Friday, March 19, 2010


wake up late today cus' of the nice weather. (:
Hoho, raining~
But it causes not to let me play basketball with william,amos, bryann and some of my juniors.
And i want to play it NOW. ):
Went to my blog just now. And found out all the songs cnt play. -.-
Thn bro was saying " the mixpod spoil already lah"
Went to sign in mixpod.
Played 5 songs. CANNOT PLAY.
Bro thn say" I think the website down already."
I was at there ARGH ARGH ARGH!
Thn bro say"zzzz. Go down already lah."

Yesterday had training. Training was tough. D:
Cus' was doing the same drill over and over again.
Running and running.
Alot of us had muscle cramps on Butt, legs becus' of the running at Bukit timah hill.
So it is seriously painful.
The starting of training is already going-to-die.
Ran 17trips in 1minute. T.T
And ran for twice.
Thn coach discount us.
14trips in 1minute T.T Thn discount agn.
13trips in 1mintue.
And i nearly pass!!! ARGH! Damnit.
Just 5steps away from the line.

Thn after that immediately take ball and do some drills.
2person 1group.
Taught us how to run when u are forward,
Jump-stop, block out, defence and some personal skills.
Kept doing and doing and i nearly had an asthma attack. -.-
Thanks shirly for helping me. :D
luckily coach let us stop at 10.30 to let us play 5v5.
we had 3groups, each group got 5.
At first i was in suli's group.
Thn was changed to janice's group after i tell mr ong that i am dizzy.
So suli and dorothy group played first.
I was resting my head. And the weather was damn freaking hot.
Me and shermaine was saying" ah.. SO HOT! Becoming Roasted pig already."
And the hot weather was causing my head worst.
Thn it was our turn to play with suli's group.
Everything went smooth. It was not very tiring.
Had janice telling us to move whr and when to be alert. :D
The last match was the most most memorable one. -.-
I was saving the ball when it was going to roll out.
Thn i fell and slide on the floor with the ball in my hands.
It was painful... D:
But i am okay. :D
Hahas. :D

Find my brother super irritating. -.-
He was beside me just now. Kept pestering me.
Pinching me on my shoulder. walau like molesting me like that.
Eating lunch already.
Ending here, BYE. (: