Monday, December 20, 2010

Sorry for not posting few days back. House under renovation, very bored at home.
Now, it's still under renovation. -.- I think i'm gonna miss alot of tuition, haha. only have 1 time of tuition then renovation come. :D Father renovate the kitchen until so not nice... Don't want to take my idea... renovate until like one uncle's house which i've been to before. So not NICE! ):

Okay, a super short post for everyone. advance merry christmas! (; hohoho.
Recalled bad memories, had no mood to post anymore.
Anyway, wish everyone have A Good Day-IU


Monday, December 13, 2010

Played against NJC today, and it was not played well. Had lots of mistakes... Okay shall not talk about it. It's so... sigh*
Just to say: I am not myself today,this is not the game i wanted to play at all, but i just... did it. I'm really gonna push myself. Jiayous to myself.

Wednesday going SBC. Hope i will zhen zuo qi lai, everything goes well. Friday going Jurong to train instead of at school. Think at the last part of training will have a 5v5? Not sure but hope to have a 5v5.
Shall end the post for today, nothing proud to talk about, nothing much to talk about.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

What if

Had tuition at 9.30 today. So scary cus' it is super quiet, and not use to it. Started with Math, did chapter 1 things... so complicated. And it goes on for 2 hours. -.- Afternoon went to play bball with bryann and william. Then william's little brother and fren come. His fren very strong leh, walao, like siao eh. I think is his shi fu lorh, cus' last time william got say some skills his shi fu can do. And that guy can do also. wa.... Then kept rain, sunny, rain and sunny. Very irritating, cus kept going to bus stop and basketball court. Then when i was about to go home, they say want to play 4v4 with other guys at the other half court. Then play... I defend a fat guy, then got one time he accidentally bump into me so hard, then he like going to fall while i still standing like nothing happen. Played until super pek chek cus' they keep hitting away my ball and bryann just keep shooting and shooting. They won cus' they jump so high, i don't even dare to fight for the rebound. But overall, not so tiring as 5v5. Hahahahahahahaha. :D Went home at 6.30pm, so late. :O

House going to renovate on Tuesday, Wooooooo hooooo. Hope it will be nice yea. (: Should i go SBC tmr to watch match? Feel like going, but no one company me go. And, it's so far. Stay at home? Sigh*. I'm gonna pray very very hard that i will play well on Monday's friendly game cus' there is no dorothy and catherine already. All the forwards.... GONE. ): Then shermaine maybe not coming cus' of her father. Then no more center!!!! WALAO.... Why all ps me... ): Okay, want to go and watch power sunday already ahahhahaha. :D
Shall end post here for today. *** Please bless me for monday.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Yesterday went to Sentosa, had lots of fun. My face damn red when we leave sentosa, have my specs marking on my face, so disgusting. Shermaine they all had sunburn, i have but not as pain as theirs. Hahahaha. Reached home at 9pm plus, super tired, kept yawning all the way, haha. Even now also, siao eh, these few days not enough oxygen. -.-

Had training today, Mr Ong say we will be going to Jurong today at 10 plus. Then next friday also going there. Kena shock, cus' he said go there and train, but actually go there and play friendly. -.- Didn't played well just now! Had twice easy layup but didn't go in the ball. Hais..... Tmr starting tuition, 2 hours leh! Alone with the teacher... Will die man, somemore 9.30... i want watch my doraemon one sia! ): Maybe tmr afternoon will go my hse thr and play ball? See got people go first anot. :D Maybe want to ask Evan they all... But scare they tired leh... I will just try asking them...

Another friendly against NJC next Monday!!! Hopefully i will play well cus it's at our school, hahaha. ;D Maybe not lah.... Don't know want to wear my basketball shoes or my normal shoes, if i wear normal shoes, i run faster and feel more comfortable, if wear basketball shoes, don't run fast and don't feel comfortable. Aiya don't know lah! Granny forcing me to eat Bee hoon for dinner though i told her i cooking instant noodles myself. WTF LAH. -.-
Okay shall end post here, BYE.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mini love

Yesterday went to school for the next year sec1 camp workshop. Then Mr low brought me, Shermaine and Catherine to Tiong Baru to eat, then went to watch B' boys friendly against Hougang Sec. Wa, sit in Mr Low's car will die, dizzy all the way. Ate burger king and waited for Mr Low at the bus stop. Stomach super pain when waiting, and the sun is.... Cannot take it. Rush to a kopitam's toilet to check if that one come already. But didn't, False alarm. Haha. But stomach super pain, next time i shall not eat Burger king anymore.

Had training today, father didn't bring me go. -.- Gave me $2 and tell me to take some coins to eat. Then Mum come out from her room, saw me taking coins like no money then gave me another $2. Might as well give me $5. ): Walao.

Okay lah, short post, tmr going Sentosa! Woo.. :D

Monday, December 6, 2010

For you

Though yesterday was my birthday, didn't have much fun. Next time, i shall go out during my birthday. Staying at home is so boring. Went out in the morning with parents to sunshine to buy some food. Then bought cake, afternoon wasn't so pleasant, cus' something happen. Tried to stay happy, cus' it was my day after all. Then went out to yew tee at Jinxiang's hse down thr de kopitam to eat cus' JX's father going with us to another uncle's hse. Then went to Jurong west, go the uncle house sit, say want go thr sit sit, very fast. In the end sit from 7 plus to 9 plus. Reached at 10. -.- Cut cake, eat, then sleep. That's how i spent birthday with my FAMILY. *claps* -_-

Had training today, went school alone cus' father say he cnt bring me to sch today and EVAN IS NOT HERE TO TAKE BUS WITH ME! ): 1 day and all of us are like suffering, went to lot1 just now, felt something missing, and Evan is missing! WALAO. Have to wait until thursday.... ): Training was okay today until the 5v5 part where shermaine got injured, cus' of me!!! But she also never wear her ankle guard, STUPID her. Then janice sub shermaine and i have to defend janice. Wa, i want to die already. People keep blocking my way leh, then i cnt defend her. But she is fast also lah. Won the other team cus' earlier Catherine keep going in, like wa, first 5 balls. Then suli, then me, then dorothy then sarah. :D Got 1 time, i just chiong up then release the ball with 1 hand at elbow further abit. Thought will air ball or hit the ring then bounce back. but guess what, it's a slient! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! :D Cus' don't have net, so no chop, haha.
Okay, shall stop here now. It's 6pm, and i'm hungry. Don't feel like eating the cake anymore.
Still have to go school tmr at 8am! ARGH...... ): Hope mum buy bread then tmr i can eat hot dog in roti. :P

Friday, December 3, 2010

Had training today, first part was quite tiring cus need run 4 ze. Then do, 3v3 full court. Was tiring for me cus someone didn't run fast enough so i had to help to chase and also at the same time guarding my men. Then did 5v5, after doing that for like very long, had a break then Mr Ong taught us how to play the center. Had a few drills before playing 5v5 half court( practice). Need to train up my shooting ah. Not bad to play center lah, but i just didn't do block out everytime during 5v5 when i don't have shermaine in my team.

After training Team sang Happy birthday song for me, covered my ears, then Mr Ong say where got people cover their ears one and hint me to say thank you? Then i said thank you, and team sang the song again with my ears open BIG BIG ah. After that went to kopitam to have what ke kou mian, nice but super super super FULL after eating it. Walao, now i damn hungry. T_T But home don't have what i want to eat. ARGHHH. I think i burn my father's pocket already lorh. I spent all the money today. T_T Then tmr i want go out buy bag and shirt. Nevermind still can take from granny and Mum. Each take some <: Go jurong point tmr i think. HAIS. Morning so busy. Accompany granny go polyclinic, go cut hair. AHHH.........

Stay at lot1 just now with shermaine and evan. Walk around, went arcade to play. Walao i fail at the shooting one lorh. The thing keep protect then i cannot shoot, so i'm the last one to die. (: Then shermaine and evan keep shooting. Then played others, play racing, and finally play para para. HAHA. Then when going off saw a guy and a girl play the step step one, the girl lose sia, then the guy keep step step step like machine gun like that. That one not bad uh, can train our dou bu. :D Then went down, went to Mac. Buy things to eat, then joke around. Then after eating, sit down there and talk about our future. Talking about one by one's wedding next time then talk until sarah's. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! Sarah's one SUPER AH! Must tell sarah to invite us next time when she married. :D:D:D:D:D Then finish about wedding, talk until sarah's children and grandchildren somemore. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Wa, cnt take it.
Okay shall end my post here. Today is fun? Walao monday no evan. ): Then slowly, no dorothy, no catherine. WALAO. Okay stop here. ;D
BYE! (:

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Went back to school today to paint tables. Thought will be painting the top part, who knows we are painting the legs of the tables cus' it was rusty. -.- Move the tables from the top level down to the first level first. It was okay lah, not so tiring, sweat alot alot. Then break abit. :D Started to paint tables. Was painting my first stroke when Evan spilled the whole paint on the floor, then she didn't faster siam but stood there. HAHAHA got shock ah. Then i just kept painting the tables legs while dorothy and evan clear the paint on the floor. Got alot of black stains on the shirt and the more i get, i'm more happy. :D But tio paint on my hands, legs. Evan and shermaine worst, tio hair then like stuck. Lucky i never tio on my hair. Hohoho.

Sarah went universal studio today, If she is here, i will laugh like siao zha bor. Tmr she won't be coming also. Then Monday evan won't be coming. WALAOOOOOO!!!! All the important people not here. Sian then no laughter. ): Nvm, next year i will be going away, i think. (: But next year Sarah they all gonna graduate already. WALAO! D:

Okay, camp's photo have been uploaded, went through the photos and i look so retarded. -_- SO UGLY. Whatever lah, tmr is training, hohoho. Should i wear my basketball shoes? ): Aiya just wear lorh. Pain then pain lah, stupid. Okay shall end post here.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hold on, i'm here

Had training today, coach didn't come again, and the sun was very hot. Wore yesterday bought de tights. Especially the top one, super hot and the tag very irritating. The bottom one kept going up, very uncomfortable, so i kept pulling down. HAHA. End the training with a 5v5, so tiring and my toes very pain. Had evan, cat,pat and sarah in the team. Then dorothy,suli,shermaine,lingling and nissi in the another team. We were losing at the first part, like a very very big gap(what mr ong said), then we catch up with the another team and we won finally. Muahahaha.

After training went to plaza walk walk. Then after that went lot1 walk walk cus it is so early, like 3 plus.Went around level 1 like siao zha bor like that, went in one then go in the next one. Tmr going back sch to paint tables, STUPID RIGHT? Why must paint sia..... everytime paint then after 1 year the paint drop off, then paint again. WTH. Chou sarah going universal studio tmr and staying overnight at a hotel thr. Then friday training pangseh us, very good ah...
Okay lah, shall end my post here. Hope tmr will be a good day for me yea. I'm sleepy all day long. -_-
Okay, BYE. :D

Monday, November 29, 2010

Dreams never lasts

Danbo is so cute and cool. XD Though it look simple, cardboard folded up into cuboid, lights in it, IT LOOKS SO CUTE. :D Okay, okay, gonna post a short post cus' haven't prepare later going out, still need a piece of $10 i think. Father yesterday don't want me to go out, then suddenly so nice say i can go out. Muahahahaha. :P But he only give me $20. ): Walaooo....

Okay, hope today will be a good day? I'm still tired. D: Very sleepy eh.... Alright then, need to go already. shall end my post here now,

It takes effort

Had training today and the sun is always so hot. ): Coach didn't come but did inform Mr Ong to let us do what. First part was soo tiring, do footsteps, defence. At the later part of the training, Bobbie came with her younger brother, at first didn't know until Lingling ask her. Not bad lah, both look quite alike. Hahahas. Alot of people had food poisoning the past few days, so suay, hope all recover soon bah. (:

Played 5v5 against C'girls plus janice, bobbie, her younger brother and dai long. Was sooooo tiring cus dai long kept intercept the ball. Pass high cnt, pass low cnt. Walao...... But that is only the first match. Still got 2nd match, some C'boys,dai long and bobbie's younger brother. Was even tiring cus i went chasing soo hard after malcom when he take the ball for fast break. Somemore my shoe got 1 big hole down thr and i scare i make the hole bigger and you know, maybe my shoe will be gone. HAHA. :D
Okay tmr going Vivo? Hope can go lorh. If not everyday stay at home, father say me always go out, but i at home also nothing to do, no books to read, nothing to play in computer. SO BORING MY HOUSE! Can i like buy some games?????!!! -.-
Okay whatever, shall end post now. Very very very very very tired...

Saturday, November 27, 2010


HELLO. :D How i wish i could have this shoe. ]: COOKIE MONSTERRRRR :O
Okay whatever, had 3days 2 night camp on Wed to Fri. It was FUN, TIRING AND SLEEPY. Didn't even sleep the first night, tried to close my eyes, stop thinking about things and sleep, but couldn't. So when in the morning, i was very very very tired cus' we had 2 trainings on Monday which really make me want to die. Thursday was a not-so-nice day. First, woke up in the morning, had breakfast, MILO AND BREAD! :P Then afternoon went for dragon boating. Did dragon boating under the bright hot sun and it was so scary when the commander infront told us to try to sit by the side and play like see-saw like that. It was 100 times scarier than see-saw lorh please. Then shermaine sit infront of me keep laughing at me,dorothy and ms pek cus' we kept screaming. I didn't scream lah of course, don't know how to scream ah, HAHAHA.

Had some C'boys in the same boat as us, then they keep never row. Then had 2 competition with the B'boys and some C'boys, see who come in first. In the end, we keep lose. HAHA. :D So when we reached the beach, they keep splashing water at us, we very wet sia. I'm so hungry after that lorh, got bring bread but the boys all eat finish. Then went to ECP for BBQ, played on the beach first by drawing some things. Then went to play beach volleyball, was funny cus' we don't know whether want to hit or don't want to hit the ball when it comes between the infront and behind person. My hand so bloody pain when i hit the first ball, but in the end, okay lah, haha. Then stupid rain come, went into shelter, wait for rain to stop but it gets heavier and heavier. Then C'girls they all were still riding bicycle somewhr out there. So Ms Pek and Tiffanie went out to find them, and come back soak in water, but very SHIOK leh... :/ Okay i shall move on to what happen to the BBQ in the end.

In the end, we had our BBQ in sch. (: Had alot alot alot alot alot alot of food that there are so many leftover and we ate the leftover at lunch yesterday with the food heated up. And don't know why the auntie cooked the food in the camp is so not nice, everytime i buy food from her stall one leh, everytime so nice de. ):
Okay lah shall end my post here, want to watch Personal taste though i'm very very tired. Tmr confirm father gonna hit my legs to wake me up, and shout at me to wake up if i don't wake up. fuck, everytime like that, i very tired then force me to wake up. -.- Then eat breakfast, watch tv, wash toilet. I HATE BEING LIKE THIS. I'm so tired and parents are screaming into my ears,brother pissing me off, granny everytime say mother, mother everytime say granny, father forcing me to read books but i have no book at home, he havent even buy textbooks for me and expect me to read books. I want to buy roahl dahl's books he also don't want buy for me, everytime tell me go library library, there also don't have i like de BOOK! FUCKKK!KK!!!!.
Okay, shall stop everything here and HOPE HOPE HOPE to start everything fresh tmr.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Woke up early in the morning, 6 plus. Father bring granny go cck polyclinic, me and bro company go. Reach thr at 7plus, already got quite a lot of people queueing up. Then wait until 7.45 for the polyclinic to open. everything end around 8plus? Reached home at 9am. (:

Bro just go out to have dinner with friends. Soo good, i want go out too. ): Sooo boring and hungry. Craving for McSpicy now, ToT maybe ask Mum to buy for me after her work. :D :D :D TODAY IS SOOOOO BORING. Tmr is going to be more boring... -.- Okay whatever. Shall end here and hunt for food. <:

Friday, November 19, 2010


Today had training, this year B'girls are coming back. Not all, got Janice,Tingyi,Tinghui,Chenhui,Jezelyn and hannah. :D They played against our next year B'Div. C'girls join them cus they have only 6 and we have... 8? ya, whatever. Was super super super tiring cus of the SUN!!! I almost become chao da lorh. Walao.. Stupid Sun. Sometimes, i do wish to have a indoor court. XD But sometimes, having a indoor court may not be good. (:

Okay talking about the friendly game, we of course, lost. 37-62 ah, something like this. I'm suppose to go in like 4 or 6 points! AH.. My stupid layup and under basket. Okay, i'm gonna change my layup to Not-So-Complicated one. Hahaha. Tmr nid go polyclinic with my GRANNY in the morning. Maybe 10 plus want go play ball? ARGH. I want go shermaine's house play the electronic drum! That time go also never play, stupid. But we played the monopoly, the card one. So freaking funny, HAHA, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. XD

Keep listening to Beast-Beautiful and SHINee-Hello. Soooooo NICE! Taemin,Onew and GiKwang so CUTE. :D Okay whatever, lee seung gi's song is still the best. Want to download that song but cnt download. ): STUPID! ARGH! Hahahahahaha.
Okay shall end here. Have no more time!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Losing my mind

Went to causeway with shermaine,sarah,evan and dorothy yesterday to watch MEGAMINDDD. :D Bought the tickets first then went to Mac cus there is no KFC. ): Sad. Then we were outside Mac deciding what to eat when this uncle come to us and say " Is anyone a christian?" I was totally shock, then i heard the christian as question so I said "no". Then he kept saying and saying... Then Dorothy faster go and buy ice cream, left me,shermaine, sarah and evan with the uncle. Then the uncle kept talking and talking. Shermaine they all also never say anything, so i kept saying "okay" to the uncle. HAHAHAHA. :D Then he gave us a card, i think he is like want to tell people to come to his church. I think i will never go to someone weird like him de church. SO SCARY. I thought he some pervert or what. HAHAHA.

Then when reaching 2.20, went to cinema.. and watch megamind! Kept laughing in the cinema cus got 1 boy laugh until like what sia! Walao, then shermaine keep laughing beside me. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. After the show kept laughing on the way out. Then shop around, until 4 plus, stand at somewhr in causeway, dont want to go home. Until 5, went to the int, laughing, playing and hitting one another. Play abit, then decided to go home. Dorothy went to find her mum in orchard, me,shermaine,sarah and evan took Mrt home. On the way, we smell seoul garden de smell, very smelly. Then suddenly, when reaching Kranji, we smell someone farted! Walao damn freaking smelly. We kept laughing and covering our mouth and nose, we like every 5min smell if the smell is still there. So freaking smelly, then we smell feng you, shermaine then say the person smell his/her own fart then faster put feng you. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Finally reached choa chu kang to breathe in fresh air. Yesterday was crazy lah. Heng father yesterday go malaysia, then raining. RAIN, YOU SAVE MY DAY! :D
Okay shall end here, very boring. ):
Lee seung gi- losing my mind

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Had been busy going out these few days. :D Trainings, and go out to play basketball.
So, it becomes almost everyday basketball. Tired but okay lah. Had training today in the afternoon, Sun was bright and hot like hell. Thought i will become chao da during training. Had only 11ppl today. Coach came super super late, so Mr Ong train us. Did four corner passing, two person passing with only 3 passes.. then do the V-in and V-out, earlier part was HOT and tiring. Then that was also when my back starts to hurts. Think four corner passing really don't suit me. ):
Then when to toilet to apply the gel on my back. Then Evan fake lorh! HAHAHA. Company me go toilet, HAHAHA.

Then came back from toilet, saw Mr Ong teaching some fade moves. Then do do do, did some pick'n'roll.. then Mr Ong told us to shoot 3-point 10 balls and see how many went in. Stupid me, only went in 1. HAHA. I cannot shoot 3-point already.... T_T I look so funny and ugly when i use 1 hand to shoot at free throw line. Must train free throw. >:(
Tmr going sch play basketball AGAIN! HAHA. Granny confirm say " everytime go out then come back late. Now outside so 'messy' huh, what kill people. Still go and play somemore." CONFIRM granny will say something like that lorh. Hais. :l
Okay, shall end here now, i want to play games. :D
BYE! (:

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Sorry for not posting these few days yea... Was busy busy and busy, didn't have time to post. Training on Mon and Wed was okay... Coach didn't come cus' his mum was in hospital.... Then Mr Ong train us. Went through with us some pick n roll, 1-2-2, base line and side line. Wed was tough cus thr was only 10 ppl and we kept going and going for the 2 person passing-layup. First part was freaking tiring. Almost all of us going to die. Then when 4 plus to 5, shermaine and the other SLs came back from the cluster west camp. :D THEY ARE SO BLACK. :O And shermaine is darker than me, hahaha... Went back to school today with shermaine and evan to play basketball. Sarah and dorothy were in school cus they got class, then 5 of us play basketball tgt awhile, then Catherine came and played with us. After playing, went to canteen, talk talk talk, deciding on something... and finally we went to lot1. :D

Went to lot1, toilet.... then headed to Mac. :D In mac, saw this mother and daughter sitting infront of us. The mother was soooooo funny that we all laugh like siao. And I laugh until my tears come out. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Somemore got 1 part i laugh until i lie on the table, then shermaine beside me laugh into my ears, make me laugh even worst. And the mother finished 1 or 2 upsized cup, not sure and the daughter like didn't drink like that. :O No wonder the mother very big size. :x Haha, opps opps.
Alright shall end my post here. Had alot of laughter in Mac today. :D

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Yesterday went to queensway with dad,mum and bro to buy my basketball shoes! :D
Walked around, saw hyper rize, hyper dunk 2010, hyper dunk. Wanted hyper dunk, but the colour is eww,Blue, red and yellow. -_- Then saw hyper dunk 2010, black and green. NICEEEEE!!!! But, it is way over my budget, my budget is 150 and it cost hyperdunk 2010 cost $177. ): BUT IT'S SO NICEEE. ): Then went back to the first shop where everything is like cheaper than other shops. Then saw hyper rize and think it is not bad. ;D Look like hyper dunk lah, HAHAHA, then take and see if it is light, then wanted 8 for the size, but they only left 7 and half which is the sample one. Lucky 7 and half can fit. LOL. Thought cannot fit then must buy others. Mum says that the hyperdunk 2010 ( the black and green) is too black, not nice. Wth... -.- Then bought my shoes, went around to buy Bro's shoes. Saw he want de shoes, but no stock for his size. :D HAHAHAHA. Then, wanted to go home already when Mum kept wanting us to go IKEA. -.- Then walked around, saw some nice nice things. Then saw Leann and shihwee there, shock to see them in IKEA alone. Then when inside, walk walk, saw kieran and his family. So walk one BIG round... finally go home. :D
Having training today in the afternoon. Gosh hope it is not that HOT.
Not wearing hyper rize to training later cus it is not comfortable. :D Tmr go play basketball then wear. :D Yesterday at home kept wearing the shoes and jump around the house. Then my Brother saw me and say me crazy.. HAHAHA. Alright shall end here, having bad stomachache. And, i want to play games! LOL. Kay, god bless me for training, Amen

Friday, October 29, 2010

YES man

Today had training in the afternoon. Morning woke up, sleepy and tired. Lucky it was in the afternoon, if not i would have overslept. Then afternoon met up with Evan and Sarah at lot1 int, then went to school tgt. Slept in 67 bus and woke up just right at the school bus stop. Tired like hell, no energy. Then saw dorothy and shermaine in the canteen, then sit in the canteen to do the homework coach told us to do. Then shermaine told us that lucky we never train in the morning cus' it was bloody hot like hell and told us to see inn choong face. Turn over and looked, and saw his shoulders and face all red lorh. OMG lah. HENG AHHH.... Lucky didn't train in morning, if not will chao da. Afternoon's weather was cooling at the later part but hot hot HOT at the earlier part. Didn't really run alot, cus kept doing physical on the court. That is the worst physical.
Alright! Tmr maybe gonna go buy my basketball shoes already. :D But don't know how to go leh. :/ Trying to ask around. Stupid bryann ask him havent reply me. How to go..... Fuck the handicap one lah. Borrow then find excuses don't want return. Tell him go tell his parents then purposely don't reply my sms and find fucking lame excuses, think i dono is it. Then bryann they all keep like hint me that handicap like me. Please lorh, handicap de, so ugly mai act cute lah, every time give that face. I hate people who don't do what they promised and find excuses to avoid it. Please man, BE LIKE A GUY. I become guy also more jiang xin yong than you lah, HANDICAP. Go play your handicap basketball lah. Argh...
Alright, gtg now. It's 9.40, and i wanna play games. :D
BYE! (:

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Today training, thought training was 2.30, but actually it was 1.30. So, went there at around 1.45. Coach came late, so did four corner passing and long range passing. Muscles ache was killing me when i'm training, it hurts everywhere, from shoulders to legs. Then, coach came at around 3 plus. Did 3v3,5v5. Then he taught us one-two-two trap defence. It was tiring cus i'm always the infront one. -.- Had to 'sweep' the attacker to sideline and made him/her use their left hand. It was difficult cus alot of them had pass to another teammate, then what do i do? Lol.... Then after one-two-two defence, we played 5v5, mixing girls and boys. It was tiring due to lots of running. But fun? Had quite alot of bad passing, and at least my shooting was better than monday. Especially my under-basket. -.- Freak man. Tmr last day of school, yaye... whatever.
Sat have parents-meet-session... Tmr getting report book, gonna have to show it to my parents...and ya, they will say this and that. -.-

Monday, October 25, 2010


Okay, HELLO. :D
Suppose no school today, but we had training in school. Was sooo scare cus' it has been a long time since i last train. But today was okay.
Waited Evan in the morning. suppose 7.30 meet there, then she came late. Then i thought we will be late for training too. Then Evan said ms pek say 8.30 start. So, the bus stopped at the petrol station there and i looked out to the road and suddenly saw a car plate number 3311. Finding it familiar, i remember it was coach's car. Then i faster tell Evan, then evan faster eat her oat coookies in the bus. HAHAHAHA. Then, reached the school, started running from school gate, up the damn slope.... And of course! How can i forget, we drank a gulp of water before we enter the school. HAHAHA....

Lucky God was at our side today, it rain-ed and we don't have to go to the court cus it's wet and got lightning risk. :D Didn't even did warm up today, then we started our physical training. Did some dribbling of ball around the cones and jumping over the cones. Jumping over the cones was tiring okay... After sooo long of "no-training".
After 2 hours of physical, we went down to the court to dry it up, then when court almost dry, did some shoooting until the court was dry. Then finally played 5v5. Didn't really play 5v5 all the way, after going in a few balls, coach stop the game then taught us some set play on base line and side line. Was difficult to do, but i did try, especially when i got my position at the underbasket, and my ball went up. -.- Had to improve shooting. And had to do it at school, my house there de court is like shorter and nearer. And i only have a size 7 ball. So i every time shoot with size 7. Dealing with size 6 ball was hard for me, cus abit more strength, ball overshot, lesser strength, ball hit rim or whatever. -.- Gonna play alot on sat before going for camp on 1Nov. :D

Can't believe wednesday still have training. The school purposely let us go early cus of the O'levels.Then, after school still have training. Friday also! Hais.
Oh yes, today this uncle from our school one, some operating manager or what. Dorothy,Shermaine,sarah,evan, leann and me were at the canteen at the far away corner. We were laughing and laughing and laughing when the uncle come to us then shout at us. At first, don't know what he talking cus he just BLAHBLAHBLAH, and we are still laughing, then second time he come to us then say"Laugh what laugh! I tell you to shut up right!" Wth.... Can't believe our school staff also very ah beng one. I go COMPLAIN AH! HAHAHA. Somemore point right straight to us. Walao, i hate people who point at me and shout at me. Very kpkb sia. Then he kept standing at the canteen gate watching us. He no friend lah, that's why come canteen find us. HAHAHAHA. Then we played ABC, kept talking about those aunties and uncles shooting the birds in the canteen, using the rubber band go shoot his dick then what his dick fly or what lah. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Went to lot1 walked around with evan, shermaine and sarah. Was waiting for dorothy to come cus she want buy book. Then when she came, bought the book and went to library cus' dorothy have to find some chinese novels because of her mother. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Then sit at library, then went around lot1 and finally go KFC cus' Evan is hungry. HAHAHA. After a bite at KFC, went home. :D
During physical training today, Was sweating like hell, kept wiping off the sweat with my shirt until the shirt very wet and i have to use my pants to clean my specs. -.- No wind at all lorh. ):
Alright, a very long post? HAHA, gtg now. 8 have to give laptop back to Bro. Play abit first. :P

Friday, October 22, 2010

Swimming Carnival

Today is swimming carnival, swam individual freestyle tgt with Shermaine. :D
Damn tiring, legs kept hitting on the strings and nearly got stuck. But overall, not bad luh, at least i finished 50m. :D
After got up from swimming pool, only left leg numb like hell. Then my right shoulder hurts, my right leg pain now. Everything one side numb or pain. Wth, i'm a weird child. ):
During the relay event, got alot of people drown sia, nearly die cus of those stupid lifeguards. -.- See people drowning already still don't want jump into the pool and save them, still see awhile then jump. I got so impatient and scare that i nearly wanted to jump into the pool lorh. It's a life man. Somemore got 1 time, this sec1 guy drowning alr. then his friend went to save him, he hold his friend, then hold the rope, but end up got himself drowning too. 2 person's life sia! Then got 2 lifeguards still stand there see until mr loh wanted to go and save them then the lifeguards jump in.
And got invitational school relay too. Only regent secondary, wa, the girl damn power sia! Our school like already half way of the pool already then the girl dive in and chiong. SOOOOOO NICE. The way she dive like olympic like that lorh, WAAAA. *_* And she swim SOOOO FAST! Soooooo FASTTTTTT!!! OMG. *_*
Quite interesting lah today. My body is aching man. ):
Monday having training. ): Very scare. Newspaper say got 1 person die of coughing because of the haze already sia. Argh, scary.... Stupid SUMATRA!
Alright, i shall stop today's post here.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Damn those results I've got back this 2 days. Fail math totally, 43 ONLY. Can't even take POA. Now, i want POA than Lit. ): POA! POA! POA! ): I don't want Lit..... I don't read storybooks!
Happy with my english,geo and MT. Not happy with math,science and history. ): Damn science, i suppose to get 70! Fuck man. Stupid history, i want take history but don't think i will get 60% for history. ): I dont want geo! So difficult.
I WANT POA! I DON'T WANT LIT!!!!! D: HAIS. Happy that there are camps coming up :> But trainings are also here soon. next monday. ): Good luck to myself... Gonna have alot of exercise this week... ): Basketball almost everyday, swimming on friday. Swimming carnival on FRIDAY! Somemore i swim freestyle individual, and i'm not going to swim FAST. :D Gonna swim slowly so i won't get into top4 and go into what Assumption team A or what shit and compete against other schools. Cus we also got invite other schools to join us. Stupid man. -O-
Swimming tmr with mai. :D Need to swim 50m, LOL. Only lucky lucky then i can 50m. Not lucky,25m, half way die. :D
Alright shall end here, want to pack things for tmr. :D

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Aww man

Didn't went to gym today. ): sad. Mum jio me out to orchard today, didn't want to go.
Woke up this morning and touch my shoulders, SUNBURN! ): So suay... Very very bored now. Next monday trainings will resume. Very very scare, but also excited. LOL. William wanted to vs the s'pore youth again... Alright then i will just ask lorh. Since he wanted to see SOOOO MUCH. HAHAHAHAHAHA. :D
Yesterday see chengyi's magazine, about SNSD and other kpop groups. Then saw the 'get a chance to win a ticket to kpop night ticket' Then chengyi told me go try. Won't be so lucky one lorh, hais. ticket is $118 one, which is like the furthest away one, LOL. HAISSSS.
End post here, such a boring sunday yea?

Friday, October 15, 2010

Fell down

Went to play basketball with chengyi and his 2 friends and william and his gan kor kor.
Going to be chao dao as the sun is very bright today. Lucky went in to shelter, if not i will get sunburn at shoulders again. Didn't play well today cus all the muscles is gone during the no-cca period. 2 more weeks and trainings is coming, west zone coming. Hais. Training up hands and legs muscle. :D Just now learn jumpshot from william, so tiring. -.- Keep jumping and jumping, hand no energy. ): Hais, have to keep shooting and have to be fast! C'mon......
Tmr going gym with Mai. :D Going run run run, and carry carry carry! I need to JUMP high. :/
Alright, just now try gai chengyi, hit the ball away, then his nail scratch until me. -.- Then, when william and his gan korkor come, played 2v2 with them and fell onto the ground cus william push me. Stupid, then hurt the same hand again, Ouch man.
Alright shall end here and play games. LOL. :D


Woooo, HELLO. :D
Finally exams over. :D Today home econ paper. Mrs yip didn't come to our class to give us the papers. One orange shirt guy came in and give us. He kept saying must start at 8.00 SHARP. Then, 8.00 he still havent say start, then all of us like debate with him for awhile. So, we all wait until the 8.00 bell. Wth... Then i half way doing, he explain to us one qn that got 7 choices but only need 6. Keep talking no link things, somemore the instructions got tell us what. LOL.
Home econ paper was sort of hard lorh. I keep repeating the same thing, coronary heart disease, constipation,hypertension .... Hais.

Tmr bball at my house thr! Woot. Gonna play 1v1 with 2 guys, cus they say they want challenge me, LOL. Then gonna shoot 3 angles, and free throws. :D Need to improve my shooting and lay-ups. :D C'mon, jiayou. (:
Alright shall end here, so bored. :/

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

TOOT man.

E-learning is driving me crazy lorh. Some say no work, some say got work. Everything is here, then there.Screw it.
Got to go occupy myself with something.
I WANT TO GO OUT. ): my stomach is grumbling. LOL
Kay BYE. :D

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Will be mia-ing due to Examinations coming on Monday 04/10!
Wish me luck and good luck everyone! :D
BYE. (:

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Oh No

Played with my hp camera during previous study programme,and found out that my camera is so cool. The picture on top is taken from my camera, believe it or not. :D So damn bloody nice, thanks to Shanna, she found the use of this effect. Then we kept writing and taking picture on the same foolscap. It's so NICE. (:

Today was sooooo HOT. Had math remedial so, didn't went to study programme. Went home with Mai after remedial. Took 67 and realised that the bus's air con is spoil. Hot, stuffy and smelly like shit, was sweating like hell. Then reached interchange finally get my first fresh breath. Took 300 home, the bus is so cooling, so comfortable.
Today after mass run, went back to class. Yip was not around, so the class was noisy, guys playing with erasers, spar-ing ,girls chatting. I was revising for science OKAY, who cares about the others. Then mrs yip came in from the back door and saw us very noisy. Then she told me and luke to take care of the class, don't be noisy or whatever. Then she go out again, we noisy again. Then she came back and saw us again, after 10mins. Then, she told SC,chair and vice chair to stand up, then scolded us like what like it is like our fault, also not our fault lorh. Is the others make noise, we can't control them what. We also not teachers, we shout at them they will say " what kb ah. " Then what do you expect us to do? Get pissed and fight with them? WTH. They don't want revise also not our problem, they noisy their problem lah. Do i look like i care, or do i look like i want to be a vice-chair in the first place? Screw you man.

Just finished my ice-cream. :P Tomorrow have swimming test! Damn. My breast stroke is still like shit and i'm tired. :( It's going to be the last swimming! Yayeee. :D Okay gtg, had lots of things to do, art,science,geo,chinese and math. Screw it. :/
BYE. (:

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Don't Go

Went to my house there again to play bball today. Sarah and Evan came too to shoot ball. William, jordan and one little boy came too. So, played 3v3 first. Then the little boy don't want to play then he go to the chair there. So it became 2v3. :D The sky keep playing with us lorh, drizzling, stop, drizzling,stop. we played 2 times 3v3 and 1 time 2v2. :D Then william they all went home. Then, shot 3 angles and free throws. I shot A,B and C. Same with evan and sarah. :D Shermaine supposed to come today! But she got some wedding mass. ): Boring without Shermaine lorh. Still remember yesterday at study programme, "wind surfing" Shermaine spell as "Wind Surfering" HAHAHA. Then this animal she called it panty elephant. HAHAHAHA. After me,sarah and evan shot ball already, went to buy drinks and go to playground. Then go 2 swings. And just right when I was playing with it, it rain, HEAVILY. But then we coninued playing with it until it rain really heavy. Went to Lot1 and saw June and Evelyn, they are celebrating someone's b'day. Then went to comic's connection, saw June and Evelyn again, and june go "toot" my stomach. -_- Then, went to library to find seats to study. Saw Suli, and she was like wearing the same shirt as June. WTH. She said her friend is coming, and guess who is it. It's her EX sio~ HAHAHAHA. :P Then she wanted to drag us to join her cus' she and him alone only, but at first the guy got bring his fren but they run away. HAHAHA. Luckily, i "throw her away". ^_^ HAHAHA, then went around library to find seats, even went to the children's corner. In the end, no seats,went to KFCto eat and study. Then after studying for quite a long time, Sarah had to go to West mall. So, me and evan went home. Sian at home after that. Hais.
Exam is coming. I havent get the art exam papers! Darn it.
Okay gtg. Parents and bro pestering me. Fvck it.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cheer up (:

School was boring and tiring today. Had assembly in the morning at hall, suck. Had IT problem so we had to sing the national anthem without the music ourselves. -_- Sooo weird. Then had some people from nanyang poly come talk about IT thingy. Though it wasted 2 periods of Science, i still don't like it cus' it made my legs numb like hell when it finished and I walked like a cripple to class after dismissal. -.- And SCIENCE!!! 2 periods but I already felt sleepy after it started for 15minutes. Was yawning all the way. Oh shit, I forget to take back my science textbook from shermaine AGAIN. LOL... Then after recess had History. Teacher kept making fun of Arjun and the 2/2 girl HAHAHAHA! Then MT... then english. Did the monkey's paw for English. Then mdm lye showed us the movie version, the last part is actually the son come back. Walao, i thought the mother open the door will have the zombie or wad. Then don't have, make me so anxious. -.- Then last period swimming, didn't swim today again, somemore next week swimming test already. -.- So freaking fast. I scare fail leh. :/ Haiyoyo.

So spend my swimming lesson doodling with Banana when Ms pek call me to sit with her and do the logo on the warm up tee. Had a few ideas but look wrong somewhere, then shermaine finish bathing after the swimming and say draw something related to cavewoman. So i drew a bone and a basketball. HAHAHA, though simple, look very cute and interesting. (: So now have to ask others if they want which one. LOL. Warm-up tee so long. :O
Okay shall end here, promise brother to off by 5.30 and now it's 6.24. :P HAHAHA, i didn't do the promise. :D

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Never point too much

Just came back from lot1. (: School was sort of tiring today. Had mass run for morning pt, After running, whole leg like numb, can't even stand properly. Then immediately after mass run is PE. PE was boring and disgusting like hell. Played touch rugby in the WET and disgusting field. And play half of the class against another half of the class. So the field is mostly occupied by us. The grass is SO disgusting! Immediately afer PE, went to take tissue from the toilet and clean my shoes. And FINALLY, Geography. At last, the Seng is gone! YES, no more SENG! I can start concentrating now. (: English period went to the library for some monkey's paw thingy. Was damn damn cold cus i was sitting under the aircon. And the temperature is low, Cold until i shake like hell. Brought science today although there is no science, then i know, i had seen wrongly. I see until Wednesday's timetable. LOL. Last period was PE theory, but Miss Soon let us play outdoor activites. :D Played 1v1 with william and weijie. Stupid William do so many tricks and made me and himself so tired. -_- And i can tell you, i lost control of the ball already. ): No matter how good my angle from the basket is, i will take 2 time or 3 time to get the ball in. D:

After school had lots of laughter with dorothy, shermaine, sarah,berenice and leann. HAHAHAHA. "eh, give backkkkkkk.....(DRAG)" HAHAHAHA. Then sarah and berenice went for class. Then dorothy later on went for class. Shermaine and me went to Lot1. On bus saw Chengmun. LOL, turn around after i get her sms and she :D at me with Big eyes. HAHAHA. Myanmar-nese! :D Then, got this bangala at this bus stop he stand up and he say " EH..." then he sit down. I thought he will alight the bus one more stop or two stops. And he take ALL the way until Lot1. -_- Then got this Nanyang girl sit infront of us, her sleeping position like siao sia. She was hugging her bag and she bent all the way down. HAHAHAHAHAHA. The way she sleeps,even if the bus is full, nobody would want to sleep beside her cus' you wouldn't want to support a sleeping person from falling. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Then went to the wallet shop with shermaine, she wanted to buy wallet for her friend, a GUY seh. Walk around the small shop for more than 15mintues and finally chose a wallet. Then went to library, wanted to study there, kept finding seats. Then this guy alone, occupying a 4 people seats. WAD THE HELL. 1 person occupyign 4 people seat. Then shermaine and me actually want to go up and ask if we can sit anot. But we laugh too much already can't ask. HAHAHAHA. Then went to KFC, met Evan at Guardian there cus we ask her to study together. Then her face was so funny that we laugh like siao for awhile. HAHAHAHA. Ate and studied at KFC till 5. Then went up to mini toons, comic connection. Saw this Thick and big lightstick at Comic connection, so cool. ^^ I want to buy SNSD's balloon. LOL. I want to collect all of SNSD THINGS! ): No money leh, Hais. Went home after going around Lot1.
Okay shall end here. :D Study programme tmr! Pray that it doesn't rain so i can shoot ball! :D:D

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Another path

Had been doing the same thing today. Watched Doraemon at 9.30am. :P Went out to ball at my house there at 10.30am with bryann they all. Did my shooting also. My free throws really fail, Starting was so good until i miss so many ball and total out of 30, i got 16 in. -.- Then shot 3 angles. A, B and D. A and B was good. ^^ D was.... okay okay. :D And i tell you, Converse size 7 is DAMN FREAKING HEAVY. Out of bryann's,xieli's and chengyi's basketball, mine is the heaviest. ): Now, i want molten G7! LOL, it's so nice.. D: Feel like going gym tmr with Mai they all. But, tired leh.... and don't know parents will let me go anot. Just try my luck then. :/ Yesterday night my brother played Bejeweled Blitz on Facebook, he was a NOOB okay. HAHAHAHA. I got totally dulan when i watched him play. But when i helped him, it was more dulan. HAHAHAHAHAHA, can remember how he move the thing up, down and left but still don't know where to move until when he was about to move right, the time is up. HAHAHAHA. Laugh out LOUD. :D
Now, house downstairs is very very noisy. Keep got chinese songs playing. Don't know if it is the real singer singing or CD play one, but even it is the real singer, it is still VERY NOISY. Screw it. Uploaded somemore new KPOP songs! :D Okay, now SHINee was on my top list already. LOL, totally love their songs but SNSD is my number 1 always! YOONA! ^^ Woots.
Okay shall end my Saturday post here. :D
BYE! <:

Friday, September 17, 2010

Scary lessons

School today was fun? Had late recess today, fried food day. :D Science period was boring,nearly fall asleep. English was TOTALLY spooky. Mdm lye told us to break up into groups and share our most most scary ghost stories we have heard. Then, we closed the doors, turn off the lights, and of course SWITCH ON the visualiser! Then mdm lye kept turning visualiser facing the door, face us, face the other side of the window where the last row was sitting. Then Vanessa was talking aobut that when mdm lye turned the visualiser towards them, she saw a face. WTH. My hair totally stand up. Then she turned to the door there. THAT WAS WORST. The door and walls on top have some rectangular windows, all was so clear till there is one part which was like covered by plastic. But the window wasn't covered by any plastic!!! Most of us were so scare that we face our eyes and turn other side. And i admit I WAS SCARE okay. Imagined classroom being at ground level, near scary toilet. EEEE! Gosh... Then, after the first 2 groups tell their story, Mdm lye tell us her story at her chalet last time. She said that 5 of her friends and her 6 people, sleep on 2 beds. They were sleeping very tightly, can't even ROLL. They were sleeping like Mdm lye's head here, beside her, her friend's leg. Like head, legs,head,legs. Then she said that they were sleeping so tight and guess what happen next morning when they woke up? They were all upside down. Like, suppose to be Mdm Lye's head, her friend's legs. But the next morning is upside down. Mdm Lye's legs, her friend's head. They were sleeping in the same position, but they were just being ' flipped'. EEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! SO SCARY, somemore inside our class, with lights on screen, visualiser on, and ceilling lights OFF! And i was sitting under the fan, thunder and rain outside, COLD like hell, shake like siao. And guess what, the thunder again happen during that period of ghost stories telling. EEEEEEEEEE!!!!! I was scared like hell lorh, like felt as if there is something around me. EEEYER!!! YUCK YUCK YUCK. Okay ghost stories stop here.
After school had training, court was very wet, had to do physical. Went up to upper court, warm-up, found out that rain stopped, lightning risk stop. Brought everything down to the nicer court and start mopping and pushing water out of the court. :D Mr Ong went overseas, Coach suppose to come late but didn't come. Boys' coach teach us instead. Had drills which are tiring? Not very maybe. Then after the drills played little match with 4 groups of 5, including the C boys. Everything went like how zonal games are like, but in a smaller group. :D It was tiring okay, though it is only 7 points to each game. My shooting today totally fail, i was under the basket where i just shoot the ball up and it was high enough, hit the ring and fly back towards me. And by then, Catherine was already snatching the ball with me. So, ya. And Boys' coach say coach is going to go taiwan with jurong during holidays, then we probably had to train under him. And he said our defence are like Cat fight. LOL. Then he told us that we should know what kind of training he would give as we can see from the boys. God man, their training was sooo FAST & FURIOUS okay. ZOOM go and ZOOM come back. Pumping, zoom again, zoom come back again. And it was freaking furious. :S Urgh, i have a bad feeling. Rather have coach to train us by himself and make us endure like hell ): Tmr, going to house thr to shoot ball. :D Gonna improve. But i'm using a Size 7 and school uses Size 6. How to get the feel? ): Haiya, though uses less energy using size 6, but can't get the damn feel of the ball. And now my shooting sucks like hell with a size 6 ball. Now, size 7 is my type. :P Hehehe.
Okay, my eyes are closing soon. Argh, shall end here.
BYE. ^^

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Solar Eclipse

Hello. :D
Today's school was boring and i'm sleepy after the first half of the school. 4 periods of science straight after flag raising. Sleepy like hell. Then teacher brought expired condoms to school just to show us how does it look like. It was in packets in the first place. Then teacher say can open it. So, we opened it, each row one packet. Then all they guys are so excited. -.- Then the back row of the guys pulled the condoms until like so long. then bryann go blow air in it. Like blowing balloon, so digusting. And the condoms are 'oily'. :S YUCK. Then teacher showed us some commercials from youtube about condoms. Then keep got this Crazy axe don't know what bathing girls and the picture is so ewww. Then the guys were all WOA WOA WOA. So irritating. -.- Then came to last period of the day, swimming. :D Thought tuesday's batch don't have swimming, so ALOT of us didn't bring swimming things today. :D And our class is the only class which all also never swim. :D Wahaha, so cool. So, spend my 1 hr at the table near the pool with HP games. Was boring like hell, feel like sleeping but no space to sleep, bags were all over the tables. So hot, don't feel like sleeping. I see Shermaine sleep so nicely i also feel like sleeping. ): And there is only 5 girls who swim today, too bad it didn't break last time's record. :D Straight after swimming went home alone as Shermaine went back to school.
Why must she be in this school?She totally spoils my life, my day. I hate her for stepping into my life. I hate you,shit. And there is a very nice song delicated for you. " I HATE YOU".
Stop spoiling my happy days in school. Scram off bltch. Argh...
Sorry for posting this paragraph, but i just can't bear the anger in me anymore. It's not i don't like you for stepping into my life and spoiling my friendship but your actions, words tells me that you want to spoil it. IT'S MY LIFE!
Okay shall end here.
BYE. (:

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Quite tired today, had mass run in the morning and right after that PE. PE was boring like siao,played touch rugby on the WET field. And I slipped and fell when I was about to score. Nearly do a split. -.-

Then this mrs tan came in at geography lesson, and Mr seng never come. Mrs Tan was like so fierce, scolded us for our dirty class. then Banana's duty is empty dustbin, xiao ting then go with Banana to empty dustbin although her duty is arrange tables. Then Mrs tan ask xiao ting if she did her duty already. then she say she emptied the dustbin. Then Banana said she emptied the dustbin. Then teacher say"How can two people empty the dustbin? I don't care, you arrange the tables." Everything was like wtf? LOL. Then the whole class was so quiet cus' mrs tan said " If i hear anyone talking, the whole class stay back for recess." Lol, of course everyone want to go for recess, so everyone kept quiet even those talking machine people. Amazing. <:
English period was extremely fun. :D Mdm lye suddenly shared her childhood scary life. She said she broke a mirror and she was bad luck for 7years, then in her school, there is this girl, her mum is like a taoist don't know shit. Then the class everytime very look forward to what she bring. Then mdm lye in her childhood days between the bad luck of 7 years, once did something that she can hear the other side of the world person. So scary and she can still remember it's a malay guy's voice. Oh my god man EEEE. Then she say her bedroom was at the 1.5 level. Her parents' room was 2nd level,sister's room 3rd level. And her room was those got alot of triangular shape room, and she said the fengshui is not good. HAHAHA, then she said there was this night where she heard someone singing and it was behind her room's door. EEEEEE! Damn, freaking scary. Then she say she did panic by using the blanket to cover herself, and she said she managed to sleep. Gosh, how she do that? But she was lucky lorh, she say she once saw a rainbow side by side, which is SOOOO rare. And she say it was so beautiful... so nice.... I saw a rainbow once when i was playing basketball at my house there, it was forming a circular shape. LOL. And the sun was right up there somemore, very hot. But never see before rainbow side by side leh. Hais, and guess what, when mdm lye told us her scary childhood life, it was raining and there is thunder. And after she told her story which is the end of period, the rain stop and thunder stop too. Such a coincidence! :O
Today was a good day? Hahaha. Maybe not. -.- Forget to bring back my geography and math textbooks! Had nothing to revise now. I want a size 6 converse! WJ shouldn't have bought the size 7 lorh. ARGH!!! It's heavy like HELL. 2times heavier than size 6! ): argh........
Alright shall end here. Better finish up my computer things and off before father come back.
BYE! (:

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Once again

Another day at home. Homework not done yet of course, lazy to do it. Having Science test on Wednesday. Gonna be a headache for me. -.- Don't feel like revising for it, don't feel like going to youtube to watch the videos which teacher just sms-ed to the whole class. Don't feel like doing anything related to studies.
Thought i could have a nice sleep today morning, but was woken up by my dad's hitting on my legs and pulling me up. Touched my shoulders and 'Ouch', oh no I had sunburn. Yesterday whole day under the sun was really hot, but still had to go under the sun. Tomorrow having training, bless me. Just when CCA is going to step down? Form teachers are like, exams is just 3 weeks away,studies are more important now OR cca step down already,exams are coming you know.
Just hope CCA step down soon, exams go away soon and Nov&Dec holidays faster come. <:
Can't wait to see the topics for Art exam, hope it is something good. :D
Haven't sign my report card yet, don't have the face to let my dad sign. Only told mum about it cus' she is more understanding (: but nagged at me non-stop.

Nike HyperDunk!!!! ~0~

Can't wait to get it, can't wait to sell my Adidas one. Soon, it is going to be on my feet. (; And i will fly like a superwoman. :D haha, kidding, I can't fly. :P There is alot alot alot of colours! There is even one which is the colour of CHINA's flag. And one which got blue,yellow and red which look so cute. So many colours, don't know which one i want. XD Wanted to get this 90%purple and 10%yellow, then felt that i will look weird if i wear it on my feet and play basketball. But, it is SO NICE. There's one all black, look nice too, but too black. Hahaha. :D CAN'T WAIT TO WEAR IT ON MY FEET. :O

Okay shall end here for today.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Totally Disappointed

Went to fajar today for 3v3.
B team only got 2 teams. Bukit merah and us.
So less. :/
First round played well.
We only lost 6points.
But the final round was bullshit.
Though only score like 4:18
Everyone still play well yea.
Gosh, i fail at everything. -_-

Didn't do holiday homework. Damn. -.-
Had a thick math worksheet somemore. :l
Exam is coming in 3 weeks time. And i'm still playing here.
Life's so bored...
Got totally dulan when snatching rebound with bukit merah No.8
She jump sooo high. ):
Can't even get the ball. So jealous. =.=
Thought will have a chance to go in 3 point today. But no, fail. instead, score at free throws.
Hais felt that i had let Mr lo down. He used his $15 to register us into this and we lost.
Just hope there will be more of this kind of games.
Prefer 3v3 than 5v5, 5v5 is tired like HELL.
Have more formation than 3v3, had to do fastbreak, squeezy like hell.
Had to master my free throws and layup now.
Then i will progress to 3point! Yea..
Cutting still not that good too. Argh fvck my life.
Alright shall end here. Bless myself for monday's training. :/
Hope it's not gonna be fast and furious. :O
Okay, shall end here.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Screw it

Hello. :D
Played bball with chengyi this morning.
At first didn't want to play cus no ppl want to play.
End up playing as staying at home is so bored.
It was damn bloody hot even at 10am.
Was sweating like hell.
Then played 1v1 with chengyi.
Hate the way he defend me, like bullshit.
So lousy. Nvr pressure me at all, end up i keep winning. -_-
It make me feel no tiao zhan xin.
So it just wasted my whole morning, spending time playing with an idiot. -_-

Monday's training was like sort of weird.
Didn't really enjoy it though there is alot of jokes the whole day.
Hate the 5v5 part. Fuck. -.-
Screw her man. Damn.
I hate having her in the team though she's quite good at playing despite she is only sec1.
I REALLY hate it. -___-
Sat having 3v3 at zhenghua CC. And till now, i can't figure out where is that place. -_-
Just bless me that i will play well. Sigh*
And of course out of the 4person, 3main 1 sub, I'm the tallest. -_-
So have to get the damn rebound. DAMN.
Just hope someone don't shoot. If not i wont get the rebound. -_-
Tmr is training again, under Mr ong.
Hope i really sweat alot? o.O

Hope william,bryann and amos play well at the And1 3v3 thing this saturday.
Don't make me lose face.
I make time to ask your come out play ball, and your don't appreciate it.
So, really. Don't expect to even win one team out there.
I tried doing school teams training on your.
Your don't appreciate it too. Don't expect that opponent is too fast.
Is your too slow, and every trainings, people are late, people who are doing the drills
Don't seem want to do it,don't endure. When it is not even rest time, your went to mini mart and buy drinks.
When i told u not to drink, you drank.
So, i really don't know how to control ALL OF YOU.
I'm not doing anymore of this to your.
Even if u expect me to do, i won't train your.
My message to your: Hope your can keep the team ALIVE.

Alright gtg, had to go and do housework before my dad come back home and start shouting at me. -____-

Saturday, September 4, 2010

No way

Sorry for not posting for a very very long long time. :D
Was busy ya.
Got back my CA2 results yesterday.
Science totally... Freak.
I totally hate yippe!
English failed, got 41. -_-
Geo was the worst. 11. -_____-
History and art play with me.
That time cher show us the paper, it wrote there History : 64%
Art: 76%
And guess wad it came out on the report slip.
History : 4+ %
Art : 52%
And art teacher say i did well for art. -_-
52 percent. -_______________-

The white earpiece totally budget lorh.
Wire came out and broke. -_-
Bought a sony one just now at lot1. $38! T.T
*fly away*
Chou laopo. Gave me a budget earpiece.
Damn you. >:/
Had become really 'black' now that i'm like darker than suli.
LOL, gosh......

Went to play bball with william they all this morning.
When i was walking under my hse downstairs, saw this bangala walking on bare foot.
No shoes. Thn i thought, bare foot nvm lah, always saw ppl walk bare footed.
Thn he turned and walked infront of him.
And i saw the back of his shirt wrote.
" Anglican High school
Table tennis"
Thn i laugh in my mind. Bangala in anglican high? Played table tennis?! HAHAHAHAHAHA. :D
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Laugh like hell. :D
Okay, ending here, gtg.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Sunday today and YOG games is HERE! :D
Watch TV all the way untili went to sunshine place to eat Roti Prata. :P
Then afternoon went to near sunshine place thr basketball court to play ball with bryann.
Played 1v1 and horse. He all lose to me. :P
I think he never wear his basketball shoes today thats why he lost to me in 1v1. LOL.
If not he will win me de.
2 times 1v1 he all lose to me. WTH.
Thought he will win me the second time.
Just now watch the games. They preview morning de basketball matches.
Never preview girls de. CHEY....
SIN VS South Africa.
Singapore LOSE! Haiyer. The coach like dont care that time LOL.
Unlike the SA's coach. Stand beside the refree so Gan jiong.
Kind of forget the scores.
But it's something like
SIN : South africa
17 : 25
Something around thr. Haha.

I waiting for _______'s reply! ):
Hais. So longggg. -_-
Shall wait wait and wait. Hope TOOT reply. :D
Okay shall end here, brother is nagging at me just now.

Friday, August 13, 2010

More pictures

Shoes's size is
UK:8 & 1/2
Secondhand yea..
Selling at a starting price of $109!
Can NEGO. (negotiate)
Thank you. (:



Will be MIA-ing after tmr.
Ya.... Pictures of the basketball shoes will be upload tmr.
People interested contact me through facebook or msn.

No Mood to post anything.
Not happy now.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Secondhand (:

These few days in school was like boring and fun.
Tmr is Founder's Day.
Sian, have to do the stupid dance thingy.
Somemore Africa song. -_- And 1 part of the dance they copied the Shinee de Replay.
EEE... Saturday going Bedok view sec watch game. (:
Coach say maybe can play. I can't even play. -_-
Damn... Must faster train up stamina already left 19days i think.
Jiayou! :D

Currently selling away SECONDHAND basketball shoes.
Model: Forget + don't know. LOL.
Starting Price:$110(CAN NEGO)
Pictures of shoe will be upload soon.
Pictures will be taken by my hp. If can't see properly,
then... your problem! HAHAHA, kidding.
8.1 megapixel CONFIRM SEE properly de.
If not you are really blind.
Will upload on Saturday. :D
Anybody interested contact me on facebook. :D

Okay, ending here!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Came back today morning.
Still damn freaking sleepy though i slept the whole afternoon.
Didn't slept well yesterday night in study room. LOL.
Watch the dvd around 4am like that.
Thn went to sleep, every 5min woke up. -.-
Can't sleep well cus didn't know how should i sleep, having running and blocking nose.
Wanted to join 3chairs together, but the chairs kept rolling off.
And nearly fall down. -.-
Went to the YOG ceremony thingy, same thing as the time at YOV.

Anyway, 23more days to basketball~ :D
Can't wait. Can't wait. Can't wait.
Alright shall end here.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lesser please

27 more days!
Going play ball soon. Yaye.
Today had the first bonding with C'girls.
Quite fun, not really say not fun or very fun.
Was ban by my father these few days not to use computer.
Soooo freaking boring at night. Didn't know what to revise first.
Wanted to take down notes but, lazy ah.

Bryann bought me a SNSD sticker. :D
Put onto ez-link card one.
Though it's $1, i still like it cus' its SNSD. :D
I want to calendar. ):
I don't like them in the picture... Look so weird, all of them.
Chengyi is saving up money for my nike shoes! YAYE.
Nike GO!
Okay shall end my post here, got ot find something to do on computer. :P

Saturday, July 31, 2010


HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Sayang!
May your wishes come true!

Happy birthday to your~
Happy birthday to your~
Happy birthday to 2 of you~
Happy birthday to your!
HAHAHAHA, Still remember *bleh* yesterday.
Can't stop laughing :D :D :D

So bored now, didn't went to gym today. ):
Shall rot at home,

YOV (;

I'm back from YOV. ^^
Was freaking fun at there. :D
The room is SOOO NICE!
But alot of dust in the room, thn stick onto my pants until i become like mehmeh.
And the bed is hard.... ):
Didn't sleep well last night, lol, can't sleep properly.

I feel like renting a room lorh.
The room really rock like hell. With only the fan, u feel u are in air-conditioned room.
Anyway, the food is so not nice! D:
Especially the lunch when we first reach there.
WA, luckily until me and sarah the pasta stall the sauce no more.
Thn we went to other stalls and ate mee goreng.
So nice. :P
Anyway, i just have ALOT of FUN. :D

After checking out, we heard that the shuttle bus will not be coming.
Then we had to take public bus. :l
Had to WALK all the way out and to the bus stop.
Shoulders breaking lorh,after reaching boon lay,
went pizzahut for lunch and to had a early celebration of dorothy's birthday! :D
Totally Laugh like siao thr, especially sarah!!!
Sit infront of me, and we kept laughing bout something.
I am tired now. ):
Want to go gym tmr, or either swim.
My skills had DROPPPPP!!! ):
Dont know how am i going to cope with training 1 month later.
Hais, nvm had to endure!
Alright shall end here.
Laoba and Laoma havent come back with our dinner. ):
Okay, BYEBYE! :D

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


1 more month to balllll! :D:D
Can't wait.
2 more days to YOV!
Woots. :D:D:D
So sorry that i will be MIA-ING, yupp.
Paiseh uh, busy with alot of things these few days. :P
HELLOOOO, *laugh
Oh you have a message.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Getting bad-er

Today came home at 10.45am.
Sick and weak all over. -_-
Cough is worst, blocking nose is worst.
Everything is worst.
Didn't play basketball anymore.... Gotten weak. ):

Ate the medicine just now after dinner,
Yucks, so disgusting.
Nearly vomit out the medicine.
Now, i feel sort of useless.
Can't do pe, can't play basketball.
What is this?!

Want to go gym........... ):
Better boost up.
Nevermind, useless, no confidence now.
Alright, ending here.

I believe in FATE but not Coincidence

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Oh No

Oh no, i'm down with flu. ):
I miss basketball-ing..... ):
I want do PE........ ):
I want to JUMP high! D:
Walao, i want i want i want. ):

Miss Tan is so funny. HAHA.
Student: *say the answer
Miss Tan: CORRECT!
HAHAHAHAHA! So funny the sound.
Shermaine is learning japanese recently. LOL.
I want buy learn korean words de book. ):
Very bored without playing basketball.........
Weijie bought me the converse ball, but also cannot play. ):
HAIS.... But at least i got it! YAYE. :D

Doing homework at school with sarah and shermaine just now in school,
Shermaine kept inmitating indian people, So freaking funny!
Alright, shall end here.
BYE. (:

Saturday, July 10, 2010

LOL, sorry for my mistake on the previous post. :D
It's not 47 days. It's 50+ days.
Counting tmr, it's 51 more days to Basketball!
Hahaha. :D
Today is sunday, so freaking sian. ):
Nothing to do........

Yesterday went all the way to marsiling thr teach william they all bball.
Cus cnt play, so teach lorh.
Got my Converse ball! Wahahaha~
So happy. :D
Also know from william alot of pro people thr.
Pro dao siao. Lol.
Went to play odyssey yesterday night. Really lag and boring.
And also make me feel dizzy somehow.

I am really bored. -_-
Can't talk to anyone, cus people who online are not familiar de. :/
Hais, i want faster get the nike shoes! And faster sell away my adidas shoes!
Hope i can make a profit out of it. Wahaha. $_$
Okay, shall end here.