Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Game Over

Tmr is school!!!!!!!!!!!!
CNY celebration is going to end at 12.00am today.
Cnt get angbaos anymore x;
Cnt eat nice food anymore. ):
I hope i gain back my energy after this 3days. o.O
I pray that i will have energy for tmr's training. (:
Thanks god for making such a wonderful CNY for me! ^^

Tomorrow is the first day of school after CNY.
CCA is also tmr.
WOW. Very lucky mann.
These few days went around singapore to get angbaos. :D
Guess how much i had?
Dont tell u. :P
Had lots and lots of fun yea. :D
especially when ZH make WK.
ZH was in my hse using the computer.
He go youtube to see SNSD's MV> OH!
Thn got 1part. ZH suddenly turn to WK and say
WOA! eh chill ah chill ah. I know u very Ji dong.
SOOO FUNNY!!!!! Thn he play the MV agn.
Thn he say to WK agn. Laugh like siao!
thn ZN kept saying she like the who.
So these few days are addicted to SNSD's music. ^^
Woots. :D
Hahahaha, shall end here thn.
Will post some very long time ago pictures. LOl
2months ago. :D
BYESSSssssssss. (:

I miss.