Sunday, March 28, 2010

Opps, sorry for not posting these few days.
Was busy with basketball and studies. (;
Watched Hello Baby SNSD these few days too!
Woots! hahaha. So nice. :D
KyungSan is so lucky!!! ):
Hais, make me so jealous. :/

Don't know tomorrow's school timetable.
Thn havent gotten anybody reply yet. ):
Later i bring wrong books tmr. AH.......

Yesterday played basketball with same people.
Shirly and xinyi went with me. :D
Thn shihwee came later cus somebody was there~ -.-
Mum told me play until 11am.
I went out at 10am.
Waited for xinyi they all until 10.30. -.-
Thn reach thr aleady 10.45am
So i dont care my mum. :x
Play until 3plus?
Mum called me, Scolded me. ):
At night when she came back from work she scolded me again.

Thought today can go Ngee Ann poly.
Cus' of yesterday, i didnt went to day.
Didn't do much things today.
So tiring.

Tomorrow have training. Had to run route relay
cus' last friday was postponed to tomorrow.
Lastly, praying that tomorrow God will bless me. :D
Argh, need inhealer. -_-
Ending here, Good Night guys! (;

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Had muscleache when i woke up today morning. D:
Pain pain pain!
Thn today had Mass run someomore.
Went back to class everyone was like cannot sit down. :P
because of the PE yesterday too. :D
Had to jump and jump.
Need to jump until ur knees can like touch your chest.
Hoho. so funny.
But still, prefer playing basketball during PE.

Had DnT class today.
Did some cutting of wood.
I cut my four-leaf clover until something like a butterfly.
Shit. -.-
Thn took some no use things from the cupboard at the workshop.
The plastic thingy. :P
But i want the mirror! ):
Gold and sliver colour one.
But it is still better than nth uh. :P
Thn had chinese class after that.
talk about the chapter thn Li lao shi give us a worksheet.
She say wad ghost story.
But everything was nt scary until the last sentence.
"when they walk in, there was 1 pair footprint. When they walk out, there was 2 pair of footprints"
Thn somemore li lao shi drew a Gua Zi lian on the whiteboard.
Draw until so ugly and bit scary.
No ears, hair like a volcano,eyes-one down one up.

Had Swimming lesson after this.
Swimmers went to hall while Non-swimmers went for swimming.
I swimmer, so went to hall.
Had to do some physical stuffs.
OMG. -.-
Made my muscleache so pain that i cnt even do.
Especially at Miss vivien's station.
I stay for 5seconds and i cnt already.
Wa die, stomach muscleache until so pain.
Laugh pain, AHCHOO also pain.

Tmr training. Train longer cus sch end earlier.
Had to run route RELAY~
4rounds around the school. ):
Had to endure. Cus had timing.
Had to improve my stamina! ):
And had to endure, asthma coming back.
So freaking suay, competition coming thn asthma come.
Wad the. Thought i can work hard.
But asthma here how work hard? ):
God bless me for tmr route relay.
Pray i will do my best, keep my stamina up. (:
AMEN. (;

Post until my leg cramp aleady. -.-
Oh my gosh.
Kay shall end here, using my bro's lappy. :P
And he is nagging like my mum! ^^
BYE. (:

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Lucky to get to use the computer now.
Yesterday was training.
Everything went fine, doing the same drills as last week's.
Thn raining, very heavily.
Went into a classroom with Ms pek's permission,
Coach taught us the formation. Attack and Defence.
Thn he told us about the converse thingy held last sunday.
He told us that yishun town 2groups smth runner-up.
And got a event at thr too.
Some 3-point shoot thingy.
Vivian won. And coach say she is a girl who always " aiya dont want dont want."
Thn he say she had potential, so on and so for.
And told us a story somehow about potential too.
And lastly told us to know our potential well and use it.

Had the saddess thing to say is that my asthma is coming back. ):
So, training sometimes will Boomz. -.-
Not tired, but out of breath. Argh, it's killing me.
Ms pek asked me if i would like to join SL since i quit SC.
Though i like to become a SL. But i didnt know i want to join anot.
How silly. :p
Having trouble thinking if i want to join anot. :\
Ending here. :D
BYE. (:

Friday, March 19, 2010


wake up late today cus' of the nice weather. (:
Hoho, raining~
But it causes not to let me play basketball with william,amos, bryann and some of my juniors.
And i want to play it NOW. ):
Went to my blog just now. And found out all the songs cnt play. -.-
Thn bro was saying " the mixpod spoil already lah"
Went to sign in mixpod.
Played 5 songs. CANNOT PLAY.
Bro thn say" I think the website down already."
I was at there ARGH ARGH ARGH!
Thn bro say"zzzz. Go down already lah."

Yesterday had training. Training was tough. D:
Cus' was doing the same drill over and over again.
Running and running.
Alot of us had muscle cramps on Butt, legs becus' of the running at Bukit timah hill.
So it is seriously painful.
The starting of training is already going-to-die.
Ran 17trips in 1minute. T.T
And ran for twice.
Thn coach discount us.
14trips in 1minute T.T Thn discount agn.
13trips in 1mintue.
And i nearly pass!!! ARGH! Damnit.
Just 5steps away from the line.

Thn after that immediately take ball and do some drills.
2person 1group.
Taught us how to run when u are forward,
Jump-stop, block out, defence and some personal skills.
Kept doing and doing and i nearly had an asthma attack. -.-
Thanks shirly for helping me. :D
luckily coach let us stop at 10.30 to let us play 5v5.
we had 3groups, each group got 5.
At first i was in suli's group.
Thn was changed to janice's group after i tell mr ong that i am dizzy.
So suli and dorothy group played first.
I was resting my head. And the weather was damn freaking hot.
Me and shermaine was saying" ah.. SO HOT! Becoming Roasted pig already."
And the hot weather was causing my head worst.
Thn it was our turn to play with suli's group.
Everything went smooth. It was not very tiring.
Had janice telling us to move whr and when to be alert. :D
The last match was the most most memorable one. -.-
I was saving the ball when it was going to roll out.
Thn i fell and slide on the floor with the ball in my hands.
It was painful... D:
But i am okay. :D
Hahas. :D

Find my brother super irritating. -.-
He was beside me just now. Kept pestering me.
Pinching me on my shoulder. walau like molesting me like that.
Eating lunch already.
Ending here, BYE. (:

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bukit Timah Hill

Yesterday went to bukit timah hill for training.
First we tried running up the slope until a shelter.
1st part of the slope was tiring. 2nd part was better.
thn went back down the starting point.
Run up the slope. almost fall backwards when i was running. X_X
run run run....
After that went to the 2nd part.
It was shorter and much much more better.
Overall, everybody endure and run up tgt. (:

Was abit upset with the sec1s agn.
Some was being late when we are all suppose to meet in school by 1pm.
Some didnt had their lunch end up didnt run well.
Bubblegum very good ah. Didnt had breakfast and lunch.
End up she didnt run well, fell down once.
Most scary part was.
When we were having break, going to toilet whatever,
Xinyi suddenly came out of toilet with evan and yenyee carrying her.
She is having difficulty in breathing.
After we finished everything, training end.
We went back and saw xinyi sitting on a bench nearby.
She is having suffering more than just now.
Thn we tried helping her. Still cnt.
She is feeling cold, feeling numb, cnt relax her body.
Thn let her lie down. We all use our towels to warm her.
Thn got a guy thr shout out at mr ong, coach and us.
" Hey please dont act as doctors here, call the ambulance!"
Thn i was shocked.
After awhile,mr ong drive in, everybody carried their bags from mr ong.
Thn i accompany xinyi and mr ong to a nearby clinic.
I was told to keep talking to xinyi.
I was talking to her in the car thn suddenly i talk to her she no reply.
I thought she fainted. *touch wood*
But she was sleeping actually. Phew.
Thn drove her to a family clinic. carried her into the room.
Doctor checked, help her to cool down.
Doctor nvr charge her. wow. :O
Thn i piggy back her back to the car. thn mr ong drove us to railway mall thr to eat.
Xinyi ate chicken porridge and drink a drink call Ice milk tea.
I drink only ice milk tea. OMG man, the ice milk tea is so yuck. -_-
I force myself to drink finish. :S
After eating, mr ong fetch us home.
Haha. so nice. :D

Thn went home... ya. Finally told my mum about my CA results.
She nvr scold me. Phew.
But thn at night my father came back heard the results news.
Thn like want to scold me.
Wa. so scare at that point.
Watched hai pai tian xin yesterday night agn.
But i watch it after my revision,very guai right? (;
hahas. :D
Today morning thought i will have some muscle cramp.
But i dont have! muahaha. :D
Sms-ed sarah in the morning and she say her butt and leg very pain.
Hahahaaaaaa. :D
Went to kopitam to DaBao this morning.
Thought will have guo tiao
But no guo tiao!!! D:
Have bee hoon and fried noodle.
So ate bee hoon.
Now still very full. -_-
Ending here now, BYE. :D

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Oh gosh

Today is a boring day.
Staying at home doing nothing at all.
Morning woke up. Suppose follow mum to workplace to see see.
End up didnt go cus' she tell me to sleep at home cus i am tired.
So, morning i wake up.... thn go back sleep agn.
Sleep till 9.30.
I thought i had nothing for breakfast.
Didn't notice that there are porridge in the kitchen.
Went out to Kopitam at Sunshine.
Thought there would be Chao guo tiao.
But the stall not open. ):
Thn end up when to the petrol station thr de fairprice.
Bought cup noodles from thr.
At first wanted to buy the what pie.
ARGH! regretted. -_-
I just want to say i had a BAD breakfast for today morning.

Tomorrow had no training, but going to bukit timah hill to run.
Very scare. ):
I hate Hills. D:
Scare tmr cannot run... ): ): ):
Pray GOD will bless me for tmr. (:
Giving in my best in the run tmr. :D

Am talking to JUNETANJUNYI! now.
About history homework thingy.
Had to use powerpoint.
But no powerpoint how to do? somemore add in to CA marks.
Prepare to DIE lorh...
Watching Hai Pai Tian Xin with mum now.
Cus' she want to watch. LOl.
Kay shall end here.
BYE. :/

Monday, March 15, 2010


Today is the starting of 1Week holiday.
And i HATE holidays.
Had to wake up early for trainings, holidays homework,
And do nothing at home.

Today had training.
It was okay when the Sec1s started to make coach angry.
They watch the C & B boys when coach is explaining to us the drill.
1st time okay, thn someone looked thr agn.
Coach scolded us. thn told us to run the 17laps in 1min.
Nvr pass. So we started running another one.
After the second trip, coach thn tell us to drink.
Was really angry at the sec1s at that moment.
Wanted to shout at them, but didnt want to shout at them anymore.
Leave them alone already.

Thn after drink, do the same drill agn.
Until it was raining. Stupid Rain. ):
Thn go to shelter, did the swing thingy.
Thn after that did some shootings.
Argh! My shooting still not high. -_-
No arm strength AH! ):
Thn after that dismissed....
B girls debrief the C girls.
Actually was the sec1s.
Me,catherine and shermaine wasn't really involve in it.
So debrief..... blah blah.
Thn went to change, go canteen...
Went off to Bpp to collect my books which are left under my desk last friday.
Thanks chengyi for keeping my books. :D
Haha. Think gonna have a scolding from mrs yip when sch reopen.

Yesterday went to have a haircut.
Is my hair really long?
Long until the VP say me. :/
Last time my hair longer also nvr catch me, shorter thn catch.
Wth. -.-
The hairdresser cut my hair until ALMOST
like a mushroom head.
Heng arh. But it is really SHORT now. -.-
Very sian.
Oh! a big news to report.
This WED had no training. BUT going to Bukit Timah Hill to RUN.
Why must thr be Hills in singapore? ):
Now I very scare.
Cannot RELAX!!! AH..........
Die Die DIE!
And i started to like running in our school field. :P
So shiok. Although thr are BUMPS on every step u step. -.-
But it is FREAKING FUN. Hoho. (;
Kay shall end here..
BYES. (;

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Damn Rain

Today woke up at 9am.
Early seh. :D
First thing saw bro playing comp. -_-
Unpleasant view.
Thn got washed up....
Breakfast almost starve. Luckily Granny had bread she got from her work place.

Afternoon suppose to play basketball.
Thn bryann, amos cnnt.
Wth man. thn william can but less ppl end up not going.
Me? Go becus leann was in the mrt coming alr.
Thn waited for Bubblegum at the busstop for like 1hr. -.-
Before that was wearing my basketball shoes with leann's.
right leg one, left leg one.
So it was like, one heavy, one lighter.
Thn decided to go the carpark nearby to run.
Thr was a playground near thr, so me and leann was playing with the swing. :D
Thn started to run in the carpark. 6/7decks.
Somemore running with our bags, no choice. ):

After running, bubblegum havent came yet. So, we changed back our shoes thn she came.
And i hate her basketball. Cus' there is a "PING PING" whenever you bounce it.
And i extremely hate that sound. -_-
Converse ball is the best. ^^
And it cost $50!!!
Sob. T.T
Kay shall end here. Going eat my MAGGIE as my dinner. ):
Kelian me.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Today gotten back myCA results.
Was so shocked.
Failed math and Geo.
Thn had friendly games today.
two friendly games.
One is Yishun town,
Another is Dunearn.
Lost to yishun town,
But won to Dunearn.
I didn't know the score for the first match.
2nd match was

15 : 14

Yea we win them by 1 point. Thanks to the sec1!
Free throw go in. (:
They played well today. Especially Nissi.
*sorry if i spell the name wrongly
After the match against yishun town,
She played good! (: Yea.
Seniors said i played well today.
Top scorer. I was being "Stop playing" after playing abit of dunearn's match.
Cus' while playing against yishun town,
I was snatching the ball,thn someone hit my THR.
If you guys don't know WHR.
I am saying it is the part whr u had to use it when u had baby.
Yea, PAINFUL lorh.
So, coach told me that i cannot endure.
But i did! Just because it was too painful.
I wanted to go up and play after that because it was better.
But coach told me not to play anymore.
So, dont play lorh...

Had alot of stress in school today.
Yea, anyway, hope Vivien rest well! (:
She injured her leg during the game just now.
Ang ku kueh was super power okay.
Fast sio... Best player! hahaha. :D
Kay shall end post for today. :D

Zhengni must be so happy on that day. ^^


Saturday, March 6, 2010

Lucky 7

Hey hey hey! ;D
Back here once agn.
Yesterday night was damnnn tired for me.
Felt like sleeping at about 8.30pm
But because i want to watch the TV show,
I stayed up and watch.
Silly me. Haha. :D
Sms-ed bubblegum yesterday night.
She kept talking bout ah mos being a sleeping pig.
hahaha... Can't help it anyway.
Bro and Father went to lot1.
Can say go to the night market thr.
9pm plus Bro rided mum's bike home.
With a packet of bread in his hands.

Talking about the bread,
I woke up this morning with only a piece of bread,
that make me feel hungry until lunch.
Afer eating the piece of the bread,
I watch Doraemon! ^^
HAHAHAHA. Thn grab some biscuit to eat till lunch.
After lunch, whole person sian.
Thn once agn. bubblegum sms-ed me.
Talking about Bra now.
Hey bra is equal to someone kay. Not that BRA.Dont dirty mind. :P
So kept smsing.....
until i got irritate by her smses.
So i started ignoring her.
Serve you right man.. :p

Thn... bro was playing comp whole day long.
I use my hp go youtube!
Watched some SNSD's vid,
Although cnt understand their language,
Still very funny. :D
And of course,
YoonA is still my favourite. ^^
YoonA fighting!

Oh right, ending here.
BYE. ^^

Friday, March 5, 2010


Hey guys. (:
I am back from sec2 level camp.
Thanks for all the blessing those dear friends gave me. (:
Especially AMELIA!!! hahaha.
She MISS me. LOL.

Overall, everything thr was so YUCK.
And was quite far somemore.
At yishun,Bottle Tree park.
Just opposite Yishun sports hall.
The boys slept at the place whr we assemble every single day,
Eat,drink wadever.
They had FANS all over.

Girls slept on BASKETBALL COURT! yay~
But no fans, too hot, scary and alot of mosquito.
1st NIGHT- Had mosquito bites everywhr.
Face,Hands,Legs. Was concentrating on scratching instead of sleeping.
Somemore 12am slp, 6.30/6am wake up.

2nd NIGHT-BEST ONE EVER! Was sleeping in between Cat and Shermaine.
Had alot of Laughter. Can't stop laughing.
Especially Cat. Her laughing is soooooo FUNNY! HAHA.
From High-Low-High. Hahhahaah!

First is, Mrs Gan was watching us, infact,all female teachers.
Thn someone's watch TITITITI. Mrs gan thought it was somehow us
Thn she tell us" girls keep quiet"

Second, A malay female teacher was at our side.
Mrs gan was AT the other side.
We all say" Good night cher"
The malay teacher say"Good night girls. Have a good sleep"
Thn Cat suddenly say"Good night Mrs Gan"

HAHAHAHAHA! Somewhr in the middle Cass came.
Telling us some ghost stories. Was laughing too lorh.
LOL. Thn kept laughing until nth to laugh anymore.
And Cat's leg was always like pushing my thigh. LOL.
I dont dare to move at all until she move.

Anyway, the meals were YUCKish.
Except!!!! Supper Meals. (:
1st Supper is Porridge+CRISPY you tiao!
So yummy! ^^
2nd supper is Curry puff + Ju Hua Ca. (eng fail, don't know how spell. PS)
Hahaha. Ate 3. x:
Hope i dont gain any weight. :P

Campfire was fun. (:
Our group, tgt with group 2.
Did some MJ dance.
Lol. Embarrassing for me.
But Mrs Loo spoil the whole mood. ):
Had her scolding for 3D2N camp.
Nid eat dinner liao. GTG, (;
BYE. (:(: