Saturday, December 11, 2010

What if

Had tuition at 9.30 today. So scary cus' it is super quiet, and not use to it. Started with Math, did chapter 1 things... so complicated. And it goes on for 2 hours. -.- Afternoon went to play bball with bryann and william. Then william's little brother and fren come. His fren very strong leh, walao, like siao eh. I think is his shi fu lorh, cus' last time william got say some skills his shi fu can do. And that guy can do also. wa.... Then kept rain, sunny, rain and sunny. Very irritating, cus kept going to bus stop and basketball court. Then when i was about to go home, they say want to play 4v4 with other guys at the other half court. Then play... I defend a fat guy, then got one time he accidentally bump into me so hard, then he like going to fall while i still standing like nothing happen. Played until super pek chek cus' they keep hitting away my ball and bryann just keep shooting and shooting. They won cus' they jump so high, i don't even dare to fight for the rebound. But overall, not so tiring as 5v5. Hahahahahahahaha. :D Went home at 6.30pm, so late. :O

House going to renovate on Tuesday, Wooooooo hooooo. Hope it will be nice yea. (: Should i go SBC tmr to watch match? Feel like going, but no one company me go. And, it's so far. Stay at home? Sigh*. I'm gonna pray very very hard that i will play well on Monday's friendly game cus' there is no dorothy and catherine already. All the forwards.... GONE. ): Then shermaine maybe not coming cus' of her father. Then no more center!!!! WALAO.... Why all ps me... ): Okay, want to go and watch power sunday already ahahhahaha. :D
Shall end post here for today. *** Please bless me for monday.