Friday, April 30, 2010



Friday, April 23, 2010

Once again

Hi. (:
Yesterday's match against New town Sec.
Lost once again. ):
But we never get 6 again! YES!
Was happy with myself for shooting so nice for 3-point and playing all the way.
But i was nt happy with myself for my rushing-ness.
Too rush, causing lay-ups not in. If i went in all the lay-ups,
We will win them. My fault again!!!! ):
I didn't know why i am nt tired when i play men-men full court press yesterday.
I guess the person i am defending is not fast. :/
Cus i defend center person. their no.13 didn't play, due to some reasons, but i don't know.
But who cares, she didn't get to play. Hahas.
So bad... :p

Getting more and more blur about things already. Sigh*
I really want to play well in basketball. Yesterday went back to school to play basketball after our match.
Not tired you know. Don't know why, i guess eat wrong medicine.
Went back school play 3v3 with sec1s, kept shooting 3-points.
Chop chop chop~ hahas. So nice.
I guess that's my lucky day. (;
Thn shanna came and taught me some lay-ups. like going for BIG steps.
Lol. There is ALOT of problems for me. :/
I wait for the ball, didn't aim properly, too RUSHHHH.
Thn shirly join in.
Me and shirly compete with one another.
Who get in 5 balls is the winner.
And i eventually lost to shirly.
WOW. -.-
But i've known my mistakes. (:
Will try not to do those mistakes again. (:
Thn play ABC.... The sec1s kept disiao-ing one another by saying who they like.. or whatever.
So funny.

Anyway, Ms pek havent return me my black pen. :/
And i miss my black pen! ):
Hahas, I lost the badge.
Those who know will get what i meant by the badge.
Argh, i so careless!!! DIE....
God, I shall pray that no one will take and throw away. T.T
Hope they will like have some kind hearts to return to general office.

Better find it!! T^T
Kay shall end here, hungry... ):
( i cannot forget clementi sports hall.)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Not posting last few days.
Sorry guys.
Was busy with my competitions.
Lost to jurong,
Thn lost to nanyang today.
Got hit by them on my back when i crossed them,
And it is freaking painful!
Next match against New town sec,
My teamates heard wronlgy, not they won Nanyang, it is nanyang won them.
Must score alot in the next match. I didn't score alot in these 2games.
Made me very upset.
Especially today, didn't had any free throws,
yesterday purposely went to ngee ann poly to train my free throws. -.-
Sec1s, pleaseeeeee get the first 2points in...
I jumpball, jump so hard and the ball snatch away by opp.
when ur lay-up, opp infront of u,just GOOOOOO!!! shoot the ball up even if opp alr cover u!
U will get FREE throws okay.

Nanyang is strong, have to apologise to my team today for passing lousy balls.
If coach were thr, i am sure he will be angry with me. ):
i didn't play well in these 2games. I dono why.....
I kept thinking i am going to lose the ball, and this made me not dare to do those
moves that i've learn from seniors and coach.
and to leann, is not that i dont want to pass u the ball.
u are using ur body to block the opp, yes, but ball take time to travel,
And the opp will go infront of u to get the ball instead of u receiving the ball.
think the consequences.

Shan't continue anymore.
Having lousy mood now, dono what will happen in school tmr.
Lastly, thanks meixuan for encouraging me in sms. ^^
Jiayous in your zonal match too!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Today went for CIP.
Was group with Nethania, winna and rina.
So tiring. ):
Had ot carry boards and go around blocks of HDB flats to spread some message.
We skip those falts whose doors are closed. :P
naughty us. At the last block we are doing, we only do the top floor. :B
thn we went down to the shelter nearby to rest.
Played at the playground, winna was talking about the slide being the vagina thn
she slide through, saying she was the baby.
HAHAHA, so funny
Thn played with Nethania's hp.
the hp can say out her contacts' name.
Thn we kept pressing names and one of the names was the most funniest. ^^

After that was laughing that we didnt know that other classes are waiting for us.
We are the last group. Lol.
Thn teacher dismissed them but 4of us went home straight.
Hoho, had so much fun. (:

Went home to eat lunch thn went out to play basketball with leann,shihwee,
bryann and edmund.
Thn half way william and amos came. Didn't know why.
Played until 3pm. (:
Thn went home. I had found that i had lost touch of shooting of ball.
I didnt go in most of the ball when i am playing. ):
Better improve my shooting before monday come.
VS NANYANG! must go in at least 80% of my balls!
If not i will be angry with myself once again.
I need free throws points. ARGH. -.-
Nanyang number 9, 11 or 8 is maybe the national players.
2of them, argh..................................................................................
Had difficulties in shooting!!!!
I really want to go Ngee ann tmr although Ms pek tell me to rest at home.
I want to improve. ):

My goal is MVP! ^^
Although i know i can't achieve now, but i will do it step by step. (:
A small goal let to the big goal. (:
Tonight perhaps will discuss with my dad to run with me tmr morning. (:
And will ask him to let him go to ngee ann. JUST THIS ONCE!!!! ):
Shall not continue anymore, if not dad will come back soon.
BYE. (:

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Yesterday against Jurong,
Lost. Thrash by them.
30+ or 40+ to 6.( p.s didnt really notice the score.)
Felt sad cus we lost.
But we lost in a way of feeling good.
They are really good. and i had learn something from them.
I was angry with myself yesterday.
Did not play well. I can't be controller! But Mr ong want me to be controller
while catherine was not on court.
Shermaine can't play cus of her ankle.
I tried, but i can't.
I tried drving in,everything was so squeeze together.
I dont know what i had done.
The ball hit me, my spec go down my face.
I suddenly stop, and make my spec.
Normally i wont do that!
No way.
The oppenent thought wad happen thn she stop also.
But thn another one come. try taking the ball away from me.
Luckily by the time she come, i made my spec alr.
I really dono what i had done. -.-
i gotten 3times of free throws.
None went in. I was really mad at myself for this.
All the ball, went crooked.
I must improve my free throws.
I score none yesterday... i felt mad&sad.
Now, i felt regretted.
SHERMAINE!!!! really need shermaine. ):
shermaine can't play, catherine's ankle were hurt sometimes before match.
I injured my back just 2days before the match.

Resting at home today. No school cus it's speech day.
Monday against Nanyang. must take note of no.9,8 and 11.
2of them is national players.
And if i am not wrong, they will play Full-court men to men.
Just like how it happen last year.
They are my enemies, i cannot let them off.
I am going to try more things, improve myself within 2days.
Shall not continue, God, heal my wounds...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Play like you are training

Tomorrow is going to be a tiring day for me.
English test,math test, chinese listening comprehension and WEST ZONE BASKETBALL MATCH!
Phew, tiring day.
Today CCA day, had training. didn't train too tough cus tmr is the big day.
But at the last part of training play 5v5 against B'girls.
My shooting deproved.. ):
Can't use the method that coach taught us.
No arm-strength. Damn it. Free throw still not very good.
Today training shermaine sprained her ankle when doing 2on1.
I think she step on my leg thn i jump and shoot.
Poor her, pray that she will be okay.
If not we are not going to survive without her! ):

VS-ing Jurong tomorrow. I must try my best!
Endure the pain on my back!
Must shoot properly!
I must play like i am playing 5v5 at training times.
Phew, let out everything. (:
God, I'll pray that you can bless me for tomorrow's basketball match and my tests and exam.
AMEN!!! AMEN!! (:

Didn't listen to SNSD songs these few days.
Too busy. ): Now at my blog listening. Feel relaxed! (:
Thanks to SNSD~ ^^
Shall end my post here, it's late.
Good night sweet dreams~

Monday, April 12, 2010

ARGH!!! PAIN....... twisted my bone when doing four corner passing.
I tried my best to endure, but in the last, cannot endure the pain anymore.
We are still not doing well in passing, defence,attacking and FIGHTING SPIRIT!
Competition is just 3days away.... freak, poor me.
I tried my best, i want to endure, but my mental isn't that great.
I am trying to do more things, but it always ended doing the old tiring things.
Please heal my wounds LORD.

Tmr there's PE. doing 2.4km run i guess.
If it is, i am going run and endure the whole trip.
C'mon, i can.
I AM TIRED........
I AM TIRED........
I AM TIRED........
why can't i, argh.. -.-
Ending post here.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Alright, sorry for not posting. ):
Was busy with projects these few days.
Staying back in school till 5pm.

OKAY! Basketball Competition coming in 4days.
Mid-year Exam coming in 2weeks.
Going to be stress.
had been using computer for projects and not playing.
So guai. ^^ lol.
B'girls they had lost to jurong and unity last week.
And their next match is on 19th.
Our 2nd match against Nanyang also on 19th.
Jurong, i will of course try my best.
Nanyang, I will not let them OFF!
New town, You are going DOWN!

I am not going to let nanyang off due to last year experience.
Though Mr ong said they had 2under 16 or whatever age National players.
Together with catherine and shermaine and the sec1s, we will try our best to go to 2nd round.

And YES, i need to pass my math, geo & Hist.
Hist i passed but scare i will fail.
I am working for it.
I Had to have CONFIDENCE!!!
Remove my mistakes, GOD!
Improve my skills, GOD!
AMEN. (:
Not posting anymore.
BYE. (;
To Be Continued. ;D

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Can't go out these 3days. stuck at home. ):
Want to go ngee ann to play basketball~~~
Something bad is going to happen to me in 24hours time.

One sentence for today.

Yea, i am "die-ing". -.-

Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday

Hi once again.
I am sweating very jialat now.
Cus' just now at home do some jumping.
Was not very happy these 2days.

Mixpod is crazy once more.
And i am not happy with it. ):
Can't get to see SNSD's MVs.
Math homework a whole pile.
Dont know if tmr really had to go Miss tan's hse for remedial.
the whole class somemore.
Can't get to go out to play basketball for these 3days.
Got scolded by mum and she stop me from going out.
WOW. My basketball skills will die.
Trying to grow taller now by jumping around at home when no one is watching.
By surprise, last week i went to check with Mai and banana.
Cus' mai wanted to know her weight.
I grown by 1cm ^^
Yay. from 164cm to 165cm.
I was not happy when Nissi told me that she is 1cm taller than me last time.
Now, i am the same height with her! YES.
Growing taller plan success.

Math is driving me crazy.
Algebra here and there.
Made my whole mind full of algebra.
Very hungry now. ):
Weijuan coming my hse to stay overnight tmr. (:
But maybe only.... ):
Hope she will come! (:
Shall not continue. BYE.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Kay, Bad day today.
SOMEONE didnt have responsibility to tell us that today had project.
Ended up we didnt bring everything.
Thn a fuss.
SOMEONE got angry even though it was her fault in the first place.
Don't push it to others, Thn scold people anyhow,
punish them anyhow.

Anyhow say people skip or doesn't want to do.
Instead of making people go CRAZY.
The person who started it was you, and not us.
If you are blaming us, YOU ARE definitely NOT A TEACHER.

I am saying what i feel, no comments on this, busybodies.

Yesterday training also quite angry with the sec1s.
Told them to keep ball, everyone ran away.
Is it so difficult to keep?
End up me and shermaine keep ball.
After that only some sec1s came to help.
There are people who doesnt keep the ball at all till now.
Mr ong was angry with the sec1s becus they keep repeating their mistakes.
And we can't proceed if we are like this.
I am very scare of the sec1s becus they are still the same from last time.
Though they had improved just a little bit.
But still, not up to the standard.
Trainings are tougher, and sec1s are nt trying their best.
And this will lead to punishment.
ARGH. Having so much problems now.
Need GOD and my brain cells. Sigh*
Shall not continue. BYE.