Monday, November 30, 2009

I'm Too Busy

Too busy to post anything in blog these few days.
Today is the first training after my camp! :D:D
And i eventually was late for training. LOl.
Sleep over the time, PIG man.
After training went to queensway sec.
Catherine and me help the yishun town
as they dont have enough ppl.
LOl, Vs kranji!!!

Those memories during this year.
Birthday this COMING SAT!!!! XDXD
Dono how am i going to celebrate.
I want bbq~~~~ But my mum dont let.
I begging my mum! Pray that i will succeed! >:(
Nth much to say now
Wed have friendly match against Anderson.
WOW,thn nid to go queensway sec to help yishun town agn. :D
Wad a busy day man.. Shall end here.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Back from LTC Camp!
These 2nights didnt sleep well. D:
12am+ sleep and 6am+ wake up.
WTH man... :O
But it's okay!
I'm back at home to sleep how long i can. :D

Just had to say i had fun yea :D
Truthfully.The 1st breakfast i had there was awful. :S
Even haven't eat,The smell already very VERY SMELLY......
During the leaders' night was the most exciting. :D
Shall end here! BYEBYE! :D

Saturday, November 21, 2009


Today is Open House,
Basketball is the last station,
And for the whole day, none of the parents came.
Only 1 group,the sc bring the parents walk around.
They didn't even reached our station,all tired half way.
What the hell.................
When the 1st and last group came, we were so excited.
It's the 1st, and the last.
When they came, just played with them.
And suli sprain her ankle when showing the demo for lay-up.
It's pain, yea.... Very pain.

Jurong came at the morning today to play with us.
I didnt play as me and sarah went around the school
to paste papers.

Getting stressed and pissed now.
Camp Camp CAMP... Waste ppl's money and time. -_-
This cnt That cnt,Which one cn?!!
Normal de also cnt,Go die LAH.

Shall end here,BYEBYE.

Monday, November 16, 2009

I'm Tired.

Today went for training in the morning,
TOUGH man. Kept doing the same thing
over and over again until training end.

Morning do foot drills,thn kept feel like vomitting.
vomitted once after doing foot drills.
I also dono why i vomit. -_-
wad the hell...
Then after training,played match with boys.
Suli and shanna jiejie played. haha. :D
Training end... thn suppose go home,
dorothy and evan went for dono what rehersal.
Thn we wait by playing bball tgt.
Played with Patricia,Suli and shermaine.
FUN! :)
Kept make fun of one another. haha :D

This coming sat is OPEN HOUSE!!! :)
haha, yay... :)
Urgh... shall end here, i am freaking tired.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

My real sunshine



Yawn* Had nth to do. ._.
Feel like sleeping man. -O-
Shall end here, BYEBYE~ :)

You gave me sunshine
The brightest,biggest,
And the real sunshine i ever had.
Thanks to you,
I had gain back my potential. :)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Shut up.

Today's training is a mess.
Don't even say about it, long story.

I dono what is really happening.
Because i don't want to bother these anymore.
And i don't want to listen,so please shut your mouths up.
If you want to say something, say it out loud.

I hate people who gossip. -_-

Today is a bad day for me. I'm starting to know all your true colours,
and hate your. Maybe i should not be with your.
These are words which come out from my heart,
if you don't like it thn don't read it. Thanks.

I really don't know what to say,
And had nothing to say. I just need to cool down.
Shall end here, BYEBYE.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Just now went for the Ltc camp meeting.
Cnt go in the first place,thn the ldr call
say MUST go.
So, go lorh. Sigh*
And of course, i was late. Thn discuss...
Talk... Thn played some games.
Sec1 camp had played before, so it is like quite
ya... Thn 12+ let us go. And it is damn freaking hot.
Just reached home and ate my lunch.
I didnt even had my breakfast lorh. -_-

Very tired these few days...... Almost everyday woke up at 7+
to go school. I will have panda eyes man.
Doing nth right now.
Praying that it will not rain.
Shall end here, BYEBYE. :)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Candies :D

Hello... So sian...
Anyway today went back to CONCORD@!!@#@#
For the pri6 students de lah. LOl.
Everything turn so fast lorh.

And i went around the school looking for some pathetic thumbtacks
Met until mr koh thn go general office found.
Anyway, tmr training. Also cnt train... ankle sprain.
LOl. Going to recover, muahaha!

I wonder why do we have to train every monday, wednesday,friday.
No matter exam coming or holidays, still the same.
WONDER..... Kay nvm.
Just pray that i can endure all training. :)

Shall End Here, BYEBYE! :)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Class Bbq

Yesterday went for class bbq after training.
1st class bbq. Not all went... But it was still fun. :)
Also celebrated Luke's and Herdy's Birthday. Lol..
At night Celine started splashing water on me.
And i am all wet.
Mai and i kept listening to MC Mong's songs.
Then "omg omg". LOl. :D
Went home at 9plus :)

Today went to SouthView Pri. To intro AES to them.
Very fun man. We shared the same class with Kranji sec.
They behind,we infront.
And I sit inside Ms ong's/mrs Ong's(forgotten) Car!!! xOx
Omg... Freaking nice and cool. And she is rich too. LOl.

Shall end here now, BYEBYE! :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Birthday To fuchui :D

Tmr is FuChui's Bday!!! :D
Wish i can celebrate with her.... :(
But my timeslot all full. x_x LOl.
Anyway, just woke up. Muahaha! Pig horh? '(oo)'

Nothing to eat for breakfast,and i am now hungry. D:
Nvm... wait for lunch thn. :)
Ok, talking crap here. ._.
Really freaking BORED.
Wish to go out somewhere far far with frens one day! -O-

I'm really tired... I want to quit.
Would you agree?

Shall end here, nothing to post. BYEBYE! :]

I don't want to fight with you over matters.
But you just sound so angry,i don't even know
if you are angry or not. I pray that between us will
grow instead of falling apart.

Monday, November 2, 2009

I want a Genie

Yesterday went Keat Hong park.
Play basketball with Zhengni&Wenxin. Amelia went Malaysia. :(
Not fun de......
Less people and Too sunny until i chaoda.
Play alittle bit,Went to mama shop nearby.
Sit there,then Zhengni say me very quiet,very emo.
I dono wad to talk about mah... :D
Okay,i admit i am not good at communicate. -_-

Anyway, after sitting, went to Sunshine.
Bought things... Then sit at void deck do.
Went so bored and started folding paper cranes using unused papers.
Then Wenxin saw and went so surprised.
Ask me teach her make. So make make....
I used a string and tied it into a necklace. LOl.
Wenxin was then still trying to master it. Hahaha. :D

After doing, pick up our papers on the floor.
It was all because of the Big wind before.
Hahaha,so guai :P
Then went home at 5.30. :)

Shall end here, BYEBYE! :D