Friday, February 12, 2010


Posting for today and last few days. :D

Wednesday had basketball. (:
But was raining before thn.
So used newspapers.... ya.. dot dot dot.
Mrs yip release us late cus our classroom is so dirty,
Alot of things not organise. So she scold us.
Ya... Thn was very rushing for cca.
Keep running here and thr.
For the sec1s who didnt brought their PE.
Run up, run down,run right, run left.

Thursday after school suppose to have transdiscipline project,
Becus half of the class have swimming,
Mrs yip say change time to 3pm.
But ppl who is not swimming went home.
So was like wasting their bus fees. LOl.
Lucky i stay in school for awhile.
So wait and wait.
Told suli to wait for me thn go home tgt.
Suppose to be 4plus go home.
Thn DRAGGGGG until 5plus.
Thanks evan for taking 67 bus to lot1 with us too! ^^
Hahas. Yaye yaye. :D:D:D

Today had CNY celebration.
As per normal. LAME.
Last year one more fun. hahaha. :D
The only thing i like was the heavy metal part.
Lol. ROCKS man,although it was basting my ears. P:
The drum hit until so hard. The great thing is.
The drumsticks didnt break at all! hahaha!
After celebration, SIAN. Legs numb. WOW.
So, went to canteen. talk abit. like 5mins?
Thn Fly off to take 67 to lot1.
Go back CONCORD!!!! woots. :D
Wasnt sooo unlucky as those ppl who were stuck outside.
Cus i went into concord at the right time! ^_^
YES. (: So was like with sophia jiejie and her friends.
Thn walk around... DOT DOT. Misssssss Ong owe me an angbao. Lol.
I will get it from her next yr. :P YAYE.
Thn she let me play with her camera. LOL
But i noob. dono how to play. ):
So she tell me" press tat button"
I look, thn press.
Thn the camera took picture.
Heng ah i was facing the floor. Lol. so nth was taken. :D
Thn i was amazed.
I tell her " wa. eh ur camera so heavy. i dont want to play already."
Haha. thn pass back to her. LOL.

Ya. thn crystal sms to me say she was stuck outside concord.
I laugh at her. :P hahaha.
Thn saw anthea and valerie too. ^^
After talkings and talkings.
Called amelia if she want come out to eat.
She say she lazy.......... thn i tell her if i could go her house to eat
Thn she say dont want. LOl...........
So anthea , me and crystal went to lot1. valerie go BUGISSS.
Bugis girl. LOl.
But reach thr anthea say she meeting her fren.
Crystal say she meeting her fren.
Thn me?
Take another trip of bus back home.
Thn sophia jiejie and her friends still at thr.
At the gate thr with Ms poon.
So i was like " Hi, i'm back again. (: LOl. BYE"

So.... yupp. (: Finish! :D
Shall end here ya. BYEESSssssssssss.

Want to meet you for valentine. ):