Friday, January 29, 2010

On The Way

Had 2 good news firstly.
They won to New town and Hua yi.
2nd,Coach kendy say Jurong west want to play friendly.
with C girls, ONLY the sec1s.
I was totally shocked.
I scolded connie/conny yesterday during training.
Mr ong told me to teach those whose lay-up still nt gd.
She was taking her own sweet time. I got angry.
Her steps still not yet correct. Still taking her own sweet time.
I told her go to one side and do the steps.
She walk to one side. STILL taking her own sweet time to start.
Thn i scold her" are you interested? If not interested, u can pack up."
She stand thr. I ask agn.
She stand thr. I ASK agn even louder.
She make her shoulder. body language of dono.
Thn i told her" No dono, only YES/NO. Coach alr told your on wed.
Yes/no." I ask her agn.
She nodded her head. (means yes)
I say " dont nod ur head. Say out loud"
She nodded her head agn.
Thn i shouted" I say DONT nod ur head right? Say out!"
Thn she say YES.
Thn she say YES.

Thn i told her to do the steps.
She still standing thr. like she did not do before.
I did twice a demo to her.
She did it last time when coach told her to do.
She kept pressing her waist.
I told her dont press your waist.
STILL PRESS! OMG. I tell her"
You know ur teamate and I are waiting for u to start.
I know you are tired. But those over thr are more TIRED!"
Thn 5sec goes by. She say" i nt feeling well"
Thn i tell her" if you are nt feeling well,you should told us before training.
Thn i tell her go to Mr Ong.
So i continue teaching another girl.

I look at conny/connie. She said she was nt feeling well.
I told her go tell mr ong. She go take a tissue paper first. -.-
Thn she stand beside mr ong.
I dono wad she is doing. Or why she is standing thr for 5mins.
after tat she go and sit down.
So training continue to go on.
until we played 5v5.
Got 1 time,when mr ong blow the whistle,
It was suppose to call those who are sitting down to come and understand the defence.
Thn they started the ball.
Mr ong got angry. Thn tell us run 6laps from the side line.
last4 had to run agn.
Shermaine told me that she thought mr ong blow the whistle was
Starting the ball.
Played until half way RAIN come.

Go into shelter. Mr ong showed us a newspaper article.
Thn all those photos which was from last time.
Thn saw coach kendy picture. So funny!
Centre parking hair. HAHAHA. :X
Lol....thn saw the Ms assumption.
The 2nd ms assumption.
The first C girls batch and the First B girls Batch.
Their socks was SOOOO high. like wearing soccer socks.
My gosh.

Kay. later going bball.
Shall end here. BYEBYEEEESSSSSsss. (:

Roses are red,
Violents are blue,
My love to you,
Is always true,
You light up my life,
You make me SHINE.