Saturday, November 21, 2009


Today is Open House,
Basketball is the last station,
And for the whole day, none of the parents came.
Only 1 group,the sc bring the parents walk around.
They didn't even reached our station,all tired half way.
What the hell.................
When the 1st and last group came, we were so excited.
It's the 1st, and the last.
When they came, just played with them.
And suli sprain her ankle when showing the demo for lay-up.
It's pain, yea.... Very pain.

Jurong came at the morning today to play with us.
I didnt play as me and sarah went around the school
to paste papers.

Getting stressed and pissed now.
Camp Camp CAMP... Waste ppl's money and time. -_-
This cnt That cnt,Which one cn?!!
Normal de also cnt,Go die LAH.

Shall end here,BYEBYE.