Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Quite tired today, had mass run in the morning and right after that PE. PE was boring like siao,played touch rugby on the WET field. And I slipped and fell when I was about to score. Nearly do a split. -.-

Then this mrs tan came in at geography lesson, and Mr seng never come. Mrs Tan was like so fierce, scolded us for our dirty class. then Banana's duty is empty dustbin, xiao ting then go with Banana to empty dustbin although her duty is arrange tables. Then Mrs tan ask xiao ting if she did her duty already. then she say she emptied the dustbin. Then Banana said she emptied the dustbin. Then teacher say"How can two people empty the dustbin? I don't care, you arrange the tables." Everything was like wtf? LOL. Then the whole class was so quiet cus' mrs tan said " If i hear anyone talking, the whole class stay back for recess." Lol, of course everyone want to go for recess, so everyone kept quiet even those talking machine people. Amazing. <:
English period was extremely fun. :D Mdm lye suddenly shared her childhood scary life. She said she broke a mirror and she was bad luck for 7years, then in her school, there is this girl, her mum is like a taoist don't know shit. Then the class everytime very look forward to what she bring. Then mdm lye in her childhood days between the bad luck of 7 years, once did something that she can hear the other side of the world person. So scary and she can still remember it's a malay guy's voice. Oh my god man EEEE. Then she say her bedroom was at the 1.5 level. Her parents' room was 2nd level,sister's room 3rd level. And her room was those got alot of triangular shape room, and she said the fengshui is not good. HAHAHA, then she said there was this night where she heard someone singing and it was behind her room's door. EEEEEE! Damn, freaking scary. Then she say she did panic by using the blanket to cover herself, and she said she managed to sleep. Gosh, how she do that? But she was lucky lorh, she say she once saw a rainbow side by side, which is SOOOO rare. And she say it was so beautiful... so nice.... I saw a rainbow once when i was playing basketball at my house there, it was forming a circular shape. LOL. And the sun was right up there somemore, very hot. But never see before rainbow side by side leh. Hais, and guess what, when mdm lye told us her scary childhood life, it was raining and there is thunder. And after she told her story which is the end of period, the rain stop and thunder stop too. Such a coincidence! :O
Today was a good day? Hahaha. Maybe not. -.- Forget to bring back my geography and math textbooks! Had nothing to revise now. I want a size 6 converse! WJ shouldn't have bought the size 7 lorh. ARGH!!! It's heavy like HELL. 2times heavier than size 6! ): argh........
Alright shall end here. Better finish up my computer things and off before father come back.
BYE! (: