Sunday, October 31, 2010


Yesterday went to queensway with dad,mum and bro to buy my basketball shoes! :D
Walked around, saw hyper rize, hyper dunk 2010, hyper dunk. Wanted hyper dunk, but the colour is eww,Blue, red and yellow. -_- Then saw hyper dunk 2010, black and green. NICEEEEE!!!! But, it is way over my budget, my budget is 150 and it cost hyperdunk 2010 cost $177. ): BUT IT'S SO NICEEE. ): Then went back to the first shop where everything is like cheaper than other shops. Then saw hyper rize and think it is not bad. ;D Look like hyper dunk lah, HAHAHA, then take and see if it is light, then wanted 8 for the size, but they only left 7 and half which is the sample one. Lucky 7 and half can fit. LOL. Thought cannot fit then must buy others. Mum says that the hyperdunk 2010 ( the black and green) is too black, not nice. Wth... -.- Then bought my shoes, went around to buy Bro's shoes. Saw he want de shoes, but no stock for his size. :D HAHAHAHA. Then, wanted to go home already when Mum kept wanting us to go IKEA. -.- Then walked around, saw some nice nice things. Then saw Leann and shihwee there, shock to see them in IKEA alone. Then when inside, walk walk, saw kieran and his family. So walk one BIG round... finally go home. :D
Having training today in the afternoon. Gosh hope it is not that HOT.
Not wearing hyper rize to training later cus it is not comfortable. :D Tmr go play basketball then wear. :D Yesterday at home kept wearing the shoes and jump around the house. Then my Brother saw me and say me crazy.. HAHAHA. Alright shall end here, having bad stomachache. And, i want to play games! LOL. Kay, god bless me for training, Amen

Friday, October 29, 2010

YES man

Today had training in the afternoon. Morning woke up, sleepy and tired. Lucky it was in the afternoon, if not i would have overslept. Then afternoon met up with Evan and Sarah at lot1 int, then went to school tgt. Slept in 67 bus and woke up just right at the school bus stop. Tired like hell, no energy. Then saw dorothy and shermaine in the canteen, then sit in the canteen to do the homework coach told us to do. Then shermaine told us that lucky we never train in the morning cus' it was bloody hot like hell and told us to see inn choong face. Turn over and looked, and saw his shoulders and face all red lorh. OMG lah. HENG AHHH.... Lucky didn't train in morning, if not will chao da. Afternoon's weather was cooling at the later part but hot hot HOT at the earlier part. Didn't really run alot, cus kept doing physical on the court. That is the worst physical.
Alright! Tmr maybe gonna go buy my basketball shoes already. :D But don't know how to go leh. :/ Trying to ask around. Stupid bryann ask him havent reply me. How to go..... Fuck the handicap one lah. Borrow then find excuses don't want return. Tell him go tell his parents then purposely don't reply my sms and find fucking lame excuses, think i dono is it. Then bryann they all keep like hint me that handicap like me. Please lorh, handicap de, so ugly mai act cute lah, every time give that face. I hate people who don't do what they promised and find excuses to avoid it. Please man, BE LIKE A GUY. I become guy also more jiang xin yong than you lah, HANDICAP. Go play your handicap basketball lah. Argh...
Alright, gtg now. It's 9.40, and i wanna play games. :D
BYE! (:

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Today training, thought training was 2.30, but actually it was 1.30. So, went there at around 1.45. Coach came late, so did four corner passing and long range passing. Muscles ache was killing me when i'm training, it hurts everywhere, from shoulders to legs. Then, coach came at around 3 plus. Did 3v3,5v5. Then he taught us one-two-two trap defence. It was tiring cus i'm always the infront one. -.- Had to 'sweep' the attacker to sideline and made him/her use their left hand. It was difficult cus alot of them had pass to another teammate, then what do i do? Lol.... Then after one-two-two defence, we played 5v5, mixing girls and boys. It was tiring due to lots of running. But fun? Had quite alot of bad passing, and at least my shooting was better than monday. Especially my under-basket. -.- Freak man. Tmr last day of school, yaye... whatever.
Sat have parents-meet-session... Tmr getting report book, gonna have to show it to my parents...and ya, they will say this and that. -.-

Monday, October 25, 2010


Okay, HELLO. :D
Suppose no school today, but we had training in school. Was sooo scare cus' it has been a long time since i last train. But today was okay.
Waited Evan in the morning. suppose 7.30 meet there, then she came late. Then i thought we will be late for training too. Then Evan said ms pek say 8.30 start. So, the bus stopped at the petrol station there and i looked out to the road and suddenly saw a car plate number 3311. Finding it familiar, i remember it was coach's car. Then i faster tell Evan, then evan faster eat her oat coookies in the bus. HAHAHAHA. Then, reached the school, started running from school gate, up the damn slope.... And of course! How can i forget, we drank a gulp of water before we enter the school. HAHAHA....

Lucky God was at our side today, it rain-ed and we don't have to go to the court cus it's wet and got lightning risk. :D Didn't even did warm up today, then we started our physical training. Did some dribbling of ball around the cones and jumping over the cones. Jumping over the cones was tiring okay... After sooo long of "no-training".
After 2 hours of physical, we went down to the court to dry it up, then when court almost dry, did some shoooting until the court was dry. Then finally played 5v5. Didn't really play 5v5 all the way, after going in a few balls, coach stop the game then taught us some set play on base line and side line. Was difficult to do, but i did try, especially when i got my position at the underbasket, and my ball went up. -.- Had to improve shooting. And had to do it at school, my house there de court is like shorter and nearer. And i only have a size 7 ball. So i every time shoot with size 7. Dealing with size 6 ball was hard for me, cus abit more strength, ball overshot, lesser strength, ball hit rim or whatever. -.- Gonna play alot on sat before going for camp on 1Nov. :D

Can't believe wednesday still have training. The school purposely let us go early cus of the O'levels.Then, after school still have training. Friday also! Hais.
Oh yes, today this uncle from our school one, some operating manager or what. Dorothy,Shermaine,sarah,evan, leann and me were at the canteen at the far away corner. We were laughing and laughing and laughing when the uncle come to us then shout at us. At first, don't know what he talking cus he just BLAHBLAHBLAH, and we are still laughing, then second time he come to us then say"Laugh what laugh! I tell you to shut up right!" Wth.... Can't believe our school staff also very ah beng one. I go COMPLAIN AH! HAHAHA. Somemore point right straight to us. Walao, i hate people who point at me and shout at me. Very kpkb sia. Then he kept standing at the canteen gate watching us. He no friend lah, that's why come canteen find us. HAHAHAHA. Then we played ABC, kept talking about those aunties and uncles shooting the birds in the canteen, using the rubber band go shoot his dick then what his dick fly or what lah. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Went to lot1 walked around with evan, shermaine and sarah. Was waiting for dorothy to come cus she want buy book. Then when she came, bought the book and went to library cus' dorothy have to find some chinese novels because of her mother. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Then sit at library, then went around lot1 and finally go KFC cus' Evan is hungry. HAHAHA. After a bite at KFC, went home. :D
During physical training today, Was sweating like hell, kept wiping off the sweat with my shirt until the shirt very wet and i have to use my pants to clean my specs. -.- No wind at all lorh. ):
Alright, a very long post? HAHA, gtg now. 8 have to give laptop back to Bro. Play abit first. :P

Friday, October 22, 2010

Swimming Carnival

Today is swimming carnival, swam individual freestyle tgt with Shermaine. :D
Damn tiring, legs kept hitting on the strings and nearly got stuck. But overall, not bad luh, at least i finished 50m. :D
After got up from swimming pool, only left leg numb like hell. Then my right shoulder hurts, my right leg pain now. Everything one side numb or pain. Wth, i'm a weird child. ):
During the relay event, got alot of people drown sia, nearly die cus of those stupid lifeguards. -.- See people drowning already still don't want jump into the pool and save them, still see awhile then jump. I got so impatient and scare that i nearly wanted to jump into the pool lorh. It's a life man. Somemore got 1 time, this sec1 guy drowning alr. then his friend went to save him, he hold his friend, then hold the rope, but end up got himself drowning too. 2 person's life sia! Then got 2 lifeguards still stand there see until mr loh wanted to go and save them then the lifeguards jump in.
And got invitational school relay too. Only regent secondary, wa, the girl damn power sia! Our school like already half way of the pool already then the girl dive in and chiong. SOOOOOO NICE. The way she dive like olympic like that lorh, WAAAA. *_* And she swim SOOOO FAST! Soooooo FASTTTTTT!!! OMG. *_*
Quite interesting lah today. My body is aching man. ):
Monday having training. ): Very scare. Newspaper say got 1 person die of coughing because of the haze already sia. Argh, scary.... Stupid SUMATRA!
Alright, i shall stop today's post here.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Damn those results I've got back this 2 days. Fail math totally, 43 ONLY. Can't even take POA. Now, i want POA than Lit. ): POA! POA! POA! ): I don't want Lit..... I don't read storybooks!
Happy with my english,geo and MT. Not happy with math,science and history. ): Damn science, i suppose to get 70! Fuck man. Stupid history, i want take history but don't think i will get 60% for history. ): I dont want geo! So difficult.
I WANT POA! I DON'T WANT LIT!!!!! D: HAIS. Happy that there are camps coming up :> But trainings are also here soon. next monday. ): Good luck to myself... Gonna have alot of exercise this week... ): Basketball almost everyday, swimming on friday. Swimming carnival on FRIDAY! Somemore i swim freestyle individual, and i'm not going to swim FAST. :D Gonna swim slowly so i won't get into top4 and go into what Assumption team A or what shit and compete against other schools. Cus we also got invite other schools to join us. Stupid man. -O-
Swimming tmr with mai. :D Need to swim 50m, LOL. Only lucky lucky then i can 50m. Not lucky,25m, half way die. :D
Alright shall end here, want to pack things for tmr. :D

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Aww man

Didn't went to gym today. ): sad. Mum jio me out to orchard today, didn't want to go.
Woke up this morning and touch my shoulders, SUNBURN! ): So suay... Very very bored now. Next monday trainings will resume. Very very scare, but also excited. LOL. William wanted to vs the s'pore youth again... Alright then i will just ask lorh. Since he wanted to see SOOOO MUCH. HAHAHAHAHAHA. :D
Yesterday see chengyi's magazine, about SNSD and other kpop groups. Then saw the 'get a chance to win a ticket to kpop night ticket' Then chengyi told me go try. Won't be so lucky one lorh, hais. ticket is $118 one, which is like the furthest away one, LOL. HAISSSS.
End post here, such a boring sunday yea?

Friday, October 15, 2010

Fell down

Went to play basketball with chengyi and his 2 friends and william and his gan kor kor.
Going to be chao dao as the sun is very bright today. Lucky went in to shelter, if not i will get sunburn at shoulders again. Didn't play well today cus all the muscles is gone during the no-cca period. 2 more weeks and trainings is coming, west zone coming. Hais. Training up hands and legs muscle. :D Just now learn jumpshot from william, so tiring. -.- Keep jumping and jumping, hand no energy. ): Hais, have to keep shooting and have to be fast! C'mon......
Tmr going gym with Mai. :D Going run run run, and carry carry carry! I need to JUMP high. :/
Alright, just now try gai chengyi, hit the ball away, then his nail scratch until me. -.- Then, when william and his gan korkor come, played 2v2 with them and fell onto the ground cus william push me. Stupid, then hurt the same hand again, Ouch man.
Alright shall end here and play games. LOL. :D


Woooo, HELLO. :D
Finally exams over. :D Today home econ paper. Mrs yip didn't come to our class to give us the papers. One orange shirt guy came in and give us. He kept saying must start at 8.00 SHARP. Then, 8.00 he still havent say start, then all of us like debate with him for awhile. So, we all wait until the 8.00 bell. Wth... Then i half way doing, he explain to us one qn that got 7 choices but only need 6. Keep talking no link things, somemore the instructions got tell us what. LOL.
Home econ paper was sort of hard lorh. I keep repeating the same thing, coronary heart disease, constipation,hypertension .... Hais.

Tmr bball at my house thr! Woot. Gonna play 1v1 with 2 guys, cus they say they want challenge me, LOL. Then gonna shoot 3 angles, and free throws. :D Need to improve my shooting and lay-ups. :D C'mon, jiayou. (:
Alright shall end here, so bored. :/

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

TOOT man.

E-learning is driving me crazy lorh. Some say no work, some say got work. Everything is here, then there.Screw it.
Got to go occupy myself with something.
I WANT TO GO OUT. ): my stomach is grumbling. LOL
Kay BYE. :D

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Will be mia-ing due to Examinations coming on Monday 04/10!
Wish me luck and good luck everyone! :D
BYE. (: