Friday, October 15, 2010


Woooo, HELLO. :D
Finally exams over. :D Today home econ paper. Mrs yip didn't come to our class to give us the papers. One orange shirt guy came in and give us. He kept saying must start at 8.00 SHARP. Then, 8.00 he still havent say start, then all of us like debate with him for awhile. So, we all wait until the 8.00 bell. Wth... Then i half way doing, he explain to us one qn that got 7 choices but only need 6. Keep talking no link things, somemore the instructions got tell us what. LOL.
Home econ paper was sort of hard lorh. I keep repeating the same thing, coronary heart disease, constipation,hypertension .... Hais.

Tmr bball at my house thr! Woot. Gonna play 1v1 with 2 guys, cus they say they want challenge me, LOL. Then gonna shoot 3 angles, and free throws. :D Need to improve my shooting and lay-ups. :D C'mon, jiayou. (:
Alright shall end here, so bored. :/