Friday, April 23, 2010

Once again

Hi. (:
Yesterday's match against New town Sec.
Lost once again. ):
But we never get 6 again! YES!
Was happy with myself for shooting so nice for 3-point and playing all the way.
But i was nt happy with myself for my rushing-ness.
Too rush, causing lay-ups not in. If i went in all the lay-ups,
We will win them. My fault again!!!! ):
I didn't know why i am nt tired when i play men-men full court press yesterday.
I guess the person i am defending is not fast. :/
Cus i defend center person. their no.13 didn't play, due to some reasons, but i don't know.
But who cares, she didn't get to play. Hahas.
So bad... :p

Getting more and more blur about things already. Sigh*
I really want to play well in basketball. Yesterday went back to school to play basketball after our match.
Not tired you know. Don't know why, i guess eat wrong medicine.
Went back school play 3v3 with sec1s, kept shooting 3-points.
Chop chop chop~ hahas. So nice.
I guess that's my lucky day. (;
Thn shanna came and taught me some lay-ups. like going for BIG steps.
Lol. There is ALOT of problems for me. :/
I wait for the ball, didn't aim properly, too RUSHHHH.
Thn shirly join in.
Me and shirly compete with one another.
Who get in 5 balls is the winner.
And i eventually lost to shirly.
WOW. -.-
But i've known my mistakes. (:
Will try not to do those mistakes again. (:
Thn play ABC.... The sec1s kept disiao-ing one another by saying who they like.. or whatever.
So funny.

Anyway, Ms pek havent return me my black pen. :/
And i miss my black pen! ):
Hahas, I lost the badge.
Those who know will get what i meant by the badge.
Argh, i so careless!!! DIE....
God, I shall pray that no one will take and throw away. T.T
Hope they will like have some kind hearts to return to general office.

Better find it!! T^T
Kay shall end here, hungry... ):
( i cannot forget clementi sports hall.)