Thursday, June 25, 2009

21st June

Sorry guys for not posting these few days ... Cus , Mum at home , Homeworks not done . Now trying to finish everything . Tickets , left 3 booklets . -_- DIE . Because of my studies , I have to choose between quiting and going for one day of training . HOW ? Sigh*

On 21st june , a sunday . Went to Indoesia . On boat . But not exactly Indoesia . Is a big big ship in the middle of the sea . Hah . Happy birthday to Chenhui on that day ! :] Took a few pictures . But i was too lazy to upload it . Next time ! haha . :D

Monday went to training , train not even until half , have an asthma attack . Regret not bringing my inhealer along ! Argh ... -_-

Tuesday stay at home , doing homeworks .

Wednesday didnt went for training , Mum at home and only allowing me to go for one day of training . Which i had went on monday . So, on wednesday , went out to Vivo with weijuan , weiyu , jinxiang and their Mum , and with me , bro and my mum . Thn we went to Sentosa ~ have quite alot of fun yea . Took some pictures . Again , upload next time . (:

Erm , thursday ... Stay at home all day long doing my homework . Havent finish! DIE le . Left ... 2 more days ?! Shit shit . OH . SHIT . DIE .

Today doing homework again ... Doing my chinese , thn deciding to do art after chinese . Alot of work sia . Give me 1 more week also wont do finish de .