Monday, December 20, 2010

Sorry for not posting few days back. House under renovation, very bored at home.
Now, it's still under renovation. -.- I think i'm gonna miss alot of tuition, haha. only have 1 time of tuition then renovation come. :D Father renovate the kitchen until so not nice... Don't want to take my idea... renovate until like one uncle's house which i've been to before. So not NICE! ):

Okay, a super short post for everyone. advance merry christmas! (; hohoho.
Recalled bad memories, had no mood to post anymore.
Anyway, wish everyone have A Good Day-IU


Monday, December 13, 2010

Played against NJC today, and it was not played well. Had lots of mistakes... Okay shall not talk about it. It's so... sigh*
Just to say: I am not myself today,this is not the game i wanted to play at all, but i just... did it. I'm really gonna push myself. Jiayous to myself.

Wednesday going SBC. Hope i will zhen zuo qi lai, everything goes well. Friday going Jurong to train instead of at school. Think at the last part of training will have a 5v5? Not sure but hope to have a 5v5.
Shall end the post for today, nothing proud to talk about, nothing much to talk about.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

What if

Had tuition at 9.30 today. So scary cus' it is super quiet, and not use to it. Started with Math, did chapter 1 things... so complicated. And it goes on for 2 hours. -.- Afternoon went to play bball with bryann and william. Then william's little brother and fren come. His fren very strong leh, walao, like siao eh. I think is his shi fu lorh, cus' last time william got say some skills his shi fu can do. And that guy can do also. wa.... Then kept rain, sunny, rain and sunny. Very irritating, cus kept going to bus stop and basketball court. Then when i was about to go home, they say want to play 4v4 with other guys at the other half court. Then play... I defend a fat guy, then got one time he accidentally bump into me so hard, then he like going to fall while i still standing like nothing happen. Played until super pek chek cus' they keep hitting away my ball and bryann just keep shooting and shooting. They won cus' they jump so high, i don't even dare to fight for the rebound. But overall, not so tiring as 5v5. Hahahahahahahaha. :D Went home at 6.30pm, so late. :O

House going to renovate on Tuesday, Wooooooo hooooo. Hope it will be nice yea. (: Should i go SBC tmr to watch match? Feel like going, but no one company me go. And, it's so far. Stay at home? Sigh*. I'm gonna pray very very hard that i will play well on Monday's friendly game cus' there is no dorothy and catherine already. All the forwards.... GONE. ): Then shermaine maybe not coming cus' of her father. Then no more center!!!! WALAO.... Why all ps me... ): Okay, want to go and watch power sunday already ahahhahaha. :D
Shall end post here for today. *** Please bless me for monday.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Yesterday went to Sentosa, had lots of fun. My face damn red when we leave sentosa, have my specs marking on my face, so disgusting. Shermaine they all had sunburn, i have but not as pain as theirs. Hahahaha. Reached home at 9pm plus, super tired, kept yawning all the way, haha. Even now also, siao eh, these few days not enough oxygen. -.-

Had training today, Mr Ong say we will be going to Jurong today at 10 plus. Then next friday also going there. Kena shock, cus' he said go there and train, but actually go there and play friendly. -.- Didn't played well just now! Had twice easy layup but didn't go in the ball. Hais..... Tmr starting tuition, 2 hours leh! Alone with the teacher... Will die man, somemore 9.30... i want watch my doraemon one sia! ): Maybe tmr afternoon will go my hse thr and play ball? See got people go first anot. :D Maybe want to ask Evan they all... But scare they tired leh... I will just try asking them...

Another friendly against NJC next Monday!!! Hopefully i will play well cus it's at our school, hahaha. ;D Maybe not lah.... Don't know want to wear my basketball shoes or my normal shoes, if i wear normal shoes, i run faster and feel more comfortable, if wear basketball shoes, don't run fast and don't feel comfortable. Aiya don't know lah! Granny forcing me to eat Bee hoon for dinner though i told her i cooking instant noodles myself. WTF LAH. -.-
Okay shall end post here, BYE.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Mini love

Yesterday went to school for the next year sec1 camp workshop. Then Mr low brought me, Shermaine and Catherine to Tiong Baru to eat, then went to watch B' boys friendly against Hougang Sec. Wa, sit in Mr Low's car will die, dizzy all the way. Ate burger king and waited for Mr Low at the bus stop. Stomach super pain when waiting, and the sun is.... Cannot take it. Rush to a kopitam's toilet to check if that one come already. But didn't, False alarm. Haha. But stomach super pain, next time i shall not eat Burger king anymore.

Had training today, father didn't bring me go. -.- Gave me $2 and tell me to take some coins to eat. Then Mum come out from her room, saw me taking coins like no money then gave me another $2. Might as well give me $5. ): Walao.

Okay lah, short post, tmr going Sentosa! Woo.. :D

Monday, December 6, 2010

For you

Though yesterday was my birthday, didn't have much fun. Next time, i shall go out during my birthday. Staying at home is so boring. Went out in the morning with parents to sunshine to buy some food. Then bought cake, afternoon wasn't so pleasant, cus' something happen. Tried to stay happy, cus' it was my day after all. Then went out to yew tee at Jinxiang's hse down thr de kopitam to eat cus' JX's father going with us to another uncle's hse. Then went to Jurong west, go the uncle house sit, say want go thr sit sit, very fast. In the end sit from 7 plus to 9 plus. Reached at 10. -.- Cut cake, eat, then sleep. That's how i spent birthday with my FAMILY. *claps* -_-

Had training today, went school alone cus' father say he cnt bring me to sch today and EVAN IS NOT HERE TO TAKE BUS WITH ME! ): 1 day and all of us are like suffering, went to lot1 just now, felt something missing, and Evan is missing! WALAO. Have to wait until thursday.... ): Training was okay today until the 5v5 part where shermaine got injured, cus' of me!!! But she also never wear her ankle guard, STUPID her. Then janice sub shermaine and i have to defend janice. Wa, i want to die already. People keep blocking my way leh, then i cnt defend her. But she is fast also lah. Won the other team cus' earlier Catherine keep going in, like wa, first 5 balls. Then suli, then me, then dorothy then sarah. :D Got 1 time, i just chiong up then release the ball with 1 hand at elbow further abit. Thought will air ball or hit the ring then bounce back. but guess what, it's a slient! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! :D Cus' don't have net, so no chop, haha.
Okay, shall stop here now. It's 6pm, and i'm hungry. Don't feel like eating the cake anymore.
Still have to go school tmr at 8am! ARGH...... ): Hope mum buy bread then tmr i can eat hot dog in roti. :P

Friday, December 3, 2010

Had training today, first part was quite tiring cus need run 4 ze. Then do, 3v3 full court. Was tiring for me cus someone didn't run fast enough so i had to help to chase and also at the same time guarding my men. Then did 5v5, after doing that for like very long, had a break then Mr Ong taught us how to play the center. Had a few drills before playing 5v5 half court( practice). Need to train up my shooting ah. Not bad to play center lah, but i just didn't do block out everytime during 5v5 when i don't have shermaine in my team.

After training Team sang Happy birthday song for me, covered my ears, then Mr Ong say where got people cover their ears one and hint me to say thank you? Then i said thank you, and team sang the song again with my ears open BIG BIG ah. After that went to kopitam to have what ke kou mian, nice but super super super FULL after eating it. Walao, now i damn hungry. T_T But home don't have what i want to eat. ARGHHH. I think i burn my father's pocket already lorh. I spent all the money today. T_T Then tmr i want go out buy bag and shirt. Nevermind still can take from granny and Mum. Each take some <: Go jurong point tmr i think. HAIS. Morning so busy. Accompany granny go polyclinic, go cut hair. AHHH.........

Stay at lot1 just now with shermaine and evan. Walk around, went arcade to play. Walao i fail at the shooting one lorh. The thing keep protect then i cannot shoot, so i'm the last one to die. (: Then shermaine and evan keep shooting. Then played others, play racing, and finally play para para. HAHA. Then when going off saw a guy and a girl play the step step one, the girl lose sia, then the guy keep step step step like machine gun like that. That one not bad uh, can train our dou bu. :D Then went down, went to Mac. Buy things to eat, then joke around. Then after eating, sit down there and talk about our future. Talking about one by one's wedding next time then talk until sarah's. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! Sarah's one SUPER AH! Must tell sarah to invite us next time when she married. :D:D:D:D:D Then finish about wedding, talk until sarah's children and grandchildren somemore. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Wa, cnt take it.
Okay shall end my post here. Today is fun? Walao monday no evan. ): Then slowly, no dorothy, no catherine. WALAO. Okay stop here. ;D
BYE! (:

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Went back to school today to paint tables. Thought will be painting the top part, who knows we are painting the legs of the tables cus' it was rusty. -.- Move the tables from the top level down to the first level first. It was okay lah, not so tiring, sweat alot alot. Then break abit. :D Started to paint tables. Was painting my first stroke when Evan spilled the whole paint on the floor, then she didn't faster siam but stood there. HAHAHA got shock ah. Then i just kept painting the tables legs while dorothy and evan clear the paint on the floor. Got alot of black stains on the shirt and the more i get, i'm more happy. :D But tio paint on my hands, legs. Evan and shermaine worst, tio hair then like stuck. Lucky i never tio on my hair. Hohoho.

Sarah went universal studio today, If she is here, i will laugh like siao zha bor. Tmr she won't be coming also. Then Monday evan won't be coming. WALAOOOOOO!!!! All the important people not here. Sian then no laughter. ): Nvm, next year i will be going away, i think. (: But next year Sarah they all gonna graduate already. WALAO! D:

Okay, camp's photo have been uploaded, went through the photos and i look so retarded. -_- SO UGLY. Whatever lah, tmr is training, hohoho. Should i wear my basketball shoes? ): Aiya just wear lorh. Pain then pain lah, stupid. Okay shall end post here.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hold on, i'm here

Had training today, coach didn't come again, and the sun was very hot. Wore yesterday bought de tights. Especially the top one, super hot and the tag very irritating. The bottom one kept going up, very uncomfortable, so i kept pulling down. HAHA. End the training with a 5v5, so tiring and my toes very pain. Had evan, cat,pat and sarah in the team. Then dorothy,suli,shermaine,lingling and nissi in the another team. We were losing at the first part, like a very very big gap(what mr ong said), then we catch up with the another team and we won finally. Muahahaha.

After training went to plaza walk walk. Then after that went lot1 walk walk cus it is so early, like 3 plus.Went around level 1 like siao zha bor like that, went in one then go in the next one. Tmr going back sch to paint tables, STUPID RIGHT? Why must paint sia..... everytime paint then after 1 year the paint drop off, then paint again. WTH. Chou sarah going universal studio tmr and staying overnight at a hotel thr. Then friday training pangseh us, very good ah...
Okay lah, shall end my post here. Hope tmr will be a good day for me yea. I'm sleepy all day long. -_-
Okay, BYE. :D