Saturday, July 11, 2009

Celebrating Seniors' B'day ! :D

The ball in yellow and pink is ours :D

The 1/6 guy o.o zi jie. lol.

The scoreboard ! :D Too blur . =.=

The 1/4 guy Weilun ah i think . O.O

Saturday went to celebrate seniors b'day :D with jiahui , gina , mingyee , zi jie, weilun and mengling . :) First went to service thn went to somewhere call ... smth park . haha . :D Played some games (FUN!) celebrated thn went for lunch ! :)
After lunch decided to go home thn the 2 guys ask me whether want go play bowling . I find it so exciting lyk tat . Thn I go lorh . :O took 190 thn change bus take 985 . The place was near Bukit Batok Driving centre and also a swimming pool . Lol. :D
Thn reached thr ... At first played 1 game . Thn weilun ask me " eh want play agn ?"
Thn i find bowling so fun lo , so I played agn . Haha :D
When it's my turn , i take the ball and was about to throw to score . I swing up the ball to the bck thn suddenly let go thn the ball drop to the bck . Lol . So paiseh sia . >0< After the 2 game , it's 6plus in the evening . It cost us $19.80 !!! So ex . T-T thn the zijie say he no $$ le . Lol . thn me and weilun pay first . Muahaha :D

Nxt post all on photos !! :D Photo at In The big big boat at somewhr around Indonesia ! :)