Monday, December 28, 2009

What had i done?!

Training yesterday was tough.
Thn my ankle thr very pain. -.-
So had to bai ka.
After training went to watch match.
Suppose i take cab go.
Thn coach tell me he fetch me thr.

JWSS B'girls was violent yea.
Can see.
Want fight want fight lyk that.
Was scary.
After match went to jurong point with YTSS ppl to eat.
Went to a food court.
See here and there... So expensive.

So went down with meixuan to buy smth small.
After that eat finish take MRT with her.
Thn,talk about the match.
blah blah.

Will be MIA-ing these few days.
Yea... so, dont tell me update.
Didnt have any feeling to post anymore.
Anything to tell me just MSN/call/ facebk message.


Sunday, December 27, 2009


Pictures taken from IMVU. (:
I shall show YOU that guys can be dancing so HOT.
Lol. bit gay yea. -.-
Same thing, the boy up there is my character. haha. :D
SEXY mah? hahahaha. kidding kidding.
It's disgusting kay.
I have been laughing all the way when i took this.
Another funny thing happen today!
haha. Dont tell YOU. P:
Had been chatting with Gan-jiejie AKA
LOl. Telling me to update my DEADLY BLOG.
Thn drew some pictures.
Didnt took so too bad. haha.
JUNE: A broken guitar which dont look lyk one
QL: Edit hers by drawing another one
JUNE: draw some chenmehmeh thingy.
and purposely wrote it in PINK.
QL: Whr is the sheep?
JUNE: In the grass
QL: drew a hello kitty with a MEH2 :D
and a LOL o.o below.
JUNE: OMG so niceeee.
blahblah.... thn until just now gan-jiejie offline.
Force me to post. LOl
JUNE TAN JUN YI! force me to post.
She told me to write her BIG name.
Kay shall end here.
Father coming home.
Tmr's training!!! (:(: Pray that god will bless me for it!
And also!
Bless YTSS tmr in their match with JWSS. (:(:
Hope i can go and watch. ):
If i can make it in time lo. Hais.
Miss them. haha. :D
BYEESSsssssssssssssss. (;

Friday, December 25, 2009

I Hope

I Hope I Hope.
Hope alot of things! ):
But some just can't be with me.
I had no choice to keep hoping for it.

Had been staring at facebook for about 1hr.
Nothing to DO!
My god.
Want to go out breathe breathe air. ):
Parents just dont let me go out with fellow frens!
Only let me go out with my irritating Brother.
Or u can say BORED brother.

School opening! Heard from Gan-jiejie AKA June (:
that school is next mon/tue.
She thinks.
Hahahaha. :D
Was chatting with her just now on MSN.
Then she went off watching DVD.
Guess it is Hello kitty or jay chou. XD

Thn she say me today very high.
And i dont think so. Cus...
Thats just me!
Muahahaha. ^O^
Yesterday christmas so no training.
I'm starting to miss training.
Woots. (:
First time, Yea! ^o^

Currently in a mood of SIAN.
What The HELL can i do in a 4-rm hse?
Run around? People will say me mad.
Sleep? Oh no, i can't slp.
Stare in the air? My brother will say me CRAZY.
Go playground? Hey i am not a KID! Besides,it is going to rain.
Sms friends? Brother will nag... Father will nag.
And if my sms go beyond $30, my father going cancel line. ):
So, Control.......... -3-

Ah..... School open sesame please. ):
Can't wait for basketball match! ^^

Okay.... -.- Shall end it here once and for all!
OMG. -.- LOL
BYESSssssssssss (:

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Taken from (:

Today is christmas, nth special to expect.
Father didnt go for work, and i am at home
Same thing, father will take a afternoon nap.
Thn Bro and me will start playing the computer.
Hah. :D
Nth special, and it is VERY QUIET. -.-
Wanted to go out man. ):
Just now mention of going out tmr to father.
I said go out celebrate christmas with frens.
He said dont go out.
Wonder if he is serious or not. ):
I'm going to beg mother tonight agn.....
SAME THING every friday.
And the SAME answer will come out
WTH. -.-
I really really want to go out ah!
I dont want to rot at home. ):
God, if you could help me. Please soften my mum's heart. ):
Hais.... Nth to do now also. Whatever. -O-
Shall end here.
Your last word to me was 'Bye'

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Today is training!
OMG man... today first part quite tough.
1att 1defend.
Wa. :O
After today's training, there will be 2 more.
And it is the last 2.
LAST 2!!!
And the school start.
Not ready for school yet.
Books havent touched it although bought it.
Aiya everything havent prepare.
And i Dont bother about it. :D
Muahaha. :D:D:D

Today after training was the christmas exchange thingy.
Everybody got towels from Ms pek. :D Thanks ms pek!
But my name is spell without the last 'G'. ):
But it's ok! I will use it in every training and matches. :D:D:D
Thn every present got a number.
Thn was smth like a lucky draw. haha..
Suli got my present! (: luckily not any boys gotten it.
Cus it's SNOOPY!!!
Snoopy~ snoopy~
Thn i gotten coach one.
A wrist protection? o.O and a shoe bag.
Anyway shall end here cus my Irritating brother is nagging at me.
BYESSSSSSsssssssss! (:(:(:(:

Monday, December 21, 2009

What Can I Do?

So sian MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A picture from IMVU. :D
Miss it so much. ):): Becus of the computer,
i can't play it anymore. D:
OMG man. And of course the guy is my character. LOl.
LOL! (:
\m/ (:<>:D

What can i do now or later?
SO bored. Bball? (nobody)
Go out?(nobody!)
AH. Nobody... ):
Why isn't there someone beside me when i bored. ):
urm... except god. (:
Also cnt go C nowadays. Was like WTH. ):
Can't my parents just let me go C ? -.-

AH...... I miss everybody. LOl.
urm.. excuding ppl which i dono at all.
Haha. :D
HAHA. -.-
I want bball everyday. If not i'm rotting at home with the computer.
Stop here now,nth to post.
BYESSsssss. :D


Boomz man. (:
Today training was all on footwork on the morning.
Before that ran route relay.
WTH! OMG OMG. So tired lah excuse me.
And 2 seniors came. :D
Halfway of training my ankle pain. ):
Had to go and buy ankle guard!

Played 5v5 between C and B.
2 seniors help the C and 2 of the B girls. :D
Cus i cnt play. *sob.
Watch them play i feel so jealous man.
MAN! ):
And i was helping them counting the points,
was like,

Haiyo ah. Thn came bck home.
Bro sit on chair infront on computer.
I was beside him.
Thn he push me. ): Cus i was i the way. P:
My feet. My poor little toes was on the floor.
When he moved, the wheels of the chair hit my toe!!!!!
I slap him tons of times. :B
Muahahhaha.......... ^O^

Kay stop here now.
Byessssss. (:

Friday, December 18, 2009


Today Seniors from the old days....
Came back! :D WOOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOl. Played match with them.
Wow they were gd man. Especially the one is a mother alr.
1st MVP for aes girls leh. OMG. +o+
So good... Wish i were lyk them nxt few yrs. haha!
Wait long long... :\

Tonight is the most MOST important time for me.
To ask my parents to let me go out tmr!!!
Pray really really HARD that i can go tmr. I want to go!!!
LOl. (:
LOl. (:
I really want to go. D:
Is lyk 3months... ): Sad.

Today is the results for 'N' level.
Happy for those who pass! (: Sad for those who didnt pass. ):
It's okay! Do better in the future. :D Light is still shining! ^^
Shall end here now. :D
BYEBYE!!! (:

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Time

These 2 photos are bball girls team. :) SOME only.
Anyway had not post for long time.
Back here posting. :) Didnt had much time these few days.
Again... haha. :D
Had been going to trainings these few days. Tough. :l
Yesterday was tough kay. Today wake up, back pain. My god.
Pray that god heal my back :D

Today wanted go YTSS train. Then i forgot i had to buy groc.
Have to cook fried rice for tmr. Hais...
Then also very tired, so didnt go. Lol......
Maybe go there some days. :) Miss those ytss PEOPLE! :D

Like friendly match alot nowadays. Didnt know why.
Yesterday went to bpp with the team, i mean some.
Eat, thn walk walk. thn buy something.
Really had fun with them. :)
Thank you God for the fun you showered! ^O^
Yea......... ... lol.
Shall end here. :D BYEBYE! :D:D
You became prettier every single day.
Your smile is in my mind now.
I can't erase it, it's stuck there.
I dream of you every single day.
Every hour,every minute,every seconds.
Do you?
If i went oversea, i wouldn't have met you.
What i pray to god now,
is to let me know you better. Be together.
Bless you and me, my love.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Prawn crackers!

These few days not posting as i was too busy.
LOL. Busy with basketball.
Firstly happy belated birthday to myself and crystal! :D
5th Dec and 8th Dec. :)
4 More days and it is BROTHER's bday! (evelyn's)
yay! :D

Yesterday had bball training. Training was tough,
but we endure it. :)
Yesterday training played 5v5 with boys.
And i fell down. :(
Hand injured. :(
Very pain... :(:(

Today night going to watch bball match! :)
At somewhr around Eunos. x_x
Far Far FAR! LOl...
Shall end here now. :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Today friendly match.
33 : 66
Lol. go buy 4-D. :)
After that went back to school.
Slept on the bus. LOl.
Too tired.
Thn reached school, catherine,me shermaine went to canteen.
Grab a bite, thn rush off to queensway sec.
Took cab agn... and we are late! LOl....
Today help yishun town vs sengkang.
Walau,they push us one lo.
We didnt get a chance to throw free throw. Wth.
I didnt know the marks,too lazy.Also dont want to noe.
But,at least i had fun and learn experience. :D

Play with yishun town is so fun! ^O^
haha. hope i can play with them agn. :):):)
Nth to post now,shall end here.