Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Yesterday (:

Yesterday was training (: . Seniors train us first . Then coach came and train us . It was sure tough yea. But , endure , again (: no choice but to endure . Breathe in breathe out ... Thanks to Shanna aka shanna hah . lol. shanna jiejie :} for ur shooting , made everyone song le yi kou qi . :3 Thanks shanna jiejie ! :D

Today suppose go to cck park at afternoon with seniors . But tired after yesterday . -.-"' Whole body ache . Not all , :} hand , leg and hip . T-T yesterday training fall down twice . 1st fall : tio my leg and hand , Not much pain . 2nd fall: Tio HIP !!! T-T pain pain . the place where last time i also pain . -.-"' diao . Ok lets fast forward to after training ...

OK ! XD After training , sit down and wait for zharbos : tracy and jesslyn . Tracy was playing PsP audition ? O.o Then , joke with senior . haha . :D Then saw 1 durian on the tree , senior was asking me : eh wan go ? buddy larh . wan wan ? u go up pluck i stand down thr get. Then i scare my hand poke until durian . :x

Then Dorothy call and say ms pek say by 5.05pm nid go home thn we sit thr until 5.10pm ? I guess . Then me , tracy and jesslyn chiong down to the gate . While running towards the gate , we saw ms pek at upstairs lyk see until us alr thn we run faster to the gate . Wa seh when running i almost fall . -.-"' cus the road is going downwards one . LOL . Finish about yesterday ! Nxt post on today morning (: BYEBYE !