Friday, April 17, 2009

Donation outside . =.=

Hi guys . Today , i cn say , is the worst day but a happy day for me . :) Worst is i have to open my mouth and ask for donation , which i dont feel i dare to even open my mouth at all . The first person i approach already say " No " thn i felt so sad ... Awww D: thn the worst of all , i had to bear with my urgent of going to toilet . =.= and NO WATER TO DRINK ANYMORE !!! D: and i was so thirsty . But wad cn i do ? Endure lorh . HAHA . :D
The Happy day was because , i had . . . . 4 letter word :D F_ _E < clue :D In the afternoon , i met wenxin and her friends . And of course they come here to help me . xD And the most Funniest thing is that : her friend take my donation box and help me to ask the aunties at the void deck . O.O ( help me thanks your friends wenxin ) x)
After we finish , we went bck to sch to give bck . And shermaine was lyk OMG OMG die liao die liao , i so less ! sure kena green form !>:O But her cher was saying rubbish worh , wad green form . Scare until all of us man . . . :O
After we get off the bus , i saw senior ( tinghui) standing there . O.O thn we stand down thr for awhile thn go to canteen together , the canteen was lyk in chaos ? O.O Eveyone was so noisy . Sigh* . After we sigh out , we went bck to lot one to meet dorothy , natasha , evan , sarah and suli . I was lyk , half dead ? dying of thirst and hunger . I got to drink and eat at 3 plus . =.= HaHa ! i can still talk , but i have nth to talk liao . :p
Till Here ! BYEBYE~! xD