Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Didn't go school today cus need go NUH to see specialist.
Cannot play basketball for 2months!
Neither can i do PE. FREAKKKK!
2months........... T.T will die Die DIE!
August still have to go back thr AGAIN for appointment.
SIAN, no sports for 2months. T.T

Hahahaha. Can't play bball with u anymore until i recover! ):
Today at home like so guai.
Spend whole afternoon doing homework. LOL. ^^
Nothing to post anymore, Short short post. :D
Perhaps will be MIA-ing due to school days. (:
Busy busy BUSY! ^^
Okay lah, BYE. :D

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Annoying orange ^^

WAZZUPPP!! Hahaha... :D
watched annoying orange wazzup quite alot of times.
So freaking funny, HAHAHA.

Tmr is starting of school.
HAIS, 1month is so short. short short short! ):
tuesday get ready go NUH. ):
scare scare scare!
tmr is so....
SNSD maknae seohyun's birthday!!! 28June. :D
she's 21 i think. o.O
anyway was posting short posts cus didnt really have anything to post. :P
alright ending here then,

Friday, June 25, 2010

School is coming! so how is everybody feeling? ^^
Feel sian. ): Tuesday already have science re-test.
I can't be in school for that day, had to go NUH for appointment.
So suay~ Haha.
Very scare for tuesday..... Don't know what the specialist will do. O.O
Phew, scare scare.

Going to lot1 to do project soon.
Lol, abit crazy? doing experiment in lot1 instead of somebody's house.
No choice mah.... Don't laugh at me okay.
Hope i have a good time yea?
Was surfing the internet for science experiments when i FINALLY found one.
So just take down those things i need.
Cnt do much today cus not all members are going.
Don't know what to give them do. :/
Will decide later lah~ Haha. ^^
Honey! Honey! honey! Haha, the song is so nice. LOL.
Abit random here? ^^
Alright shall go and pack my things.
Science experiment! KaBoomzz. ^0^
Shall end here.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Was busy these few days, didnt get to post. haha. :D
Miss playing basketball!!! Can't get to play until i go to appointment on 29. ):
Tmr have whole day friendly games at somewhr in yishun? LOL.
Cutting my hair later (:
Hope auntie will cut nice! Hahaha. :D

shall end here. :D
Playing game. ^^

Perhaps i should, cus' you don't feel anything.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Face gone

Today woke up at 5am something.
Damn freaking early. argh.......... ==
Met leann at jurong east Mrt station, went to the 3v3 place thr tgt.
When reach serangoon Int, cab to the place.
Went around serangoon in the cab like idiots. -.-
Luckily the uncle kind, :D
Charge us only $7.00 :D And shermaine owe me and Leann $6 cab fee. LOL.

Reached thr, actually not really reach thr but when arrive at a bus stop,
Saw yishun town and jurong. So we just stop thr. LOL.
Thn followed them walk.....
Thn saw shermaine and catherine, LOl.
After that sat in HDB void deck.... Joke around, Catherine's mum so funny.
Shermaine said she is the first one to say us Good. LOL.
After that the thing start............. Dot dot dot. Okay shall move on to our turn.

Our turn to play, Catherine of course, defend number 7. :D
Although we lost to them, still played well. Though they are north zone national,
they scored 2points only.
Catherine, Shermaine and Leann, Nice one. ^^
Seeing them playing, i feel like playing. ):
But i cannot play. =.=
Tmr have training, hope i can train? ):
I miss touching the basketball. ):
Alright shall end here,

Friday, June 11, 2010

Somewhere around

Today had training, training was tough.
Was bending all the way for crossover drill, hurt back alot.
After that did layup. And after that i don't want to continue anymore.

Was disappointed with myself, for some reasons.
Shermaine ah............ please have confidence.
Don't just keep shooting, i will be watching your playing on sunday okay! :D
Good luck and hope your play well. :D
it's 3v3, so guess it will be easy? Have more space, unlike 5v5.

After training, Mr Ong brought me to bukit batok polyclinic to see doctor.
Waited for quite a long time. Everything ends around 4pm.
From 12smth i guess. Went to doctor first, thn had x-ray,thn went back to doctor.
Was given some oil to rub and tablets to eat.
Only rub and eat when it's pain. So, i guess....... it will be alright?

Hope i will be alright, join back in training and improve myself. :D
Guess the only time to improve alot alot is during holidays.
Although X-ray report is not out today, still have roughly wad the report is about.
At least now i know... Had to wait for mum to come back today.
Well, don't know what she will say. :/
Hope nothing bad come out from her mouth?
Alright shall end here.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Yesterday had training. Coach didn't come, Mr ong coach us.
Weather was damn hot. until shermaine nearly chao da. :P
And yesterday's training really drive to mad.

Had enough of your fucking attitude okay.
From second competition until now you kept shouting at me.
I was damn angry yesterday that after the first 5v5 i take my bottle and towel and went away.
After that i told mr ong my back was hurting.
So i rest abit... Mr ong play centre for me.
Not only angry at HER. was angry with the sec1s too.
Their playing... WA cnt tahan.
When i attack, i was angry.
So i just chiong.
thn suddenly SHE come snatch the ball from me.
I struggle, think i hit her face.
But in the end SHE still got the ball.
SHE scream i think thn look at me, but i nvr look back.


Shall end post here.
Playing bball with crystal and amelia. Yay.

Monday, June 7, 2010

I got cheated

From the previous post, it say 'sunday is father's day'
Actually it is NOT! LOL. i was cheated. -_-
same thing yesterday was training. At night raining so morning is SUPER comfortable.
Want to sleep somemore but had to wake up for 8.30 training. ._____.
6.30 woke up, nobody was awake. except my father who went out to work already.
Had to do my own breakfast. ): But my breakfast was niceee. ^^
Home-made sandwich. :D Yumyum. :P
Won't tell you what i add inside! It's a secret. (:

Anyway, the sec 1s really disappoint me. Is not we never scold them or tell them.
No matter how much we tell or scold, they will never listen. NEVER.
Till now, i still don't like them. But i had to except the fact that they are my juniors! My teamates!
3 of us, even the Sec 3s can't even handle them. In fact, all of us dont like the sec 1s.
Can't they just listen to us? They think i solo, they think they're big, they think they are always right, they don't put in effort. I mean, not all but mostly.
I know nobody is perfect, but u can change to become better.
If it happens ONE MORE TIME. Just one more time.
I telling your that I AM NOT GOING TO BOTHER YOUR.
We brief you, scold you, tell you.
You do nothing. If i am wrong, i will say sorry. But if i am not wrong don't scold me!
What's that? I had my way of playing basketball. If you don't like it,
then don't play with me! Don't team with me!
I believe your have your own ways too. I am trying to 'adapt' .
What about your? I played it in this way, i know your want to score.
But your can't even shoot properly, finishing also not good. Why must i trust you for shooting or lay-up?
Even when i pass you the ball, you shoot, didn't even shoot properly.


Alright no more of this.

Friday, June 4, 2010


Yesterday had training, so it occupied most of my time already.
Bobbie didn't come yesterday! ): so sad. Thought she would come...
Yesterday train pick and roll again... :/
After that rain, went in shelter, did physical. One really make my back hurts.
After resting abit, i continue with others.
Had muscleache today. pain....... Mum help me massage my back yesterday night with some don't know what oil.
So painful!! Wanted to go BAS watch basketball match today. But mum dont let me go, so.. Nevermind.. ):

Had to do assessment books nowadays. -_- Father bought math and geo for me......
Math is so complicated!!! Geography lazy to read notes infront of the questions.
I hate assessment books. T.T
Sunday is father's day. Wonder how will it be like. :/
Alright,shall end here.
BYE! (:

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Say Goodbye

Had training this week, and it was.... tiring but fun after training.
Just fun yea. Yesterday went to school for math supp.
It was one and half hour but to me, it seems like so long. :/
Miss tan was teaching and i can only understand 30% of it. -.-
Was sitting infront of chengyi and weijie. So they kept talking about basketball.
Then chengyi ask me if i want to play a match against weijie's friends, together with william,amos and bryann and him.
Didn't want to play 5v5 cus it's like tiring, so i tell them i want play 3v3. Lol.

Okay, having training soon. And perhaps great news!
Bobbie is coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D Not sure if it is real. Lol.
Shermaine keep saying wed she cannot come cus she working then friday confirm she come.
Hope it's real! So looking forward. :D:D:D:D

Taeyeon is in singapore last few days. (:
But because of the irritating FANS, she booked a ticket to go back korea early. ):
Stupid fans, they should let her enjoy her vacation with her family in singapore.
Let them have a memorable time here. Hey, i'm also Taeyeon's fan okay, i'm not as stupid as them, go stalk her... then follow her everywhere, take pictures. She felt so irritated.
If i were taking pictures of her at that time, i will feel guilty now looking at the pictures.
You take the picture but she doesn't look happy at all. Might as well wait for SNSD to come singapore and take pictures with them with smile on their faces.
Talk until SNSD coming to singapore,
When are they COMING?! ):
And is their album even out at singapore yet? -.-
Argh.......... :/

I bet zhengni must be so happy to hear when taeyeon is in singapore. [:
But at the same time angry cus of the fans stalking taeyeon. Lol.

Alright shall end here, soon gonna pack my bag. :D