Saturday, February 27, 2010


Was quite busy these few days.
Had friendly match last friday with Yishun sec.
And ya... Lost.
AES : Yishun
15 : 30

Shermaine and me did ALOT of mistakes.
More than the sec1s and catherine.
Was really proud of sec1s that they did run after the ball.
Fight for it.
And of course Catherine! 1st quarter play until 3rd quarter.
Nice one catherine! (:
Fighting all the way. (:
So end up i can't play controller. So had to let catherine/shermaine or the sec1s.
Didn't do very good attack and defense, got scolded by coach.
But it's okay, cus' i also know that i didnt do well.
Last quarter got up and play.
Men to men, full court.
Quite tiring. Running up and down.
But i did better than 1st-3rd quarter. :D
Overall, i'm still not happy with myself.

There's one part. Whr a girl went for lay-up.
I didnt TOUCH until her or the ball.
My hand was thr. Just about 5cm away from the ball.
I sort of ' boo' the girl. she scored, and the referee blow foul.
I was stun. Does ' boo ' your opp going for lay-up is a foul?
I was damn pissed by this when i saw the referee blow foul.
But things already happen, can't help with it.

These few days was sooo addicted to SNSD(girls generation) XD
Found out that Yuri's birthday was same as me. :D
5thDEC. :D
But korea's time is so much different from s'pore.
When it is 4th dec in s'pore, Korea was 5th dec.
But who cares? Month and Day same can liao. ^O^
Was DAMNNN freaking happy when i saw.

Gonna to quit SC tmr. No matter wad.
It is stressing me up!
It is like whereever i go around the school,
There will be eyes looking at me.
They even told me to PIN up my fringe.
So UGLY and look so stupid!
I had never ever use a pin ever since i cut my hair short.
Or u can say i dont noe how to use a pin. -.-
Cus when i was small,
Tie-ing my hair was my mother's job.
So everytime i just pass the things to her and she do it.
And you tell me to PIN it up.
And had to go for meetings every day at 7am.
I dont even had the time to sleep and had to go to school before 7am.
I just go to the teacher tmr in the MORNING.
Doing duties is wasting my time. Standing thr like a statue,
Waiting for mosquitoes to bite you. And you end up scratching here and there.
I had enough of SC.

Tmr is school, how great.
Training is tmr too. Hope it don't end too late.
Everytime before training i will feel very tired.
Whole body started to turn soft.
Was shaking all over.
I want to go ngee ann to play basketball. :l
Shall end here now.
BYESSSSSssssssss. (:

Sunday, February 21, 2010


YoonA!!!! OMG.
So sweet. (:
Can't help myself to post this.
After this, not gonna post anymore until further more thingy.
Kay shall end here before mum start nagging. :l
BYESSsss. :D

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Hi. telling everybody that i will be MIA-ing.
Ya... Shall not continue anymore.

BYE. (:

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sorryyy cus' i could not upload those pictures i promised last post. ):
Forgive uh.

WED: school reopen. Everything went the same. Boring.
Had training after school.
Training was okay.
Half way,rain come. went all the way up, thn do some physical.
Court dry, went all the way down. Did some shooting.
Played 5v5 with B girls.
Did alot of mistakes during 5v5 thn had coach's scolding.
Yea..... sorry to myself and everybody.

TODAY: same thing happen early in the morning.
thn call for SC meeting while Duty was going to off.
They say" okay, from next monday onwards,
everyone had to report to school before 7am.
for attire check... etc etc. "
I was totally O_O . Yea..

I want to sleep one leh...................... -O-
SO stress... don't want to be SC lah.
Getting the same problem every single day.

Totally love SNSD!!!!!!!!! ^^
Haha. TOTALLY love the song "OH!"

tmr is cross-country. Shermaine tell me to run with her.
She say she will FORCE me to run. CONFIRM will get top5/ wad.
Pray that GOD will bless me for tmr's run. (:

Ya so everything shall end here.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Game Over

Tmr is school!!!!!!!!!!!!
CNY celebration is going to end at 12.00am today.
Cnt get angbaos anymore x;
Cnt eat nice food anymore. ):
I hope i gain back my energy after this 3days. o.O
I pray that i will have energy for tmr's training. (:
Thanks god for making such a wonderful CNY for me! ^^

Tomorrow is the first day of school after CNY.
CCA is also tmr.
WOW. Very lucky mann.
These few days went around singapore to get angbaos. :D
Guess how much i had?
Dont tell u. :P
Had lots and lots of fun yea. :D
especially when ZH make WK.
ZH was in my hse using the computer.
He go youtube to see SNSD's MV> OH!
Thn got 1part. ZH suddenly turn to WK and say
WOA! eh chill ah chill ah. I know u very Ji dong.
SOOO FUNNY!!!!! Thn he play the MV agn.
Thn he say to WK agn. Laugh like siao!
thn ZN kept saying she like the who.
So these few days are addicted to SNSD's music. ^^
Woots. :D
Hahahaha, shall end here thn.
Will post some very long time ago pictures. LOl
2months ago. :D
BYESSSssssssss. (:

I miss.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Gong Xi Fa Cai ^^

Glad that CNY finally come liao.
Yea and of course got alot of forward messages.
Dont like it. LOL.
So,i forward-ed one sms. LOl.
Cus nth to do.
But.... nvr got an answer.. ):

Guess forgotten bout me le bah.
): SAD.
But hope erhem! doing fine. (:
Kay. nth to post le.
Shortttt POST. ):
Kay...... BYESSSsssssssssssssssss. (:

Friday, February 12, 2010


Posting for today and last few days. :D

Wednesday had basketball. (:
But was raining before thn.
So used newspapers.... ya.. dot dot dot.
Mrs yip release us late cus our classroom is so dirty,
Alot of things not organise. So she scold us.
Ya... Thn was very rushing for cca.
Keep running here and thr.
For the sec1s who didnt brought their PE.
Run up, run down,run right, run left.

Thursday after school suppose to have transdiscipline project,
Becus half of the class have swimming,
Mrs yip say change time to 3pm.
But ppl who is not swimming went home.
So was like wasting their bus fees. LOl.
Lucky i stay in school for awhile.
So wait and wait.
Told suli to wait for me thn go home tgt.
Suppose to be 4plus go home.
Thn DRAGGGGG until 5plus.
Thanks evan for taking 67 bus to lot1 with us too! ^^
Hahas. Yaye yaye. :D:D:D

Today had CNY celebration.
As per normal. LAME.
Last year one more fun. hahaha. :D
The only thing i like was the heavy metal part.
Lol. ROCKS man,although it was basting my ears. P:
The drum hit until so hard. The great thing is.
The drumsticks didnt break at all! hahaha!
After celebration, SIAN. Legs numb. WOW.
So, went to canteen. talk abit. like 5mins?
Thn Fly off to take 67 to lot1.
Go back CONCORD!!!! woots. :D
Wasnt sooo unlucky as those ppl who were stuck outside.
Cus i went into concord at the right time! ^_^
YES. (: So was like with sophia jiejie and her friends.
Thn walk around... DOT DOT. Misssssss Ong owe me an angbao. Lol.
I will get it from her next yr. :P YAYE.
Thn she let me play with her camera. LOL
But i noob. dono how to play. ):
So she tell me" press tat button"
I look, thn press.
Thn the camera took picture.
Heng ah i was facing the floor. Lol. so nth was taken. :D
Thn i was amazed.
I tell her " wa. eh ur camera so heavy. i dont want to play already."
Haha. thn pass back to her. LOL.

Ya. thn crystal sms to me say she was stuck outside concord.
I laugh at her. :P hahaha.
Thn saw anthea and valerie too. ^^
After talkings and talkings.
Called amelia if she want come out to eat.
She say she lazy.......... thn i tell her if i could go her house to eat
Thn she say dont want. LOl...........
So anthea , me and crystal went to lot1. valerie go BUGISSS.
Bugis girl. LOl.
But reach thr anthea say she meeting her fren.
Crystal say she meeting her fren.
Thn me?
Take another trip of bus back home.
Thn sophia jiejie and her friends still at thr.
At the gate thr with Ms poon.
So i was like " Hi, i'm back again. (: LOl. BYE"

So.... yupp. (: Finish! :D
Shall end here ya. BYEESSssssssssss.

Want to meet you for valentine. ):

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


HI. :D
Posting agn. :D
Yesterday had training.
Only ran the route relay. 4rounds.
But take timing for 3rounds only.
I do badly. ): Cus keep got leg cramp.
At the lasttttt metres of the 4th round,
I chiongggggg thn reach the yellow bump.
Thn laoliang suddenly tell me to jog to the statue thr.
I was like. o_______o!
Thn i left with no strength. LOl.
But still jog to the statue and come back.

Veryyyyy impressed by leann's pulse rate.
19x something leh. She put in 95% of her effort.
Thats wad Mr ong say. I only 128. ):
I must PUTTT in my efforts the next time round.
After running, rest for like 25mins.
So good. ^^
Cus we rest until 3pm thn we go support B'girls Match.
AES : Dunearn
57 : 45
YAYE............. :D
Janice soooooo strong. xOx
I want to be as strong as her. (:
I MUST!!!!! LOl.
I must look for my teamates when i am dribbling.
Cus i controller. -.-
Laoliang told me that i nvr look. SO!
I must look alr.
I MUST. (AGN.) -.-

Kay. Come to today.
Had to stay back to finish up the PE project thingy. ):
So end up didnt go for prayermeet. ):
Thn thursday had to STAY back agn..........
For transdiscipline project!
So ended up cnt go for live.... nvm i forgotten the name.
LOl...... Opps.
Thanksssss God that today no HISTORY test! :D:D:D:D
Cher postpone it. XD YESS!
But today had chinese test. -.-
1st question i dono how to do.
So i kept flipping my textbook. Cus it is open bk.
Flipping and flipping still cnt find.
So i try lo. Dono correct anot. :P
Hope i pass. :D
Today at english was suppose to present our work.
It was suppose to be me and june.
I present thn she click.
Thn kieran kept saying that june dono how to click.
Cus he edited somethings, wad hyperlink shity things.
When he edited, he was suppose to show it to prince
He didnt.
So, ended up june was clicking the slides. He present.
I stand there,
Wanted to say out the words.
Thn kieran go take my words.
He took my stage away.
So i stand thr look at him.
He just kept talking and talking. NON-stop.
And so fast. SIAO eh.
Thn i move away, move to june side.
thn when wanted to click hyperlink,
June press.
Thn he keep come here thn go thr.
He is taking the stage away man.
Thn when mdm lye asked to elaborate,
He just walked away thn i take my OWN piece of paper
with june, stand infront and elaborate.

After class went to talk to mdm lye.
Thn mdm lye say she will give individual marks.
She say the folders must have my works done.
I was like Ohhhh crap. lOl.
So. Ya.... I dont like him man.
To kieran: If you are reading this now.
And you don't like it
You can find me in school.
If you think what i am writing is SHIT
Come, let's settle.
You are just too much.
The whole class already don't like you
So can you please behave yourself
Cus you are just like a primary school kid to me.
And i don't like small kids around me.
Not happy? Punch me in my face if you dare.
I will give it IN YOUR FACE.
Kay done.
Shall end my post here because i am eating my dinner already.
Going to finish up my homework after i eat finish.
BYESSSSSSsssssssss. (:

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Ngee Ann (:

Just now came back from Ngee Ann poly. ;D
Played bball thr.
Shermaine,Laoliang,Sayang,Evan,Janice and shannaJieJie. :D
Thn got yishun town, jurong, potato(yingzhao coach) and Big girls.
Thn....... Play match, against one another.
Thn mix with the BIG girls. So fun. :D
Go home with shermaine at 7pm.
Cus i dono how to go home. :P
Hahaha. :D
Fall down! ): On my knees. LOl.
Slide onto the floor man. Hais.
Pain pain pain.
Was playing 4v4 with yishun town thn fall down.

But alittle bit pain only lah.
Not very pain. :D
Sayang didnt sayang me. ):
kidding. :D:D:D
Hmm... Last night very angry.
Was angry at my Laoma twice.
Thn, I was doing my math.
Thn was playing with my whiteboard marker.
So... i was careless, stupid enough.
To OPEN the cap thn take out the ink.
The ink splash onto my table. ):
The WORST is.
It spalsh onto my Math Homework. ):
DAMMNNNN freaking alot blue ink on the page.
So... the ink got over the questions i do.
Was like Cannot see anymore.
I was sitting thr. O____O
Thn got my correction tape and keep taping and taping.
Thn still cannot!!!
From a full correction tape, I left with more than half less than full.
What the hellllllllll..... D:

Wa. My shoulder thr still pain. ): Swollen abit too.
We will go there and support your. ^O^
YAYE. Lol. Shall end my post here.
BYEEESSSSssss.. (:

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Just came back from basketball. (:
Was fun man.... :D
Tmr going to Ngee Ann Poly to play basketball AGAIN.
:D :D :D
LOl... Didnt know how to go sia. -.-
After playing, go lot1 to have our lunch.
Meixuan eats really fast lorh.
I was like WOW. SO fast.
Thn after that go rooftop garden play abit.
Go play the spining thingy.
Walau my head go burst.
After they stop the thing for us(cus got 2 ppl)
Leann came out of the thing
I still inside thr. Thn i PIA down on the floor.
Walau, so dizzy lah.
After that kept playing with that. LOL.
SOOOO Freaking fun.
The FUN day ever. :D
Thanks god to let me have such a fun day!

Shall end here. BYEESSSSSSssssss. :D

Friday, February 5, 2010

Pain Pain PAIN!

Hiiiii (: sorry for not posting these few days.
Was busy with basketball. :D
Monday-got training...
Tuesday-went for cg after school
Wednesday-Got training. to prepare for friendly match.
Thursday-Friendly match against Jurong West.
Friday-Got training. Did defence and physical cus it was raining.

Lost to jurong west in the friendly match.
40+ : 15

Lost, it's okay.
Cus they play mostly sec2. Sec1 only got 3.
They played men to men. So, it is tough on the sec1s too.
But we did try our best. Yaye. (:
I did alot of mistakes. ):
-Dribbling kept facing my butt to oppenent
-Didnt use drop step.
-Didnt pass ball properly.
-Didnt turn. (aiya dono how to say)
dot dot dot.

Yesterday training got delayed by the transdiscipline project.
supposed to be 2:15 teacher dismiss us.
Thn about 3pm thn teacher let us go.
HAISHHHH. Project and projectss.
Argh stupid.
Want to cut hair today.
call my granny to call the person.
thn so SLOW.
Ltr going bball.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Loving you or not

Today is Janice's birthday! :D:D
Happy birthday to janice! ^_^
Today morning went for the mass running thingy.
Wa, so tired. Sayang take my class. ^^
Thn shermaine run up to catch up with us.
So funny.
We were talking about shermaine running so slow.
Thn i say" ya lorh so slow." *turn behind*
"eh shermaine! " LOL.

I rather run this than 2.4km lorh.
Anyway. tmr is PE!!!! nid to run 2.4km AGN.
To prepare for cross country-19thFeb.
Tmr is training too! haha. :D
Thursday having Friendly against Jurong West.
So scare. LOl. like they are so tall........ Ya....
Tired.. ): Now my days are like fill with basketball basketball and basketball.
Study? Like gone. o.O
Yesterday had science lesson. And the topic was Sexual Reproduction.
Yea, so everyone was like "so paying attention"
LOl... Thn mrs yip showed us some videos.
About how the sperms go into the ova.
Thn thr is one video. whr all the sperms was swimming towards the ova,
thn suddenly they stop, look behind.
Thr was this sperm carrying a rose. LOL!
Thn they make way for the one carrying rose.
The sperm show the rose to the ova,
thn the ova let the sperm go in.

Thn everyone LAUGH OUT LOUD in class.
Even mrs yip, LOL.
Today shiok lorh. Got quite alot of free periods. ;D
Especially the period whr the POA teacher came in and take us.
So fun! :D:D:D
This saturday playing bball. :D
But somebody nvr go. ): SADDDDD.
erm...... Yea. so...
Shall end here.

I am always praying to the God
That you can at least talk to me one day.
For fun anot,
I don't care. I just miss you.
Your smile, your way of talking,
The way you play basketball,
I really really don't want this to end
Because you are the only one that i miss so much this year.