Monday, March 15, 2010


Today is the starting of 1Week holiday.
And i HATE holidays.
Had to wake up early for trainings, holidays homework,
And do nothing at home.

Today had training.
It was okay when the Sec1s started to make coach angry.
They watch the C & B boys when coach is explaining to us the drill.
1st time okay, thn someone looked thr agn.
Coach scolded us. thn told us to run the 17laps in 1min.
Nvr pass. So we started running another one.
After the second trip, coach thn tell us to drink.
Was really angry at the sec1s at that moment.
Wanted to shout at them, but didnt want to shout at them anymore.
Leave them alone already.

Thn after drink, do the same drill agn.
Until it was raining. Stupid Rain. ):
Thn go to shelter, did the swing thingy.
Thn after that did some shootings.
Argh! My shooting still not high. -_-
No arm strength AH! ):
Thn after that dismissed....
B girls debrief the C girls.
Actually was the sec1s.
Me,catherine and shermaine wasn't really involve in it.
So debrief..... blah blah.
Thn went to change, go canteen...
Went off to Bpp to collect my books which are left under my desk last friday.
Thanks chengyi for keeping my books. :D
Haha. Think gonna have a scolding from mrs yip when sch reopen.

Yesterday went to have a haircut.
Is my hair really long?
Long until the VP say me. :/
Last time my hair longer also nvr catch me, shorter thn catch.
Wth. -.-
The hairdresser cut my hair until ALMOST
like a mushroom head.
Heng arh. But it is really SHORT now. -.-
Very sian.
Oh! a big news to report.
This WED had no training. BUT going to Bukit Timah Hill to RUN.
Why must thr be Hills in singapore? ):
Now I very scare.
Cannot RELAX!!! AH..........
Die Die DIE!
And i started to like running in our school field. :P
So shiok. Although thr are BUMPS on every step u step. -.-
But it is FREAKING FUN. Hoho. (;
Kay shall end here..
BYES. (;