Saturday, October 31, 2009

Red Tears

Friday went to victoria theatre at night.
Went there to see Red Tears.
It is all about chinese opera. The sound make me shiver.
I still grab evelyn's hands very tighly when i 1st hear.
And... Evelyn,me,amos, became BROTHERS!!!
Anyway amos is called, famous amos :) (cookie brand)
Quite cool man. ;D

In the show, amos slept. So soundly lorh.
I want to sleep also cnt sleep. :(
The sound is so scary until i cnt sleep.
Close my eyes,open... close open...

Yesterday went back to school for parent meeting.
Nothing much. :)
So bored nowadays. SIGH*.
Shall end here, BYEBYE! :D

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Today school end at 12:10 because of the O'level.
Training is tmr... Pray that i can endure! :)

Today cg went to marina square.
Damn freaking far :O
But FUN! :D
Went thr... Played bowling. :)
But i forgot bring clothes changed.
So, wore my school uniform. Is like so funny. :D
After playing, went to mac to eat. Didnt had my lunch :(

But it is okay... Endure hungry-ness! XD

God, I pray that you can bless me in tomorrow's
training. Pray that you can give me energy God.
Thank you God! Amen :)

Currently very bored. Really nothing to do.
Argh! I miss going back to China.
Times go by, More sian. :(

Shall end here :) BYEBYE! :D

Friday, October 23, 2009

Will not stop

Stuck at home today...
Can't go out, not even church. ):
Sorry shannajiejie! Cannot go ur bday party. ):
It is freaking bored now.. Nothing to do...... -_-
I want to go out............... -O-

Short post, shall end here. :)

Are you ignoring me?
Had i done something wrong?
Why can't we patch things up,
And be like last time,
Happy together.........

You are my basketball

Just reached home from training. :)
Went for training today, but didn't train.
Morning had vomited, guess yesterday eat something wrong.
So disgusting...

Today senior train us, Coach very late then come.
Played 5v5 when coach came. senior very funny too. :D
Her shooting all 3point, 99% go in, WOW.

Today teacher showed us overall marks.
I PASS ^^ hooray! But teacher say about 6ppl
cnt go sec2 express. Those ppl very SAD.

Tmr is shannajiejie bday party :D
Hope i can go out! :) Then can go church too. :D
Pray hard! >:l
Very sian leh... hope guitar lesson faster start! >:O
Shall end here, BYEBYE! :)

I always see you when you are not.
When I see you,you see me,
I turned away.I didn't know what to say.
I said something,you turned away,
It makes my heart break,and i will turn sad.

I hope we can be like last time,happy together. :)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Saranghae :)

Just reach home after basketball.
Went to BPCC to play with chengyi,his sisters
and weijie.
Not very fun, not very bored, ok lah. :)
2guys there, one singapore poly,another dono,
know Coach, Wow. O.O
The s'pore poly is once a assumptionite,more WOW.
They call Coach... Lao heng? O.o think so.
Then play with them awhile, quite fun :D

Then weijie came, played badminton.
Me&chengyi VS weijie.
Today at school, nothing happen.
Celine call me ChaoCheeBai.
And i call her CheeBai. :)
Nothing really much happen,had free periods,
from recess onwards.
Sian. I want to buy a guitar :(

Are you emo-ing or angry at me?
Or sad? I really cannot see this
anymore. I had always wanted to
ask you, but i was too scare.
What i know is, you are no
longer the one that i once knew.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My Brightest Sunshine Is You

School Came back today.
Went to school, gotten our results.
And i hate Math the MOST.
1 careless mistake that made me fail.

Hey guys, next time please check really carefully
about the question, what they want the answer to be.
If not, u will also end up like me. :)

My mistake is:
The question want me to leave ans in x:y:z
I gotten all the answer, method correct.
BUT, i leave my answer as z:x:y.
Argh!!! What a stupid mistake. -_- Because of that,
I've got 49/100. Great man. -O-
Nothing special today...Tomrrow is school agn.
Training is tomorrow too,pray that god will soften coach's heart!
Shall end here now, BYEBYE! :)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

East Coast park

Went to East coast today with ahsoh&ahma,
Went there to cycle...
And cycle for damn long o.o
My legs breaking :O
And i'm always the last one! Muahaha. ;D
There wind very big worh, i almost fly away. :)

After cycle went to mac and eat.
Discovered that ahma eat very funny xD
And i kept laughing. LOl.
After eating, went to bus stop to go home.
On bus, ahsoh kept "bang,bang" me using her hp.
Then i was reading, suddenly ahma&ahsoh laugh like siaokinna.
Continue until we reach BPCC there. LOl, funny.
Reached home, nothing to do. SIAN. :(
Shall end here, BYEBYE! ;D

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Today went to East coast Park to do CIP.
Pick up rubbish. -.-"' But quite slack, so is cool :)
Pick here and there... Alot of rubbish worh.
And the wind very nice x)

Then saw Ahsoh when i was strenching.
I was" ah...." thn turn my head saw her.
Cycling with her friends lorh, and i don't get to. :(
Had nothing much today, so shall end here now :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Art Exam

Today is art exam,
and i didn't have time to do very well for it.
Muahaha. :)
Layout, havent colour but manage to colour it during exam.
Final work> Disaster.
The first time i paint in exam,everything gone
Think i fail lorh...
The painting i done is like a primary1/2 kid,
My hands are all stained,my paper accidentally touch the blue colour paint
And i don't know how to tone it. -.-

I followed yesterday on the youtube,their teaching.
But it turn out like a stupid drawing.
To me,the drawing very jialat. Very very JIALAT...
Anyway, tomorrow is the last paper! DnT.
Die lorh, for the whole DnT lesson i had
I could not understand a thing, because
I can't hear the teacher talking! :)
Only copy some notes, do some worksheet
Do the pencil holder, and somemore
sit in the workshop. So HOT lah...
The class is spilt into half (even&odd)
Odd got air-con rm and Even got workshop.
And suay suay, i am in the even. No.4 -.-

Okay shall end here now ;) BYEBYE!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Hi Guys :)
Using computer as parents was not at home today,Yay.
Alot of exciting happen these few days,
Just forgot,sorry :)
Anyway,just done something on my blog.-.-
Look very weird, but nvm.
As long as it makes me feel good! ^^

Exam is going to end soon, Yay :D
3more to go! History,Art,DnT .
Math paper was so damn hard. Sure fail one lorh.
I am so sad.................. :(
Training is starting immediately after exams.
God,hope you can bless me for the trainings.

Okay, shall end my post here:)