Friday, June 4, 2010


Yesterday had training, so it occupied most of my time already.
Bobbie didn't come yesterday! ): so sad. Thought she would come...
Yesterday train pick and roll again... :/
After that rain, went in shelter, did physical. One really make my back hurts.
After resting abit, i continue with others.
Had muscleache today. pain....... Mum help me massage my back yesterday night with some don't know what oil.
So painful!! Wanted to go BAS watch basketball match today. But mum dont let me go, so.. Nevermind.. ):

Had to do assessment books nowadays. -_- Father bought math and geo for me......
Math is so complicated!!! Geography lazy to read notes infront of the questions.
I hate assessment books. T.T
Sunday is father's day. Wonder how will it be like. :/
Alright,shall end here.
BYE! (: