Thursday, December 2, 2010


Went back to school today to paint tables. Thought will be painting the top part, who knows we are painting the legs of the tables cus' it was rusty. -.- Move the tables from the top level down to the first level first. It was okay lah, not so tiring, sweat alot alot. Then break abit. :D Started to paint tables. Was painting my first stroke when Evan spilled the whole paint on the floor, then she didn't faster siam but stood there. HAHAHA got shock ah. Then i just kept painting the tables legs while dorothy and evan clear the paint on the floor. Got alot of black stains on the shirt and the more i get, i'm more happy. :D But tio paint on my hands, legs. Evan and shermaine worst, tio hair then like stuck. Lucky i never tio on my hair. Hohoho.

Sarah went universal studio today, If she is here, i will laugh like siao zha bor. Tmr she won't be coming also. Then Monday evan won't be coming. WALAOOOOOO!!!! All the important people not here. Sian then no laughter. ): Nvm, next year i will be going away, i think. (: But next year Sarah they all gonna graduate already. WALAO! D:

Okay, camp's photo have been uploaded, went through the photos and i look so retarded. -_- SO UGLY. Whatever lah, tmr is training, hohoho. Should i wear my basketball shoes? ): Aiya just wear lorh. Pain then pain lah, stupid. Okay shall end post here.