Sunday, January 31, 2010

New pairs

Yaye. Here once agn. (:
Today went to buy basketball shoes.
Walk around...... Saw one nike shoes.
White and purle. 90%white10% purple.
So NICE man... But it cost $199. ):
So expensive.........
Thn saw one adidas shoes. Just find it nice... ok ok..
$89, DEAL.
LOL. Red,black and white.
And the shoes looks big. LOl....
But i wear, it was tight.
Finally got a basketball shoes. ^^
If not the OLDDDD, torn AND1 basketball shoes is going to be more worst.
LOL. Very old alr kay. from the first time i go training last year till now.
LOL. (:

The shoes is SUPER big as i say.
So big until my shoebag cnt fit. LOL!
Thn changed another shoebag. my brother one.
Still big. WOW. But better than my one.
Tmr is school, training too. (:
Once agn, hope the sec1s put in their efforts in the training. (:
Competition is coming~
Cnt wait to see which schools are we playing against. (:
Should i buy another basketball shoes from coach?
Lol. One for training, one for competition.
Should I? Should I?
Nevermind. Shall end here.
I always pray to God
I will see you one day.
We will be happy together just like last time
We may not be a pair
I just hope to be your friend.
A friend who can make you laugh,smile.
Your BEST friend.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

I just got upset.

HI. (:
Back from bball.
Can rest. (:
Havent did my TONS TONS TONS of homeworks.
It can weight up to 1kg. LOL
Last week had geo test. First geo test.
Was Freaking hard. I wanted to die becus...
None of the questions i noe.
Basically, i didnt revised. I put my bk under the table.
Haisss........ Get ready to get 0/20. ):
Zero!! Haissssssssssssssssssss.

Next week had math test. Hope i am ready for it. o.O
Pray to god tat i can manage my time well.
I am in total mess now.
Tmr buying basketball shoes!!!!!!! YESHHHH.
After 1 yr, my poor, dirty, first basketball shoes is torn.
I hope thr has the shoes i want.. o.O
Went to sportslink in west mall before.
A basketball shoe caught my eyes man.
SO COOOLLLLL. a number 23 was at the side.
Somewhr around and it was small.
LOL. And that shoes cost $159.
WTH! $160 ..... So expensive man.

I dont feel lyk being a SC....
Was so freaking stress when being an SC.
Shall end here. (: Havent eat my dinner. ):
The sky is blue,
The sun is bright,
It make my eyes hurts,
But in my mind,
You are brighter than the sun,
And you don't make my eys hurts,
You make me shine instead.

Friday, January 29, 2010

On The Way

Had 2 good news firstly.
They won to New town and Hua yi.
2nd,Coach kendy say Jurong west want to play friendly.
with C girls, ONLY the sec1s.
I was totally shocked.
I scolded connie/conny yesterday during training.
Mr ong told me to teach those whose lay-up still nt gd.
She was taking her own sweet time. I got angry.
Her steps still not yet correct. Still taking her own sweet time.
I told her go to one side and do the steps.
She walk to one side. STILL taking her own sweet time to start.
Thn i scold her" are you interested? If not interested, u can pack up."
She stand thr. I ask agn.
She stand thr. I ASK agn even louder.
She make her shoulder. body language of dono.
Thn i told her" No dono, only YES/NO. Coach alr told your on wed.
Yes/no." I ask her agn.
She nodded her head. (means yes)
I say " dont nod ur head. Say out loud"
She nodded her head agn.
Thn i shouted" I say DONT nod ur head right? Say out!"
Thn she say YES.
Thn she say YES.

Thn i told her to do the steps.
She still standing thr. like she did not do before.
I did twice a demo to her.
She did it last time when coach told her to do.
She kept pressing her waist.
I told her dont press your waist.
STILL PRESS! OMG. I tell her"
You know ur teamate and I are waiting for u to start.
I know you are tired. But those over thr are more TIRED!"
Thn 5sec goes by. She say" i nt feeling well"
Thn i tell her" if you are nt feeling well,you should told us before training.
Thn i tell her go to Mr Ong.
So i continue teaching another girl.

I look at conny/connie. She said she was nt feeling well.
I told her go tell mr ong. She go take a tissue paper first. -.-
Thn she stand beside mr ong.
I dono wad she is doing. Or why she is standing thr for 5mins.
after tat she go and sit down.
So training continue to go on.
until we played 5v5.
Got 1 time,when mr ong blow the whistle,
It was suppose to call those who are sitting down to come and understand the defence.
Thn they started the ball.
Mr ong got angry. Thn tell us run 6laps from the side line.
last4 had to run agn.
Shermaine told me that she thought mr ong blow the whistle was
Starting the ball.
Played until half way RAIN come.

Go into shelter. Mr ong showed us a newspaper article.
Thn all those photos which was from last time.
Thn saw coach kendy picture. So funny!
Centre parking hair. HAHAHA. :X
Lol....thn saw the Ms assumption.
The 2nd ms assumption.
The first C girls batch and the First B girls Batch.
Their socks was SOOOO high. like wearing soccer socks.
My gosh.

Kay. later going bball.
Shall end here. BYEBYEEEESSSSSsss. (:

Roses are red,
Violents are blue,
My love to you,
Is always true,
You light up my life,
You make me SHINE.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Just came bck from CG.
Play some games which was so funny. (:
Today at school nth happen.
Oh. Have the wad walk thingy.
Didnt go agn! LOL.
But from nxt week onwards must go. ):
Have to sweat so jialat before class begin.
SAD. ):
Cannot da han ah. Hais.

These few days very sad. But going to CG cheer me up!
Yay. :D
Yay..... ... o.O
Seriously,i dont like it. something yea.
YA. LOl.

Tmr is B girls' 2nd match!!!
Think vs hua yi ah.
Don't know. LOL.
Your will always be my best SENIORSSSS.
And to me, your will ALWAYS WIN!

Was SOOOOO troubled after recess today.
About somethings going on in my head.
I put my head on the table during MT class
Before Li lao shi come. Was so troubled.
But when li lao shi came, nobody tell me leh!
until i hear lao shi's voice. Thn i faster zoom to my place.
Heng. -.-
Nobody know what happen. NOBODY.
Only me. I cnt trust anyone, so i didnt tell.
After going to CG, everything went off my mind.
Clear and peaceful. (:

Kay shall end here before my father come back.
Urm..... BYEEEEEEEESssssssss! (:

Am i missing you?
Or... Am i missing all of you?
I don't know.
I just wish to see you,
Somewhere around singapore,

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sweet. (:

Posting for today.
Nothing really happen.
Felt sad all the way today.
Till now too.
Don't ask why.
You don't have to know.

Really really sincerely sorry to HK.
For what i did last friday.
Haven't gotten her forgive yet.
Don't know what to do...
Tmr is school. Same thing it is training.
Ah don't know what i need to do. -_-

Was msn-ing with June (nu er) earlier in the morning
and was playing with her the signs and so on.
Thn i copy and paste some signs.
Make her confused.
And i win her eventually.
She kept asking me how do i do that.
Thn i no ans her.
Laugh out Loud yea.

Kay shall end here. Nth to post anymore.

Look at your picture,
Still got the old smile you had.
Sweet memorable smile,
Always in my mind.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

So sorry

Just now came back from bball.
So tired.
Played under the hothothot sun man..
After playing till 4,went to lot1 to have a bite.
Went to KFC. (:
At first i spilled my pepsi on my shirt and pants.
But only abit.
Thn bryann spilled his whole thing.
Except his pepsi.
His burger,his cheese fries. HAHAHA.
And the zinger burger's meat was Square shape.
Sibei funny lorh
After eating went to rooftop garden.

Play play play.
Play a thing which was so scary lah
Spin here and thr, I was so dizzy. @_@
Thn got 2 boys we met.
Siao peh sia them.
Especially one. A boy keep pestering us
thn keep wanting to take bryann/amos's bball.
Thn we climb up the thing. so that the boy wont get us.
Was laughing lah. LOL.
Somemore the boy's shirt behind de design wrote
CRAZY& smth. i dono.
Yea he wore the right shirt. He was crazy.
Thn got a time bryann and him was running around the playground.
SIBEI funny lorh.
Thn after that boyboy go home.

Thn went to arcade.
Just walk around cus no $$. ):
Thn went to toliet.
Come out saw bryann and amos.
Thn waiting for bubblegum and leann(nu er)
So slow.
Thn suddenly saw shanna come out from the movie door.
Say hi to her and blahblah.
Thn we went around lot1.
Went to mac, juniors bought their drinks.
Thn we just slack thr.
After that saw shanna agn. LOL
Say bye to her thn.
Slack until 5plus want 6pm.
I was slping all the way. (;
thn they all kept talking. So noisy. :l
But still got slp abit. (:

Thn go off. slept in bus ABIT.
when i open my eyes, just about to reach my bus stop.
And the most disgusting is bryann and amos take off their shirts
when they playing bball halfway.
So YUCK. Can see the ribcage liao lorh.
Kay shall end here for today. (:
BYEEEESSSSSSSsssssssss. (;

Friday, January 22, 2010


Yesterday went to support the B girls.
They did so well!!!
Though some errors here and thr,
It is VERY GOOD already okay.
Just 13 points.

Jiayou more B girls! The nxt match win win
Yaye. LOL.
Yesterday came back to sch with sec1s.
Thn went to bball court with shermaine and catherine
Play some ball. Thn sec1s go home.
Played muderer with coach kendy!
so funny. Kept running here and thr.
thn was left with dai long and coach kendy.
Shermaine and Cat 'DIE' alr.
They kept shooting and shooting.
Dai long win. HAHAHA.

Ltr going play bball.
Shall end here now.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Today school was so -.-
During art lesson someone acted cool.
With a basketball think he is a pro.
Doing out stunts which dont look pro at all.
CheeBai sia.
Told him to put down the ball.
I wanted to slap his face. But i did not.
Nt i scare get scolding. Is i scare he go cry for his MAMA.
Throw twice at me, i Control myself.
Once rubber band thn a pen.
Fvck. -.-
Want woo such a CHIO girl... woo a ugly girl first lah.

Thn recess, didnt have fun in recess at all.
Sit with tracy, thn after that Nu-er(june) and laopo(celine) and sharon came.
Sit tgt. Eat eat...
Laopo ask if i am okay. Just nod my head.
Thn kept talking about the act cool guy.
Blah blah.
Anyway, tmr is B'girls match!
Pray that they will do well. (:
Although it is Jurong, I believe your will still win!

Just now went to bpp with sarah,shermaine,suli and sayang! :D
Had alot of fun. (:
On bus met until Janice. Talk and talk until we reached bpp.
Thn went to popular,buy sayang's book. Thn suli's hp got one weird ringtone.
So loud lorh. I dont know her man.
Thn went to KFC to had lunch.
Talk about some funny things and tmr's match.
And some basketball things.
Laugh Out Loud.

Thn took 190 back to lot1 and 300 at interchange.
Actually nt sweet at all. -.-
Kay, shall end here. If not brother nagging.
A guy nagging sia! LOL.
I thought only GIRLS nag alot of times.
He nag more than me.
5min nag 1 time.

It took us 1 day to become friends.
And it took us 3days to become cold to one another.
Why? Give me the answer please.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Here posting agn. (:
Yesterday was training.
It was okay.
Gets really angry when the sec1s didnt pay attention to me.
Not concentrating.
So, tmr onwards i going be strict liao.
Same with shermaine. going to tell cat tmr about this.
Yupp, so.... B girls'match starting this friday!
Pray that they will get into top 4.

Today at school nth really happen.
Except that today morning lower sec went for a WALK~
And i didnt go as i got duty.
So when all past by, it was like... Hihihihihi all the way.
Hiukee owe a HIT! AH HA.
Tmr is training! What i hope for is all the sec1s
to get half of our standard. AT LEAST.
But if they continue nt doing well
Nt doing seriously and laughing when u are nt suppose to.
We will do badly at competition which is coming SOON.
And i dont want that.
I dont want to be like last year!
I want NEW HOPE~
LOL. craps. -.-

Tmr is school agn.
PE! yay. (: Hope ms vivien dont let us play stupid games.
LOL :x opps.
I want play bball AH.
Tmr is bball training too. (:
Hope sec1s will do better. And will respect the rules and seniors.

Today after school was damn funnyyyyy.
Shermaine,dorothy,yen yee,sarah & me walk to the bus stop.
Walking to the traffic light, one butterfly fly towards me.
I AH! thn they laugh at me. LOL
I scare of butterfly mah. ):
In sch also. walking outside sci lab 1 butterfly fly towards me
I siam thn AH! thn they laugh at me.
Cus my reaction very funny. LOL
Sayang also scare butterfly KAY!
So we 2 was lyk holding one another while walking along the traffic.
And kept laughing.
But in 67 bus was the most FUNNIEST.
We were talking about some craps when i rmb
the time when after training,we came out of toliet,
Shermaine was the 1st one to go out.
She was standing in the middle thn saw SOMEONE
Fall down. HAHAHAHA!
The whole thing was
Walking in high heels cus going to some performace/rehersal.
Walking down the slope, Nicely everything fine,
File was in her hands.
PIA!!!!! BOOOOMMMMZZZz. Thn shermaine started laughing OUT LOUD.
We all thought wad happen.
Thn all saw, ALL LAUGH.
Someone told us nt to laugh but the person also laugh.
Thn after 5/10 sec, someone ran up to the girl to help her.
5/10 SECONDS!!! LOLOLOL!!!!!!!

Thn ms pek came down.
Saw us laughing lyk siao.
Shermaine told her thn ms pek say us
instead of helping we laugh at her,
Thn she still laugh lyk us also.
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! SIBEI funny lorh!
Just now in bus we kept laughing about this.
Until we got seperated in lot1
*can't stop laughing.
Kay shall end here before father come back and scold me.
BYESSSSSsssssssssssss!!!!!! ^O^

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Opps sorry.

Yesterday had training.
C girls have half court and B girls have half court.
3seniors came back. (:
one of them is ziqun yea. haha. :D
yesterday was fun!
ziqun teach C girls play murderer.
After playing 1st round, everybody play agn

Si shermaine! Bai xin ah you. I hei xin. ):
You lose to sec1 worh! hahaha.
Can see that the sec1s are improving.
Hope they can put in more effort
so their standard can be lyk us soon! (:
Still some basic rules and moves they still didnt noe.
But it is okay!
Soon they will get the hang of it. (:
ENDURE and jiayou sec1s! and of course shermaine and Cat! (:
And Me. haha. :D

I want to step down sc.
But i dono wad will happen after i step down.
Monday i will tell teacher. Hope it's okay. ._.
Monday is training agn. (:
And the same things will happen in sch. -.-
Step into sch,take class key and diary.
Put down bag.
Walk around. SIAN.
Do sc duty. walk around, SIAN.
Finish, go bck class.
Lesson starts. Teacher started talking.
And i started "dont understand"
Homework didnt do, teacher" TRY!!!!!"
And i will say" okay okay....." -.-
Recess~ boomz 25mins over.
Classroom agn... teacher agn...
"dont understand agn...."
Last 2 periods of lessons eyes half closed.
Put my hands on the table.
Cover my face and close my eyes.
And teacher didnt noe i was slping! (: haha
But i couldn't slp. -.-

RINGG! lesson over. YAYEEE. finally.
Wait everybody go.
lock doors, switch off lights and fans.
Me alone. Nobody waited for me. sad....
Reutrned keys and diary,get back bus card.
Go canteen. changed,eat get ready for training.
"finish okay lets go...!" go to sunny bball court.
Thn blah blah.... training ended.
"thank you coaches and teachers."
Off to toliet to changed.
Thn canteen to grab a bite.
Go home with bballers.

Was sooooooo sian with computer now.
Didnt have any games to play lah.
I want to go out. ):
Tmr brother going buy bag for his working on this monday.
I also want leh. ' 3 '
hehehe..... 100bucks for him to buy bag.
100bucks for me to buy bball shoes.
But didnt noe about the team
if they want to buy from coach. If yes, thn we all buy lo. :D
It would be cool if the whole team wear the same shoes.
LOL. later got confused whose is whose.

Hope brother monday job interview chen gong
thn got money and maybe give me some. $ 3 $
LOl. I dont think will lorh.
Cus he's stingy. ):):
Kay gtg before he sees this. ^_^ muahahaha.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Helloooooo everybody! I'm BACK!
Computer was damage last few days.
Hands so 'itchy'.
School is on now,sleep less,
Now i know training the sec1 girls on bball was nt
EASY kay.
3seniors and about 10juniors or more.
But fun is fun lah.
Sometimes nt so fun yea... -.-

Today after school somethingssss happen.
Which make me,shermaine,sarah and dorothy
LaughOut Loud.
Sibei funny lo.
Thn shermaine go demo agn
Breathing difficulty.. HAHAHA!!
keep laughing in sch till we separated.

Thn step on of sch saw some bangalaS.
Thn shermaine dono say wad. (forgot)
Thn dorothy say ur bf lah.
thn dono wad sarah say to dorothy
make dorothy laugh until u bend down.
Thn we all laugh like SIAO.
Thats really SIAO lah okay.

Kay gtg. Need go revise. although i dont want to.
END HERE. BYESSSSSsssssssssssssss. (: