Friday, February 5, 2010

Pain Pain PAIN!

Hiiiii (: sorry for not posting these few days.
Was busy with basketball. :D
Monday-got training...
Tuesday-went for cg after school
Wednesday-Got training. to prepare for friendly match.
Thursday-Friendly match against Jurong West.
Friday-Got training. Did defence and physical cus it was raining.

Lost to jurong west in the friendly match.
40+ : 15

Lost, it's okay.
Cus they play mostly sec2. Sec1 only got 3.
They played men to men. So, it is tough on the sec1s too.
But we did try our best. Yaye. (:
I did alot of mistakes. ):
-Dribbling kept facing my butt to oppenent
-Didnt use drop step.
-Didnt pass ball properly.
-Didnt turn. (aiya dono how to say)
dot dot dot.

Yesterday training got delayed by the transdiscipline project.
supposed to be 2:15 teacher dismiss us.
Thn about 3pm thn teacher let us go.
HAISHHHH. Project and projectss.
Argh stupid.
Want to cut hair today.
call my granny to call the person.
thn so SLOW.
Ltr going bball.