Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mini love

Yesterday went to school for the next year sec1 camp workshop. Then Mr low brought me, Shermaine and Catherine to Tiong Baru to eat, then went to watch B' boys friendly against Hougang Sec. Wa, sit in Mr Low's car will die, dizzy all the way. Ate burger king and waited for Mr Low at the bus stop. Stomach super pain when waiting, and the sun is.... Cannot take it. Rush to a kopitam's toilet to check if that one come already. But didn't, False alarm. Haha. But stomach super pain, next time i shall not eat Burger king anymore.

Had training today, father didn't bring me go. -.- Gave me $2 and tell me to take some coins to eat. Then Mum come out from her room, saw me taking coins like no money then gave me another $2. Might as well give me $5. ): Walao.

Okay lah, short post, tmr going Sentosa! Woo.. :D