnt,Which one cn?!!
Normal de also cnt,Go die LAH.

Shall end here,BYEBYE.

Monday, November 16, 2009

I'm Tired.

Today went for training in the morning,
TOUGH man. Kept doing the same thing
over and over again until training end.

Morning do foot drills,thn kept feel like vomitting.
vomitted once after doing foot drills.
I also dono why i vomit. -_-
wad the hell...
Then after training,played match with boys.
Suli and shanna jiejie played. haha. :D
Training end... thn suppose go home,
dorothy and evan went for dono what rehersal.
Thn we wait by playing bball tgt.
Played with Patricia,Suli and shermaine.
FUN! :)
Kept make fun of one another. haha :D

This coming sat is OPEN HOUSE!!! :)
haha, yay... :)
Urgh... shall end here, i am freaking tired.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

My real sunshine



Yawn* Had nth to do. ._.
Feel like sleeping man. -O-
Shall end here, BYEBYE~ :)

You gave me sunshine
The brightest,biggest,
And the real sunshine i ever had.
Thanks to you,
I had gain back my potential. :)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Shut up.

Today's training is a mess.
Don't even say about it, long story.

I dono what is really happening.
Because i don't want to bother these anymore.
And i don't want to listen,so please shut your mouths up.
If you want to say something, say it out loud.

I hate people who gossip. -_-

Today is a bad day for me. I'm starting to know all your true colours,
and hate your. Maybe i should not be with your.
These are words which come out from my heart,
if you don't like it thn don't read it. Thanks.

I really don't know what to say,
And had nothing to say. I just need to cool down.
Shall end here, BYEBYE.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Just now went for the Ltc camp meeting.
Cnt go in the first place,thn the ldr call
say MUST go.
So, go lorh. Sigh*
And of course, i was late. Thn discuss...
Talk... Thn played some games.
Sec1 camp had played before, so it is like quite
ya... Thn 12+ let us go. And it is damn freaking hot.
Just reached home and ate my lunch.
I didnt even had my breakfast lorh. -_-

Very tired these few days...... Almost everyday woke up at 7+
to go school. I will have panda eyes man.
Doing nth right now.
Praying that it will not rain.
Shall end here, BYEBYE. :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Candies :D

Hello... So sian...
Anyway today went back to CONCORD@!!@#@#
For the pri6 students de lah. LOl.
Everything turn so fast lorh.

And i went around the school looking for some pathetic thumbtacks
Met until mr koh thn go general office found.
Anyway, tmr training. Also cnt train... ankle sprain.
LOl. Going to recover, muahaha!

I wonder why do we have to train every monday, wednesday,friday.
No matter exam coming or holidays, still the same.
WONDER..... Kay nvm.
Just pray that i can endure all training. :)

Shall End Here, BYEBYE! :)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Class Bbq

Yesterday went for class bbq after training.
1st class bbq. Not all went... But it was still fun. :)
Also celebrated Luke's and Herdy's Birthday. Lol..
At night Celine started splashing water on me.
And i am all wet.
Mai and i kept listening to MC Mong's songs.
Then "omg omg". LOl. :D
Went home at 9plus :)

Today went to SouthView Pri. To intro AES to them.
Very fun man. We shared the same class with Kranji sec.
They behind,we infront.
And I sit inside Ms ong's/mrs Ong's(forgotten) Car!!! xOx
Omg... Freaking nice and cool. And she is rich too. LOl.

Shall end here now, BYEBYE! :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Birthday To fuchui :D

Tmr is FuChui's Bday!!! :D
Wish i can celebrate with her.... :(
But my timeslot all full. x_x LOl.
Anyway, just woke up. Muahaha! Pig horh? '(oo)'

Nothing to eat for breakfast,and i am now hungry. D:
Nvm... wait for lunch thn. :)
Ok, talking crap here. ._.
Really freaking BORED.
Wish to go out somewhere far far with frens one day! -O-

I'm really tired... I want to quit.
Would you agree?

Shall end here, nothing to post. BYEBYE! :]

I don't want to fight with you over matters.
But you just sound so angry,i don't even know
if you are angry or not. I pray that between us will
grow instead of falling apart.

Monday, November 2, 2009

I want a Genie

Yesterday went Keat Hong park.
Play basketball with Zhengni&Wenxin. Amelia went Malaysia. :(
Not fun de......
Less people and Too sunny until i chaoda.
Play alittle bit,Went to mama shop nearby.
Sit there,then Zhengni say me very quiet,very emo.
I dono wad to talk about mah... :D
Okay,i admit i am not good at communicate. -_-

Anyway, after sitting, went to Sunshine.
Bought things... Then sit at void deck do.
Went so bored and started folding paper cranes using unused papers.
Then Wenxin saw and went so surprised.
Ask me teach her make. So make make....
I used a string and tied it into a necklace. LOl.
Wenxin was then still trying to master it. Hahaha. :D

After doing, pick up our papers on the floor.
It was all because of the Big wind before.
Hahaha,so guai :P
Then went home at 5.30. :)

Shall end here, BYEBYE! :D

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Red Tears

Friday went to victoria theatre at night.
Went there to see Red Tears.
It is all about chinese opera. The sound make me shiver.
I still grab evelyn's hands very tighly when i 1st hear.
And... Evelyn,me,amos, became BROTHERS!!!
Anyway amos is called, famous amos :) (cookie brand)
Quite cool man. ;D

In the show, amos slept. So soundly lorh.
I want to sleep also cnt sleep. :(
The sound is so scary until i cnt sleep.
Close my eyes,open... close open...

Yesterday went back to school for parent meeting.
Nothing much. :)
So bored nowadays. SIGH*.
Shall end here, BYEBYE! :D

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Today school end at 12:10 because of the O'level.
Training is tmr... Pray that i can endure! :)

Today cg went to marina square.
Damn freaking far :O
But FUN! :D
Went thr... Played bowling. :)
But i forgot bring clothes changed.
So, wore my school uniform. Is like so funny. :D
After playing, went to mac to eat. Didnt had my lunch :(

But it is okay... Endure hungry-ness! XD

God, I pray that you can bless me in tomorrow's
training. Pray that you can give me energy God.
Thank you God! Amen :)

Currently very bored. Really nothing to do.
Argh! I miss going back to China.
Times go by, More sian. :(

Shall end here :) BYEBYE! :D

Friday, October 23, 2009

Will not stop

Stuck at home today...
Can't go out, not even church. ):
Sorry shannajiejie! Cannot go ur bday party. ):
It is freaking bored now.. Nothing to do...... -_-
I want to go out............... -O-

Short post, shall end here. :)

Are you ignoring me?
Had i done something wrong?
Why can't we patch things up,
And be like last time,
Happy together.........

You are my basketball

Just reached home from training. :)
Went for training today, but didn't train.
Morning had vomited, guess yesterday eat something wrong.
So disgusting...

Today senior train us, Coach very late then come.
Played 5v5 when coach came. senior very funny too. :D
Her shooting all 3point, 99% go in, WOW.

Today teacher showed us overall marks.
I PASS ^^ hooray! But teacher say about 6ppl
cnt go sec2 express. Those ppl very SAD.

Tmr is shannajiejie bday party :D
Hope i can go out! :) Then can go church too. :D
Pray hard! >:l
Very sian leh... hope guitar lesson faster start! >:O
Shall end here, BYEBYE! :)

I always see you when you are not.
When I see you,you see me,
I turned away.I didn't know what to say.
I said something,you turned away,
It makes my heart break,and i will turn sad.

I hope we can be like last time,happy together. :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Saranghae :)

Just reach home after basketball.
Went to BPCC to play with chengyi,his sisters
and weijie.
Not very fun, not very bored, ok lah. :)
2guys there, one singapore poly,another dono,
know Coach, Wow. O.O
The s'pore poly is once a assumptionite,more WOW.
They call Coach... Lao heng? O.o think so.
Then play with them awhile, quite fun :D

Then weijie came, played badminton.
Me&chengyi VS weijie.
Today at school, nothing happen.
Celine call me ChaoCheeBai.
And i call her CheeBai. :)
Nothing really much happen,had free periods,
from recess onwards.
Sian. I want to buy a guitar :(

Are you emo-ing or angry at me?
Or sad? I really cannot see this
anymore. I had always wanted to
ask you, but i was too scare.
What i know is, you are no
longer the one that i once knew.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My Brightest Sunshine Is You

School Came back today.
Went to school, gotten our results.
And i hate Math the MOST.
1 careless mistake that made me fail.

Hey guys, next time please check really carefully
about the question, what they want the answer to be.
If not, u will also end up like me. :)

My mistake is:
The question want me to leave ans in x:y:z
I gotten all the answer, method correct.
BUT, i leave my answer as z:x:y.
Argh!!! What a stupid mistake. -_- Because of that,
I've got 49/100. Great man. -O-
Nothing special today...Tomrrow is school agn.
Training is tomorrow too,pray that god will soften coach's heart!
Shall end here now, BYEBYE! :)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

East Coast park

Went to East coast today with ahsoh&ahma,
Went there to cycle...
And cycle for damn long o.o
My legs breaking :O
And i'm always the last one! Muahaha. ;D
There wind very big worh, i almost fly away. :)

After cycle went to mac and eat.
Discovered that ahma eat very funny xD
And i kept laughing. LOl.
After eating, went to bus stop to go home.
On bus, ahsoh kept "bang,bang" me using her hp.
Then i was reading, suddenly ahma&ahsoh laugh like siaokinna.
Continue until we reach BPCC there. LOl, funny.
Reached home, nothing to do. SIAN. :(
Shall end here, BYEBYE! ;D

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Today went to East coast Park to do CIP.
Pick up rubbish. -.-"' But quite slack, so is cool :)
Pick here and there... Alot of rubbish worh.
And the wind very nice x)

Then saw Ahsoh when i was strenching.
I was" ah...." thn turn my head saw her.
Cycling with her friends lorh, and i don't get to. :(
Had nothing much today, so shall end here now :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Art Exam

Today is art exam,
and i didn't have time to do very well for it.
Muahaha. :)
Layout, havent colour but manage to colour it during exam.
Final work> Disaster.
The first time i paint in exam,everything gone
Think i fail lorh...
The painting i done is like a primary1/2 kid,
My hands are all stained,my paper accidentally touch the blue colour paint
And i don't know how to tone it. -.-

I followed yesterday on the youtube,their teaching.
But it turn out like a stupid drawing.
To me,the drawing very jialat. Very very JIALAT...
Anyway, tomorrow is the last paper! DnT.
Die lorh, for the whole DnT lesson i had
I could not understand a thing, because
I can't hear the teacher talking! :)
Only copy some notes, do some worksheet
Do the pencil holder, and somemore
sit in the workshop. So HOT lah...
The class is spilt into half (even&odd)
Odd got air-con rm and Even got workshop.
And suay suay, i am in the even. No.4 -.-

Okay shall end here now ;) BYEBYE!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Hi Guys :)
Using computer as parents was not at home today,Yay.
Alot of exciting happen these few days,
Just forgot,sorry :)
Anyway,just done something on my blog.-.-
Look very weird, but nvm.
As long as it makes me feel good! ^^

Exam is going to end soon, Yay :D
3more to go! History,Art,DnT .
Math paper was so damn hard. Sure fail one lorh.
I am so sad.................. :(
Training is starting immediately after exams.
God,hope you can bless me for the trainings.

Okay, shall end my post here:)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Happy birthday Ahsoh !:D

hi guys ! Currently using my bro hp to post becus he don want let me use comp . T-T
Kay firstly , happy birthday to ahsoh man ! ^^

Sad to say is i'm not going to post until the exams are over . . . D:
Monday is the damn e-learning , guess tat day is the last day i'm posting ! Okay . . . Shall end here now . ^_^ BYEBYE !

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Study Programme !

Hello everybody !!!! ;] Yesterday was study programme ,
Too bad it rain ):
But we still had fun ! Went to hall to play captain ball using
floorball . Ms pek took 2/3 ball and made everyone confuse
Me , shanna , jesslyn , natasha , evan was in the green and some more
While others were white . We stand at the goal post where we are attacking
and Sarah kept blocking me from getting the ball ! >:( LOl .
And after we play half , alot of ppl were at the goal post and
kept blocking the goal and we keep stuffing the ball inside .
And of course the ball is destroy ! :D
So fun man . :D

After this , went to Lot1 again !
KFC played truth/dare agn ...
But shermaine not there ! Not fun lorh ...
But we try to make it fun . -.-
PLayed 1round only because it's late already ...
Then take photos ....
And sarah kept saying i am destroying the photos . -.-
And kept laughing ...
Okay ! the photos will post later on , cus i'm waiting for sarah to send me .
Shall end here now , BYEBYE ! ;]

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Oh no !

Anyway , My bag is dirty . -_-
My BAG is DIRTY !!!! D:
And i so stupid lorh , make it more dirty .
I should wash off the stain man .
I take out all my books already but havent go and wash
LOl . Going to wash it off now man .
Bye ! ;D

Truth/Dare[KFC version] :D

Hi guys ! Yesterday was so fun ! :D
Had bball study programme after school ,
Everything went so fun since then :D
After study programme went to Lot1 KFC with shermaine ,
Sarah and Jesslyn . Bought some food thn after eating
started playing Truth/dare !

After playing some time ... Okay ... Haha here
Haha there ... Thn jesslyn said that the 4th person
must be a dare . Just right , Sarah was the 3rd ,
Thn i suay lorh , sarah turn the bottle thn it hit me
Omg lah ... -_-

The 2nd round everybody do dare . Haha ! When hit shermaine ,
she was only call to use the cup cover to take chilli sauce
Thn after shermaine it hit sarah !!!! Sarah had to ...
Sarah at first dont have put deep deep one , thn shermaine
push her finger down and push it towards sarah's mouth
Then sarah make until her face ... hahah ... Sarah .

Anyway , tmr is study programme agn ! Haha ,
Hope is more fun than yesterday ! ;D
Okay i end my post here ... BYEBYE ! :)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Woots ! ;D

Yay , Yay , Yay , YAY ! ^^
Finalllyyyyyyyyyy !
Bought the bag i like .
!@#$%^&^%$$#@ !

Anyway , tmr is school ...
Hope i will have a great day ,God ! :)
I'm just feeling something bad might happen tmr .
OMG , :O (for fun)
ErHem ... Okay ...
Now is ... OMG ! (For real now kay )
7.30pm , and havent eaten my dinner .
Kay , BYEBYE guys ! xD

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Overdue pictures -_-

Evan playing para-para :D

Shermaine playing para-para , like waving to it ._.

Evan and shermaine playing something ...(forgot)

The thing in my hand is the "hand" found on the bus .
And celine keep taking it .

Everybody in their seats on the way back to sch from sci center :)

Kay ... These is it . LOl . 5pictures only . -.-"' anyway erm ...
Yay ! going buy bag tmr . :)
Late HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Jerlyn ! :D

Friday, September 11, 2009

Instant Noodles !

Hi Guys !!!! Yes Blogger come back liao . Will be going to upload some long ago pictures :D Maybe ... tmr ? :D Haha .
These 3 days ... so FUN ! :D Had been to zharbo's house ! :D And sarah , WA !!!!
haha . see the baby , WA !!! HAHA !

Cool man , Homework haven't finish . :) Especially that math . think only touch 1 question . ._. Haha . Eh , anybody finish must tell me ah . PROMISE ? ;]
TO: yr friend
Can u just tell me who are u ?
Really want to know ... -O-

U... Don't know Love me anot .
Don't even know can feel bo . -.-
Just hope u know lah ,
Too late , Break heart
Too early , Don't know what might happen
Got correct time ? :D

LOL . -_- putting some crap up thr .

Anyway today went for training , Boys got friendly match against Fajar ,
Saw Jasper goh in thr , NO.8 worh . Nt bad Nt bad ...
thn keep rain/lightning risk , So,
Went in shelter ...
Come out in court ...
Went in shelter ...
Kay ! Thn blah blah ... :p
Anyway shall end here before father come bck .
So , BYEBYE ! :]

Monday, September 7, 2009

So sad ):

Oh crap ... BAD NEWS !
I'm becoming vice-chair . -_-
CRAP ! Gonna get busier and busier ... and busier . And i don't like the feel of it . -.-
Damn it .
Oh ... Pray that ah soh get well soon from her fever . -.- And stop saying i'm retarded , i know i am . Tomorrow is going to be a boring day for me . -_- suppose to play bball with ah soh and ah ma . Then ah soh sick so ... haiya .
Anyway short post . :) got to go !

Friday, September 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Mai !

Yea , hi guys :D
Firstly , Happy Birthday to Mai !


haha . Hope ur wishes come true ! :)

Secondly , Don't emo le ah soh ! Be cheerful lah .
If not this is not really urself man .
U emo agn , i cheer u up agn .
try my best . ._. Lol .

Thirdly , Blogger still spoil . -_-
Hais . Can't even post pictures . Damn it .
Anyway On teachers' day celebration went back to CONCORD !
I was standing at the gate , a few minutes , sophia jiejie came and started
disiao-ing me . Is like , i'm in front of her ...
Then looking at her ...
And she came straight into my face and make my hair . -_-
And the most greatest thing is ,
I brought my basketball
Put inside my bag , and my bag is so pong .
And can't even go to basketball court . -_-
The security guard go die man . And ,
I feel like an idiot carrying a basketball in my bag .
Around CONCORD . LOl .
After everything , went to Lotone to have some bites at KFC :D
Me , amelia , zhengni , wenxin and crystal :D
Me and Amelia sit tgt thn they three sit at 4ppl sit one .
Thn amelia behind got ppl , and she complain the woman behind keep
pushing her chair . HAHA ! And amelia keep pushing my tray . -_-
Anyway a great day yea ! :D

Erm , still rmb ... It was a wednesday , this week de .
Training end late , reached home late .
Drank 2 cup of milktea at canteen P:
Reach Lot1 taking 300 saw Crystal !
After reaching bus stop , saw crystal coming down and
i went to scare her . "BOO !"
She said " xia si ren ah "
Haha . Went home feeling restless . -O-

Kay shall end here . BYEBYE ! :)

Monday, August 31, 2009

Happy Teachers' Day

To all the teachers out there !
Today at sch ... Had a concert , at class do activity
It was so ... whatever . Had to wrote happy teachers' day to 6 teacher we knew .
However , our class wrote to 5 ONLY ;D

After that , had a concert . Somethings about FM8.5 something ,
Thats crap man .
Then , boys' town , i guess they perform some hip-hop ?
Not bad uh . Next some girls sing sing ... Then from there on behind me was some
"fans" shouting " WOOOOO !!! " So loud lah
My ear drum wanna burst . -_-
So , everything went on .... The dance ppl came to perform .
And not to forget their last part !

I want nobody , nobody but you !

Haha , shermaine's gao siao part ! Too bad the person performing
is not her ): If not , the whole hall laugh until SIAO liao .
After everything , school ... yay END . Jesslyn and Tracy ( zhabors )
went to watch movie .
Me , suli , sarah , dorothy and shermaine was deciding where to go .
In the end , me and shermaine ps they all . Becus we going back to primary school !
Not like them mah , haha . Zhang da le ... So they went to west mall ,
we took 67 to lot1 :)
So , i went back home . waiting for zhengni's sms ,
BOred . Pack things , lay on the bed almost fell asleep .
Lastly , on the computer . Half way playing ,
Zhengni's sms was here . i was like okay ... off computer lorh .
Went back to CONCORD ! YAY ! XD
So sad lah ... The guard don't let us go to the parade square to play bball !
So , my bag was so pong . -_- with a BBALL inside .

So , went around ... And Ms Indra forgotten my name when i gave her
the teachers' day card . -_- So sad leh ...
But nvm . :)

Kay i got to go now ... Take Care EVERYONE ! :)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

1st Friendly Match

Hey everyone ! Hi ! yesterday friendly match against jurong west sec was fun man . Especially when the we , girls play . It much more "noisy" than the boys . Haha . And of course gd news is we won ! Nothing to surprise cus it's just a friendly match . Because of suli's help too ! haha , thanks suli man . And jurong west didn't let their B'girls play too much . So , we won , thats why .

And I'm so sad ! Today cnt go service , although i had nvr gone there for a long time ! And heard that Gina they all are going to celebrate jiahui's bday . Argh ... sorry to jiahui ... Anyway , i'm here to wish u a early happy birthday ! Haha .

Haha . Lol . so ... weird . Anyway , Nice one Catherine ! Yesterday u are so wow man . FIGHTING SPIRIT !
HAHA . Keep it up yoh ! XD And yesterday , during the match , i did the most silliest thing . -_-
and suli too . BACKCOURT !
Haiyo ... wad am i doing man . Kay i shall end here . As i have nothing more to say . ahhaha .

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Friendly match D:

I had just suspected the "yr friend" in my tagboard is the Si chuan earthquake . Cus today i heard that he has a blog .
EEE ! He so lao tu , so er hem >Homo< noe blog meh . LOl .
My legs de thigh is so damn pain . D: God heal me . ):
NOITCE* Tmr friensly match against Jurong west Sec at their school ! Argh ... Under this condition ,
Don't think can play well . But i will try my very best man ! ( Eh guys ENCOURAGE me leh ) LOl
AH . Sian .
Teacher's day is COMING ! WOOTS .
5 more days XD YAY !
Chiong-ing to CONCORD SOON ! Yea man . ;D

Oh i just found out that si chuan earthquake is really gay .
His file had paste a picture of a band , think is korean de bah .
So GAY LAH ! the eye ... lyk some kind of girl man . and so piakia piakia that kind . EEE
And we took his file and Vandalise the picture . hahaha :D

Kay shall end here :) BYE Guys ! ;D
Heal my thigh , GOD .

Friday, August 21, 2009



Lol . Today, science quiz postpone to monday , History test also postpone to monday !
Math today after school , serectly discuss . Phew , nvr discover . Went to school today so damn bloody early .
think havent reaach 7 or 7am i reached school . SO EARLY !!! And so sad that i forgotten that today had chinese test .
But luckily can do . Heng ah . Kay shall end here . BYEBYE ! :D

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Argh . -.-

Crap , the blogger is "spoil" -.- Damn it .


-.- shall end here . LOl . byebye :)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hello :)

SIAN !!!!!
Crap better start off-ing computer father coming bck !

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Can't u feel it ?

Oh time pass sibei slow . D: 1st , Congrats 1/3 girls for being champion in captain ball ! woots !!! i got play kay ahhaha:D Then sec2 ... forgot . congrats sec3/1 for being champion too! :D and of course don't forget my ah soh de class , 3/2 in second place ! woots ! :D Oh i just found a new ah soh in sch :D Funny seh she ._. maybe can take a picture to show ur next time . -.- "'Today is founder day . everything go so sian . D: can't go out , can't go bck to concord ! ToT eh sia lah really nothing to post . zhengni said don't post about training if not she will hack into my blogger and say something and i will surely die lah , of course . :l

Being a *refree* for sec2 and sec3 for captain ball feel so shiok :D but their game not fun one worh , no alot of supporter , their one all go tug-of-war/ soccer thr . sec1 wah in the finals , whole class sit thr cheer , like maddogs :B And thanks celine , june , farhannah , mai , firzanah and rina in putting ur effort in winning the games ! :D er also accident took place , i wanted to throw the ball far , in the end smack until a girl infront of me . O.O hey sorry lah , other than sorry wad can i do ? Hope u are okay ... o.o
Kay everything till here as nothing to say . Next week OMG ! Going to die le . D: BYEBYE ! XD

Thursday, August 6, 2009

1st Time

The day before yesterday . i was late for school , due to some reason . -.-"' 1st TIME ever in secondary . Sian , And on that day was the most slack day man ! 1st we made the math teacher piss off , we think the idea during art class then spread the idea after math class . The idea was this : Putting your head down on the table immediately when u reach ur seat . And fake that u are sick/tired . And calling one of our classmate to panic attack as she had once that morning .
And guess wad , When everyone went in , all the heads were on the table . WOW . And i was laughing away . Ahaha :D Then , when the math teacher saw this , She said : Okay , since all of u don't want to learn , i also don't want to teach . (something lyk that ) And she went out the class . And someone said she wipe her tears while she was outside .
So the story continue , some of us were scare that ltr she complain to our form teacher then DM then maybe principal . LOl . so we were so scare . After a few mintues , the math teacher came back . Then she said : Your want to joke with me right ? I can joke with ur . Then some people were like : WHAT THE ? O.o

So , she started to teach ... then next period came . English/ history(i forgot) The teacher no come so she continue with her math !!! In the end we had 4periods of math (want DIE !)In the middle of math , our classmate really panic attack , then my partner and i was like OH MY GOD . Is she real / Fake . In the end , it was real ! So , it wasted the time , math teacher call and send her to general office then come bck , everything was going so well . O.O The last period a teacher came to take over , we just slack there and zaccheus was joking with us about one another panic attack , although we don't have . Celine one was : ARGH !!! ____ . Mine was : ARGH !!! _______ June one was : ARGH !!! _____ (forgot) all those got line was secret . And then school end BABY ! woots ! haha .

And of course , yesterday was training . Ended at 5pm , it was early :D Coach came and train us . Everyone was so exhausted . Zhabor jesslyn after training went to hospital , and i again , -.-"' had an asthma attack , and where the hell is my inhealer !!!
sad . After school , when i saw coach came , really seriously , my whole face turn piss off that kind and my whole body fell soft , no strength . ):

Today was nothing fun at all . Only at english period , people near shubankar* were throwing pen at him . Which is so damn funny . HAHA :D There was once when Zaccheus throw a pen at shubankar* , the pen hit his shoulder and bounce off to berenice* 's back . Then she turned around and say : Oi ... is u right ?! then she pick the pen and throw at shubankar* . HAHA !!! Then we all saw and laugh out loud . HAHA ! :D And the teacher to take over mdm lye , zaccheus say she look like june . And say : eh ur mother ah ? Next > Eh , ur sister ah ? Then June was so pissed off ? HAHA :D When i wanted ti ask the teacher something and call her to come my seat , i nearly laugh out loud . -.-

Kays , everything is ended ! Sayanora ! :)


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Training is tomorrow for me !

Oh great , Tmr is training . :O Don't know whether is bad/ good cus my stamina drop ! ToT Sad ... Hope tmr coach not coming yea , (touch wood)if not i really die . D: *Pray to God*
Ya so CCA back to normal from Bloody Tomorrow . Sigh* Today had PE , Played bball with gervyn , Gong gon and ah mos . Played half way , want to cough out , but cnt cough out thn it make me breathe so difficult . -.- Then chengyi , william came . Ah mos and me *die* So 2 of them take over . Haha ;D

Today math lesson was SUPER boring that Zach(my partner) fell asleep . LOl . ._. HENG ah ! Today no science if not really i fall asleep . -.-
Then another unlucky matter , History test is suppose to be tmr , thn teacher no come , re-cher came and gave us the test where no one had studied , not even those guai kia(s) . So from Qn1-8 . I skipped 6and7 :D . Half time of the test , a LKK cher came in , a guy who was very OLD .
Then when cher say write ur last sentence , i was writing . after 30sec he said stop writing . walau , think wad ? Exam meh ? -.-
I don't care him , kept on writing . ;D Then he shouted " The last girl , I said stop writing." Just right i wrote finish muahaha . :D So i not happy with this LKK teacher , think wad ? This is not a EXAM , it's a TEST man ! Lax lah ! -.- diao eh .

kay i am Stopping here :D


Friday, July 24, 2009

Rendition ! :D

Yoh guys :D Just came back to school. i mean came bck from school . :D In bus saw loosin and jerlyn , and i was so quiet lah . =.= keep pressing on my phone , just feel too bored D: Went back home , COMPUTER ! xD Current status : SIAN ! :O
Kay now , share the school things :D

English , we had to do an acting agn . =.= Oliver twist thingy. And i had to be the Master bates(Charlie Bates) Zac, Celine , june , Robert and the stupid si chuan earthquake keep making fun of the word Master Bates . =.= They were so dirty minded man . :O Master Bates = Master bed . =.="' lol . Math leh ? Wa siao eh . worst . We are learning the stupid drawing of graph thingy . And of course the teacher , Wa ... SO bad lorh . Gave us so much homework . But now , she dont have liao :D Science leh , Cher teaching molecules things , which make me so confuse @_@
DnT , Shiok AH ! The cher so fun . ._. but he's old . :D

Today was my worst day in class . After recess went straight bck to class . saw my stationary was lying on the floor . I pick up , then saw my lead the case broke . Then left some of the lead inside . From a full bottle , to a few . Then i shouted at the homosexual boys . Including my chairperson . I scolded them " Oi ! want play go toilet play lah ! Play here for wad ?!" Then the chairperson look at me and laugh . and i wanted to smack his face and punch him . =.= Then i pack my things , went out classroom and go to DnT room without any person accompanying me , cus i was so angry lah . =.= After school went for cg . :D played a game called Concentration . :D Fun :D Then Gina taught some teaching . Until 3plus . :D

My class is full of HOMOSEXUAL GUYS . Teacher not in , Went to the back of the classroom and play"fighting" Fake fake punch then flew until like very pain lyk that then hit the wall and shouted " ARGH !" SO GAY MAN . =.=
How i wish can transfer class lah . =.= I dont want to stay in a Homo class . (just venting my anger)

Anyway , Anyone free tmr ? Go with me to orchard to see a concert man . Indoor got air-con one , no nid to worry too hot :D Just contact me if u are free and eager to go tmr :D THANKS ! xD


Friday, July 17, 2009

Oh shit

I think i just made a mistake in blog . ._. lol .
Nothing to say till here :D BYEBYE :)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Training is Starting

Yoh people out there !
Yea so , training is starting ... Don't know if it's a good news/bad news . Sigh* But i am not going for next week monday and friday trainings ! Again due to my mum concerning of my studies . Sorry to Ms Pek ! That i did not go home immediately after the rocket launch that day ... Sorry !!! D: I will do well and go back to usual trainings , if i did not do well for End-year , guess i will had to quit Basketball and join other cca ... D: How? Hope i do well lorh . I hope to be a superwoman , have strength to endure and continue to train seriously in training . SUPERWOMAN !!! >0< Can i have ur power ? Lol .
So , monday and friday on next week i will not be going . Someone help me tell Ms pek on monday leh , please :D Sun Bian tell her that i promise her on both that day i will go home straight .:D If not ... I don't know lorh . ._. Anyway Say until here le . Anybody want go back CONCORD?! Tell me the date and venue to meet at where :D Okay , BYEBYE ! :D

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The photo Before going to sentosa , At Vivo . :)

A small boat . Saw it when on the way bck to S'pore on the sea-rider boat .

The End !

The tree on the way bck to S'pore . Think is mangrove . O.O

The sencond boat we took bck to S'pore . Lyk shit lorh . =.=

A fake bird inside this thing . Cus of reflection cannot see properly . -O-

The cloud forming a shape Of P_ _ _ _ _. SO nice -O-

The Wine . Big bottle of wine seh . -O- Want ? :D

Me . =.= lol .

The tissue at the dinning table . Lol . nth to do . :O

The thing on the dinning table too . :) The hand thr is my bro de . :D

Smth that hang on the wall somewhr around inside the big boat . O.O

An Armour . -0- wow ...

Celebrating Seniors' B'day ! :D

The ball in yellow and pink is ours :D

The 1/6 guy o.o zi jie. lol.

The scoreboard ! :D Too blur . =.=

The 1/4 guy Weilun ah i think . O.O

Saturday went to celebrate seniors b'day :D with jiahui , gina , mingyee , zi jie, weilun and mengling . :) First went to service thn went to somewhere call ... smth park . haha . :D Played some games (FUN!) celebrated thn went for lunch ! :)
After lunch decided to go home thn the 2 guys ask me whether want go play bowling . I find it so exciting lyk tat . Thn I go lorh . :O took 190 thn change bus take 985 . The place was near Bukit Batok Driving centre and also a swimming pool . Lol. :D
Thn reached thr ... At first played 1 game . Thn weilun ask me " eh want play agn ?"
Thn i find bowling so fun lo , so I played agn . Haha :D
When it's my turn , i take the ball and was about to throw to score . I swing up the ball to the bck thn suddenly let go thn the ball drop to the bck . Lol . So paiseh sia . >0< After the 2 game , it's 6plus in the evening . It cost us $19.80 !!! So ex . T-T thn the zijie say he no $$ le . Lol . thn me and weilun pay first . Muahaha :D

Nxt post all on photos !! :D Photo at In The big big boat at somewhr around Indonesia ! :)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fever sucks man . ]:

Yo guys ! :) Sorry for not posting a long time . Cus now i trying to study hard .-_-"' So , i only could play comp on sat !!! T-T 1 week play one day , ke lian ah ... :O
Yesterday think i not feeling well liao . Thn today got a fever , -_-"' 4plus A.M. granny woke me up to make me drink somekind of syrup ? i think . Thn took my temperature , 39.4 . Wth !!! Thn i very cold larh . i snatch the blanket with my granny when i sleep . HAHA . :D My granny use ice wrap in a towel and put on my forehead . Thn 6plus woke up agn , my hair , pillow became wet . -_- cus of the ice melt . Thn my father take 1 medicine , give me eat . Thn tell me to swallow ,i was lyk " Shit man i hate this " I dont even dare to swallow medicine when small lorh . especially those big big ones .
I put inside my mouth and waited for the medicine to become "smaller" Or u can say " Softer" Lol . Thn on the fan to dry up my wet hair . But i didnt sleep on the wet pillow agn larh , i put it on one side . Morning wake up at 9.30 , do everything that is needed thn watch Doraemon ! lol . -_- Thn forgot to sms senior that i not going to service today . :O but senior sms me and so i replied bck . :) Heng ah .
At 11plus went to see doctor , cus my father call bck home to tell my granny to bring me to see doctor . I have no strength when i walk to the clinic -_- Thn finally , reached thr . The nurse tell me to put on mask , thn i put on feeling uncomfortable . Went in to see the doctor thn say say came out to wait for medicine . 5/6 medicine cost me $62.80 , So expensive . :O I hate the anti-biotics larh . So eeee ... >0<
Anyway nothing to post alr . Lol ... Wait for the nxt Sat to post bah !
*Gugu coming to s'pore on 7thjuly :D YAY! x)Can eat my favourite food ! WOOTS~

Thursday, June 25, 2009

21st June

Sorry guys for not posting these few days ... Cus , Mum at home , Homeworks not done . Now trying to finish everything . Tickets , left 3 booklets . -_- DIE . Because of my studies , I have to choose between quiting and going for one day of training . HOW ? Sigh*

On 21st june , a sunday . Went to Indoesia . On boat . But not exactly Indoesia . Is a big big ship in the middle of the sea . Hah . Happy birthday to Chenhui on that day ! :] Took a few pictures . But i was too lazy to upload it . Next time ! haha . :D

Monday went to training , train not even until half , have an asthma attack . Regret not bringing my inhealer along ! Argh ... -_-

Tuesday stay at home , doing homeworks .

Wednesday didnt went for training , Mum at home and only allowing me to go for one day of training . Which i had went on monday . So, on wednesday , went out to Vivo with weijuan , weiyu , jinxiang and their Mum , and with me , bro and my mum . Thn we went to Sentosa ~ have quite alot of fun yea . Took some pictures . Again , upload next time . (:

Erm , thursday ... Stay at home all day long doing my homework . Havent finish! DIE le . Left ... 2 more days ?! Shit shit . OH . SHIT . DIE .

Today doing homework again ... Doing my chinese , thn deciding to do art after chinese . Alot of work sia . Give me 1 more week also wont do finish de .

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sick is bad . ):

Today , suppose have training . In the end , had a fever . -_- Yesterday wan to die alr . Now just posting how am i now . -_- lol . How am i now ? Sick of course , the feeling of it is bad . D: Vey bad . Gosh , School is opening (: Yay . But i havent finished my homework ! Math project , Art and the tickets . Gonna finish selling the tickets before school reopen ! I'm definetly dead if i dont finish ... Jiayou to myself to finish up my homework ! And i hope today the team is doing fine in the training ... :l

GO FOR IT TEAM ! ALONE I'M STRONG , TOGETHER WE ARE MIGHTY ! Jiayou ! Let's try our very best to endure in every training ! (:

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Starting losing interest in you

Today morning went to school for training . First ran the route-relay , thn have the training . Training had very less things , but it was sure tough . Havent had breakfast today morning . End up having stomachache . Ass hole . -_- After doing ... something : i dono how to say , -__- had a break , thn play 5 on 5 with the team and the pri6 girls . From ... Kranji ? Dono , blur about them from which sch alr . After Coach sub me , a stupid bee fly from somewhere and landed on my foot , then it sting me . it was pain when it sting thn i immediately lift up my leg take out the sting .
After the 5 on 5 , while coach was saying something until halfway , the sting hurts my leg >:O Stupid bee , make sure u dont sting me agn , if u wan , give a poisionous sting . I hope bees could read English . O.O So , it could use the computer thn come my blog and read this post . Hah . Tmr had nth to do , rest at home after today training ? I guess . Cus i cnt even stand up after sitting down after training . HAHA . -_- Kays till here going to plurk alr . BYEBYE ! :D

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Today went to training . "Shiok" ah ! Haha :D Finally after all the pain of my leg , i can train with team . (: YES ! Today RUN alot . -O- leg , Broke le . T-T Hah ;D nt so serious (: Wednesday having training agn ! Bobby said if we have muscle ache , it means we are developing muscle ! ah haha ! :D I'm abit mad now . O.O

Currently enjoying my root beer :B Bought from the vending machine downstairs -_-
Shit , going to finish . T-T My root beer ~ ToT Haha . :D
Okay ! I shall end here (: Byebye ! :D

Friday, June 12, 2009

Missing Alot D:

Today was training . No train again ... But training on monday ! :D yay ! :D Today's training was fun ? Not really actually , cus i can see all want duan qi . But Endure ! :D Yay !!! Can't wait for monday to come , Bobby training us again ! Don't know she can train us until when . ): I guess the holidays ? O.O But i don't think so . :O nvrmind ... let's skip to infront (: Fast Forward ! ... ... ... ... ... ...

OKAY ! Here it is . (: After training (:
After training went to look for Ms pek , she told us to look for her . Went to lower bball court , bei Ms pek scold . D: she told us tat when coach call us to come we should go faster . No nid for coach to count at all . Discipines , she said . Told us to write 500 words essay ! Cus didn't tell her why . So she tell us to write. Sigh* Everyone leh . Sian . D: Over the weekend worh . ARGH . :l
Then finish talking we wan to thank ms pek . Thn jezeln drop her psp . hah . :D Jezelyn thn said " wait , this is more important . " thn ms pek go to her and joke around . Haha :D O...KAY ! Gonna stop here liao . BYEBYE ! xD

Yesterday :D

Yesterday was FUN~ went www with zhengni and crystal . Thn wenxin and carmen . Totally Ci Ji Man . Woots ! But kept hitting my knees on the floor . Somemore , the floor is rough and "spiky" okay ... So pain larh . Especially when me and zhengni carried tat 'big float' up . About 7storey man ! so high ! Thn went right down . :S Scary , like u commit sucide . -_- 2nd ride with wenxin , more scarier cus i was sitting on the other side .
WOA ~ :O
When wenxin , crystal , carmen , zhengni and me plau ular-lar , Was the super funny one , Wenxin kept shouting mantou . -_- Then we keep splashing water on her . Haha ! :D Played and played until 6plus . -_- lol . Damn late .
Nxt post was on today . Probably a short one yea . I guess . O.O
HAHA ! :D Till Here ! (:

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Finally ! :D

Today morning went to training , but did not train . :l Today's training , I guess it was ok ? O.o Dono , how would i noe if i nvr train . -_- lol . After training went to canteen to have my lunch , thn went bck home . Wait , rewind ...
Okay , me, patricia , dorothy , suli and shermaine after eating went to bus stop to wait for bus . dorothy , suli and shermaine went to plaza , while me and patricia went to lot one and go home . When they alighted 171 , dorothy suddenly open her eyes big sia . OMG i also dono why . But it was funny . :D
Thn after 1hr lyk tat 67 came , 1st one actually can squeeze in got alot of space man ! thn the driver point behind (tell us take behind tat one) Stupid lorh ,-_- Then waited for the behind one ,wa seh . only 2ppl in thr . haha :D
shiok ah . :D Shit sia , i havent sell finish all my tickets . -_- Oh no ... D: DIE DIE . Tmr going www with zhengni , fuchui and crystal ! I'm so looking forward for tmr . :D SO excited :D
Kays now , i post till here , cus , nth to post about . Unless joke lorh . :D
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaheheheheheeheheh HOHOHO ! Merry Christmas ! :D lol . -_- havent christmas , why i "hohoho !" Lol . Just playing around (:

Monday, June 8, 2009

I'm bck ! :D

Yoh yoh guys i'm bck from somewhere . Lol . Bck to post larh , in simpler form . (: How are u guys doing ? Great ? Bad ? Aiya , who cares . Oh , u care of course . Haha :D
Any games to introduce ? Cus , I'm BORED to death ! -0- yawn* Sian . ): Thursday going www with 6E ? oh no , eh ? ya ... going with 6E ... Aiya i dono . Only noe going with 6E outing . Thats all . Yay finally can meet up 6Es x3 dono how everyone is doing . ): Dono how's fuchui , maybe she became alibaba ? cus she love alibaba so much ? Haha :D Zhengni , doing very fine cus she came my hse tat time . Lol -.-"'
Crystal !!! The chio one worh , dono how's she doing too . I only noe band , band and band :D hah ;D Wenxin , i also dono :l Anthea , also dono . Aiya nvrmind thursday meet one another thn noe liao lorh . Haha :D
I'm going to find blogskin !! >:O Jiayou to myself . (: Tmr training , Jiayou gurls , Can do it !@#$%^^ . Lol wad am i doing . o.o psps cancel "@#$%^^" (:
Gtg ! Byebye ! :D

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Yo guys (: just a very short post for today . In the nxt few days i may nt be posting yea . :D may not even tag ur . ): So , if gonna tell me to link ur up , just contact me in any form . Like :sms ,msn or facebk . -_-"' also cn . (:

Enjoy ur holidays ! (: ( OMG :D Catherine buddy is bck man .Woot) :3