Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Today is training!
OMG man... today first part quite tough.
1att 1defend.
Wa. :O
After today's training, there will be 2 more.
And it is the last 2.
LAST 2!!!
And the school start.
Not ready for school yet.
Books havent touched it although bought it.
Aiya everything havent prepare.
And i Dont bother about it. :D
Muahaha. :D:D:D

Today after training was the christmas exchange thingy.
Everybody got towels from Ms pek. :D Thanks ms pek!
But my name is spell without the last 'G'. ):
But it's ok! I will use it in every training and matches. :D:D:D
Thn every present got a number.
Thn was smth like a lucky draw. haha..
Suli got my present! (: luckily not any boys gotten it.
Cus it's SNOOPY!!!
Snoopy~ snoopy~
Thn i gotten coach one.
A wrist protection? o.O and a shoe bag.
Anyway shall end here cus my Irritating brother is nagging at me.
BYESSSSSSsssssssss! (:(:(:(: