Saturday, September 4, 2010

No way

Sorry for not posting for a very very long long time. :D
Was busy ya.
Got back my CA2 results yesterday.
Science totally... Freak.
I totally hate yippe!
English failed, got 41. -_-
Geo was the worst. 11. -_____-
History and art play with me.
That time cher show us the paper, it wrote there History : 64%
Art: 76%
And guess wad it came out on the report slip.
History : 4+ %
Art : 52%
And art teacher say i did well for art. -_-
52 percent. -_______________-

The white earpiece totally budget lorh.
Wire came out and broke. -_-
Bought a sony one just now at lot1. $38! T.T
*fly away*
Chou laopo. Gave me a budget earpiece.
Damn you. >:/
Had become really 'black' now that i'm like darker than suli.
LOL, gosh......

Went to play bball with william they all this morning.
When i was walking under my hse downstairs, saw this bangala walking on bare foot.
No shoes. Thn i thought, bare foot nvm lah, always saw ppl walk bare footed.
Thn he turned and walked infront of him.
And i saw the back of his shirt wrote.
" Anglican High school
Table tennis"
Thn i laugh in my mind. Bangala in anglican high? Played table tennis?! HAHAHAHAHAHA. :D
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Laugh like hell. :D
Okay, ending here, gtg.